How will they fuck up the remake?

How will they fuck up the remake?

The atmosphere is totally different, they already DID fuck it up.

its missing that green tint/fog

by removing the intentional sub 20fps for one

They won't. Bluepoint games hasn't made a mistake yet and at least some members from Japan Studio are bound to be involved. The trailers have shown that they're keeping the atmosphere intact which is the most important thing.

By not adding the cut content of the original, also by making it more "action".

the grainy visuals added to the atmosphere. they better leave it like that

When is the release?

is bluepoint man
it will be ok

>By not adding the cut content
Hard to do when Ueda forbade it.

how is it different

Ueda also isn't even with the company anymore.

early 2018
probably will get an official release date at psx

bluepoint had nothing to do with the content that was cut
how would they know what to add or how it was supposed to originally be like?

by making it at all, what a shitty game

Who said I need it on the first place? Ps3 remake was more than enough. Stop selling the same game thrice you sony FAGGOOOOTS

fuck off, it's exactly the same

By not putting it on PC.

By adding loot boxes

>Ps3 remake
that was a remaster
the ps4 one is a remake

why would you think that was ever an option

Does it matter? Nobody will buy it anyway.

They won't

You'd be taking a serious blow to your standing if you were to fuck up a game as famous as that one.

I'm wondering if it sells well enough they'll also remake Ico

They'll make it boring like the original

Wtf are you talking about, bluepoint already fucked up the ps3 port of the game by changing grip values

A platinum in the game is one of the rarest out there because of it

loot crates

>Wtf are you talking about, bluepoint already fucked up the ps3 port of the game by changing grip values
Actually, the PS3 port has the same grip values as the PAL PS2 version.

>No Cut Colossi

They already fucked it up, the PS3 version was already 1080p (or close to it i can't remember) & even had 3D support, why do we need another HD remaster?

The cut colossi looked really fucking interesting, they should at least add 4 to make it an even 20

They're gonna fuck up the boxed lighting and completely kill the atmosphere

The animations are already completely fucked up, they look horrible.

Fucking retard it's completely different.


That PS4 shot is the opening cinematic, that isn't gameplay

>HD remaster

It's a remake

>they should at least add 4 to make it an even 20
They're not the devs of the original. If they just started adding shit the chances of them fucking it up is like 90%.

No bonus colossi

The AI for the Phoenix & Worm is still on the old PSM Demo discs & since they have the source code, they likely have far more than that

It really wouldn't be hard to see what Team Ico were going for & try to recreate that if the devs could be bothered

that image...

There are lush areas... and they're in contrast to the predominantly vast, desolate and arid spaces everywhere else. Turning more areas into big overgrown forests to make it all "beautiful" and "next-gen" is going to fuck up the atmosphere...

... and I completely see the irony of using the term 'next gen" to criticise making something green, and not brown, but I stick by it. It'll fuck this game up.

GENTLEMEN, it's simple.
Loot boxes.

They already did, it looks fucking bland without the green fog.