It still hurts, Sup Forums

It still hurts, Sup Forums.

I don't think it will ever stop hurting.


It seriously had the potential to be the best horror game ever released, perhaps better than any other film too. FUCK Konami.

The Fox Engine had so much potential and Konami is never going to use it to the fullest. Look at Metal Gear Survive it's nothing but reused assets.

>interractive trailer demo that is openly claimed to have nothing with how the actual game will be is somehow an indicator of "the best horror game ever released"

No, just no.

It still gives you the idea of how far they're willing to go with the game. Not to mention all the big names that were involved.

Not him, but it shown they know how to make a great atmosphere.
If it came out it would be day one buy for me, wouldn't even bother waiting for reviews.

You can completely change the plot and add more to the gameplay for a full game. They completely nailed an atmosphere and sense of dread that you rarely see in vidya.

>they took it down
>they'll never put it back up for $5
I'd fucking buy it you Nip Jews, you love money, let me give it to you.

>tfw can't download it

It demonstrated an understanding of player psychology and escalating tension and dread unlike any other game I've ever played. Even if was short as fuck. Not to mention Kojima Productions had many ex Team Silent staff, who were responsible for arguably the best horror games released. Pair that up with Kojima's great mind fuckery and Guillermo Del Toro's excellent mastery of atmosphere and imagery and I really think you could have had something special.

If it was actually produced and created, Sup Forums would find some minor shit and universally despise it. You only long for it and think it'd be amazing because it was taken away from you, not because of any objective merit or potential it really had.

Awhile ago I saw a .dat or whatever the fuck format it was of the game hosted on some file share site. If you downloaded it, I don't even know if it would work, but I have a feeling it will live on someday through emulation at the very least.

At least we have death stranding. Lets be honest, it's kojimas work that is most important.

>he didn't "purchase" it so it was added to his account
Even if you got a PS4 way later, you should have at least snagged it by its last day. I did so, like six months before getting a PS4, and I just downloaded it like two weeks ago with that workaround

I'm selling my P.T. machine.
pm me offers.

but mgs 4 and 5 suck though

>It demonstrated an understanding of player psychology and escalating tension and dread unlike any other game I've ever played

It literally was a corridor walker.
Hell, at most maybe a simple tech demo for their engine.
I didnt realize that jump scares are cool again.

I played it (never finished though) and thats what it felt like. A corridor tech demo.

Trust me there are much better tech demos that never went full game just like this one out there that deserve a lot more love.

there's only two jump scares in the game you retard and one is easily missable

>literal walking simulator
who cares

I respectfully disagree

Yup it was nothing but jump scares you are very smart man
>Corridor tech demo
haha wrecked!

5 was pretty good though. The main problem was that it never got finished probably because of shit going down at Konami. The base game is great and I enjoy the stealth but it just had way too much padding. At least Kojima learned his mistakes from 4.

I'll suck your dick

Nothing about Death Standing has enticed me whatsoever. Given that Kojima's writing went down the drain after mgs4, I don't have high hopes for a good story, it'll be decent at best. We have yet to see any gameplay, so there's really nothing for me to be excited about honestly.

gameplay of 5 was great. Story fell apart because Konami weren't giving Kojima another 3 years to finish it.

I disagree on 4 but 5 sucks big ol cocks. It has no reason to exist because whatever happens in the story is so inconsequential to the series it may as well not have happened. The gameplay got repetitive when your doing side missions, this problem worsened during the second half of the game, and was overall pretty boring.

I like to believe Death Stranding is basically gonna end up being the Silent Hills we never got.

pretty sure kojima confirmed its not going to be a horror game sadly. i hope it does have more horror elements the same way MGS has all of its spooky mindfuckery though.

Kojima getting fired was a ruse.

He is actually working on a combined P.T./MGS game relabeled Death Stranding.

Im just glad nobody on PC got to play PT and wont get to play Death Stranding

I'm pretty It's still Silent Hills, they just removed any reference to the franchise and now it's its own thing

It's okay, nobody on PS4 got to play PT either & DS will be moved to PS5 in 2020's

Del taco made one good movie in his life time and you faggots prop him up like he's the god of cinema, he's just a mexican m night.