Why nu-Doom is so easy? I just finished Nightmare difficulty on a pad without much problems. It's kinda frustrating on first levels because you die too fast but once you get super shotgun game is pretty much won. Shit rapes literally anything bosses included. BFG just adds to you being insanely OP. Lots of weapons are pretty much useless and ammo rune and chainsaw make ammo manegement none existent.
Why nu-Doom is so easy? I just finished Nightmare difficulty on a pad without much problems...
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The game almost never puts you in stressful situations where you didn't consent to having enemies appear. It's always a matter of having shit showing up in conveniently open arenas that make the combat a predictable breeze.
Its impossible to match original doom anyways
because the game's design and balance is dogshit, I wouldn't say weapons are useless but they lack their own specific function in combat.
The game just has so much fluff and gimmicks attached to try and make up for the the fairly half baked, predictable and ultimately disposable content.
It is a casual console shooter, made by Bethesda, for the "Valve playtester"- tier morons of GenZ gaymers.
D44M is a fucking shitstain.
With that mentality, hell yeah it is.
What the fuck is wrong with late 2010s (AAA) devs, failing to capture THE 25yo classic's (well documented and researched) feel? Hell, indies and modders have had no problems replicating it over and over again!
>Its impossible to match original doom anyways
[HUH's internally]
because they design the games for retards.
there are a couple of decent indie games that are stepping the fuck up though.
Those playtesters were women for sure
Or 50 yo dudes
>implying Doom is known for it's difficulty
You can easily beat Episode 1 of Doom 1 without dying at all on ultra violence.
I enjoyed the game but I can agree it was way too easy later on. The infinite ammo with a certain amount of armor rune combined with the upgraded chaingun turret that never overheated was absolutely fucking broken.
I never understood why you guys think turret mode is that good. Siege mode is much better from distance and super shotgun is the king of close combat and you don't need rgr gimmicks too.
yeah it's known for just being a good game, something which the new Doom is not.
Because you're good at video games.
> once you get super shotgun game is pretty much won.
I've read this bullshit repeated here a few times, it's so wrong I don't even know why you bother parroting it.
I'll admit I liked the game since it came out despite it differences from the original doom, doom 2 and doom 64, but most of the complaints here sound like they're from people who didn't play it, or watched some youtube video and assumed things.
That kid who implied that the super shotgun was a win game button is so full of shit, he hasn't touched this game in his life. It's just a slow gun that's inconvenient at long range.
I'm all for criticizing games but at least play the fucking things. Shitting on them irrationally doesn't get you any cool boy e-cred points, you tryhard piece of shit.
Doom is pretty much a perfect game and it's not going anywhere, I don't see why we'd need to remake it.
you completely miss the point of the criticisms then.
Nobody is saying it should be exactly like the original but it should damn well take on board the original's basic design principles which are THE gold standard for fps and action games in general.
also what I think he means by the ssg comment is that the weapon balance is homogenised rather than sensibly grouped into tiers like the original had.
>lele look at me mum i hate d44m i'm a contrarian! :D
How is this wrong? It has insane damage and stopping power, double shot and a lot of ammo. Even fucking barons melting under its fire. Cyberdemon fight was a joke using super shotgun, it does so much damage it's not even funny.
>he hasn't touched this game in his life
I guess you're some retard in denial because I clearly stated I finished the game on Nightmare difficulty. And I used super shotgun like 90% of the time. I switched to other weapons just because it felt so repetetive to use shotgun all the time.
>inconvenient at long range
>at a long range
Lol. You rarely fight at a long range.
Could you be more vague? Diluting your bullshit doesn't make it less bullshit. The original's basic design principles were playing the maps until exhaustion and changing them accordingly. This took Romero a few minutes each time due to the simplicity of the engine itself, probably not so much with id 5. It also relied on single floor levels and 2D sprites which hardly had an impact on the hardware. Claiming "you didn't understand" is the cheapest, most childish cop-out you can come up with while debating someone, apply yourself
What is even homogenised about the weapons, anyway? I agree that they kind of get lost in the sea of dull upgrades, but they're pretty much gun by gun what the originals had.
Half of the comments on the thread are bitching about things not even in the game, whining about the current state of the industry and begging for that delicious old skewl e-cred that comes from shitting on new things.
At least try to be objective while criticising something instead of indulging in retarded circle jerks.
>How is this wrong? It has insane damage and stopping power
And a short range. It becomes evident how wrong you are the moment you play the thing. It doesn't really do anything better or worse than any of the other guns besides wasting ammo.
If you honestly think
> once you get super shotgun game is pretty much won. Shit rapes literally anything bosses included
You haven't played one minute of this shit.
Then it's obvious you didn't finish the game on any difficulty, because it's physically impossible to use the super shotgun 90% of the time. You're starved for approval and wanted to make a cheap bait thread so the kiddies would jerk you off.
What a needy twat.
Do you want me to show a game with completed nightmare or something? You fight at close range all the time in Doom, game is fucking made for such fights and strongly encourage such play. Did you play it like some fucking call of duty retard, running away to cover and doing headshots?
you still miss the point I'm not just talking about the maps and engine limitation but everything about the games design from player movement to weapons balance to AI pathing its completely out of whack
specifically about the gun balance what I mean is that the weapons don't have their own function outside of the gimmick upgrades which are just fluff and aside from the pistol and gauss they all kind of fit into the same damage tier give or take a little, I never found myself thinking "which gun should I use for this particular situation" at all during the game because of this.
Have you gotten ultra-nightmare slayer ratings on all the levels in arcade mode yet Sup Forums?
>You fight at close range all the time in Doom, game is fucking made for such fights and strongly encourage such play.
Sure, but not 90% of the time. You're full of shit, son. The super shotgun stop being useful once cacodemons come around.
>you miss the point
translation: I'm changing my tune because you caught me on my bullshit.
The engine limitations are intrinsically married to how the maps were built, you cannot separate them at all. The map design, enemy placement and even the lighting were built around the engine's limitations. Take a look at Quake and how it was built around the newer engine for comparison. Games like Doom and Quake cannot be made nowadays, because id doesn't need to fly loops around the software to make things work. Which is a shame, but that's a different discussion.
>it's obvious you didn't finish the game on any difficulty
You can shut up now.
>once cacodemons
Literally die from two doubleshots. Git gud, scrub.
You can play the game however you want. Sure you can just use the gauss cannon's siege mode the entire game, or constantly switch it up to keep it entertaining.
Do you constantly use exploits and OP weapons in other games and call those games easy too?
I got bored of it really fast. The areas all looked the same and the enemy variety was really bad.
HL2 was the last good FPS.
I haven't changed my tune I'm talking about the new game not the old ones.
also they could easily re-create the original Doom or quake in the new engine, they could probably even have it read Quakes map data so I don't know what you're getting at.
I've done like 3-4 first maps and the last one was only gold rating. How hard is it on the later levels? (Never really studied the system too deeply as for optimal routes/weapon usage/what gets most points etc.)
>b-but the shotgun is w-weak guys! I always die when enemies are c-close!
>id doesn't need to fly loops around the software to make things work
Sure bro, that's why the number of monsters on screen is severely limited in nuDoom and every battle takes place in the closed arena. No particular reason at all.
>Why nu-Doom is so easy?
So nugamers can feel good about themselves. I still found it kinda fun though until the repetitive encounters and hell environments made me bored.
It was fucking Nightmare, the highest difficulty aside that gimmick UN shit. On the highest difficulty I want to use everything game has to offer to fight the challenge. So I expect such challenge which will push me to the limits.
Try to finish it with a power glove and report back
I finished your mom with a power glove yesterday.
>You can play the game however you want.
this is both a problem and a complete lie
sure you can use whatever gun you want with its' gimmick mods but that removes any kind of strategy or tactics as most of the guns now just accommodate every situation.
the lie is how scripted and predictable every encounter is.
More importantly
Why does the soundtrack sound like two men shitting into a microphone?
Wub wub wub brap brap brap brap brap woooooowwww wwwwoooooowwww wahhhhhhhhhhhh
I keep getting so close to getting gold on every level but one of the arenas in Necropolis fucks me over so hard that I always get 100 points short.
I actually quite liked the sound, but that could be because I played the suffering ties that bind before doom 4, ttb has awful sound, just an overwhelming cacophony that really numbed my senses, so compared to that most things would sound good.
but they did EPIC shit like record chainsaws cutting up meat and put pentagrams in the music you can see with a spectograph
As if any of you people shitting on D44M would have liked Doom had it come out this year
Fucking tryhard neophobes
I liked it. Game was very fun despite many flaws. But the balance is fucked and I really hated all those weird autoaiming upgrades and upgrade system in general. If game was just non stop action without exploring and upgrading bullshit it could've been so much better.
Welcome to 2017, where people say a game like Cupmeme is one of the most difficult ever.