If the game industry is going to gay pander, why don't they make the male LIs traps instead of gross dudes?
If the game industry is going to gay pander, why don't they make the male LIs traps instead of gross dudes?
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That's a cute girl
nobody's going to recognize your thread without hair sniffing, little weirdo.
What's the point of fanboys? If you're going to go gay, might as well go the whole way with a builtfag with a huge cock
Hoping it'll last longer this time, huh?
because traps are only good in an anime style form, western and 3D traps are fucking gross
>Thought this is the same thread but still alive
>It's the same god damn thread for like the third if not 4th time in a row.
God I wish that were me.
How did her phone poke his eye out?
>Am not into traps
>Really like tomboyish, skinny bodies
Is this the first stage of becoming a faggot?
Which one?
who is this cute human female
Yes. Start looking at their feminine dicks and you'll end up addicted.
Have a good time with us.
Your new waifu.
your thread earlier today was moved to trash for a reason
If you don't recognize the artist then you are not ready for it
>all cute guys are sluts
>hwn give you an injection
that would never happen because
basically its gonna be the same thing with fat ugly women bitching about hot women in vidya
except the croud would be a lot of gay men, most shemales and practically all traps
also... that pic is hot af
Astolfo makes me question my sexuality.
Not all of us.
artist name
I wanna lick a cute boy's tummy
Gay people have no interest in traps, because they are obviously having feminine features, like women, which gay people don't find attractive
>the average slutty trap not liking traps in vidya
>her will never
learn to english, tard
Alexander is cuter
Traps are feminine, and gays are attracted to masculine traits. And Lesbian Women are too small a market to pander to.
Because traps arent gay
I'm hooking up with a cute boy next week, do you guys think I could get him to cosplay Astolfo for me?
What is when I am a boy but would like to be more trappy instead? Beeing Astolfo must be a dream, you are cute and all the girls will find you cute.
it's alt-straight
trump said so
do traps smell like girls though? girls are cute because of their nice smells. I don't like the way boys smell
Where and when did you meet him?
This is important
Tinder, the other day
Then that's even worse. You literally want to be a girl, you want to be something that men would want.
I always use feminine hygiene products and I take excellent care of my skin and hair. Usually I smell better than lots of girls in my area.
Depends on whether they take hormones or not. This is why 2D is best tho.
theyd feel threatened
i mean reminder that trannies are being bitches about how they should be considered women even if they look like men in a dress
Traps are considered offensive sexualised objects to them. No really.
>ywn suck her cute penis and swallow every drop of sweet cum
feels bad
Was he in the women or men section?
tfw too beta to use tinder
i'm terrible at chatting
I know 2d is best but I can't touch their pucci then
I demand you rub this all over your body or no deal
It was on vibrate.
Just use pickup lines and bullshit like you're smooth, smalltalk is weak on tinder.
Try again, and when you get a match type this to them: "Hey, you a parking ticket? Because you got FINE all over you!" any hoe worth your time will respond to that
you know i never tough it like that but,if gay people doesn`t like it,them is not gay,damn traps were not gay all along
I'm not fond of how peach smells and real cherry blossom doesn't angel very pleasant.
You'll get literal hoes, and at that point you may as well skip tinder and just go to your local red light district
Thanks user
Traps are weird because they appeal to the homosexual and heterosexual sides of straight men at the same time.
I will have to confirm this by smelling you and tasting you.
It's Tinder, not Christian Mingle
The thing is, a lot of traps also fap to traps whereas your typical Tumblr landwhale doesn't fap to vidya sluts.
what if it works?
i couldn't act alpha irl
>draw a girl with realistic proportions
>give them a wiener
Why does Japan always do this
Are there women on Tinder that actually end up charging for their time? I don't want to spend my hard earned money on some whore.
you gotta try it though, it smells like girl in the purist sense
Trap art arr rook same.
so you a trap that jerks it to traps?
I hope we enter a golden age of trap MCs. Think about it:
Since girls don't play vidya, they'll look at the cover and think "I'm glad they're making so many protagonists a girl now!"
People who actually PLAY the game can take comfort in that they're playing as a male.
For those who always say "I choose the girl because I don't want to look at a dude's ass for 40+ hours", they can play as a male but look at a female the entire game.
It's literally flawless.
Why would a knight of Charlemagne look like a twink and wear a garter?
>mfw I'm better good looking than half the girls of my class.
Girls aren't that flat in real life.
i just got dumped yesterday night will you guys stop making these threads
You straight up just have to fake it as hard as you can. You could spend the entire time LARPing James Bond and it'd work decently.
There are some people you can show vulnerability with though. Stacy doesn't care, but cute weird girl will like it if you express some anxiety.
adding good-looking people is sexist
I REALLY like this picture
Tasting, no, but I'd let someone give me a sniff.
I guess I'd give it a try to make someone else happy.
It's really not hard if you get a certain set of genetics and take care if yourself even a little.
Because you only watch trapshit and therefore you think it always happens.
>haha lets get lunch!
>y-you're paying for it right?
>wowee zowee that was really good! imnotgonnafuckyoubye
Except that you fags only make up like 2% of the population.
Because fanart. He doesn't really do that in the actual series. In fact he get's molested by his master(female).
I'm not gay but a cuteboi dressed up as Felix for me while I fucked him.
It felt pretty good but I realized this kind of stuff just isn't for me.
But I still find myself liking 2D traps.
What's worse is that he's been texting me lately and he wants to meet again (we live pretty far from each other) and he said he wants to dress like Astolfo for me this time.
Part of me kind of wants to do it, but another part of me kind of regretted it last time.
Sorry for blogging, just wondering what some Sup Forumsirgins would do?
I completely agree. I'm gay for cute traps and wouldn't have second thoughts about a well made one in a game. Big bear total faggot BROSKI gaylords, or dragfags, are however completely repulsive to me and have often reduced the quality of a game as a whole when I've been forced to experience it. No, those who are obvious jokes and are actually funny don't count, like some of the dudes in Godhand.
Why would you regret it?
Because he crossdressed and slept with his bff whom was dumped. But he just looks girly for the most part.
>just wondering what some Sup Forumsirgins would do
Sit at home and play video games. Now fuck off you normalfag unvirgin.
>I'm not gay but I fucked a dude
just accept it and talk to this guy again. you'll feel better once you accept who you are
post more feminine anime traps in girly clothing
my big fear is if I do gay stuff thats supposed to just be casual no strings attached stuff
the boi will actually be a vindictive faggot and blow up my spot by telling everyone I know what I've done
>it's not hard if you have 95th percentile genetics lol
humble brag on fleek
>I'm not gay
>a cuteboi dressed up as Felix for me while I fucked him
>I fucked him
user, I have news for you. You may not be 100% prancing lala homo, but you're sure as shit not straight.
>If the game industry is going to gay pander, why don't they make the male LIs traps instead of gross dudes?
Because most of us gays like actual men, it's """""""""straight guys""""""""" that like traps, so that wouldn't be gay pandering.
the more feminine they are the more likely of this happening
What's Felix, and what's Astolfo?
post pics.
dude if you're not going to do it please pass him off to me and I will take care of it for you. where do you each live (general region)?
I want to be astolfo
sissy white bois
Did you guys hear commiefornia made it legal to pozz people
>Astolfoniggers are from Sup Forums
Just as I expected.