Anyone got a PSVR here? Do you regret it?
Anyone got a PSVR here? Do you regret it?
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I do, PSVR is fucking dope as fuck, what other questions do you have?
I don't own one but I regret that I may buy one in the future
i havent used it for any game extensively since resident evil, rez and thumper. Im looking forward to ace combat and zoe but I fear itll just die out next year. It was a good try but I guess the consumers and devs arent there yet.
also its bullshit that we dont get a full western release for summer lesson. Its still fun to have people try it out when friends come over tho.
>what other questions do you have?
How bulky is the whole setup?
I have functional brain cells, so no, I didn't buy that trash
I won a PSVR in a content and still have it. I like it, but mainly because my PC can’t do VR so PS4 is my only alternative.
How hard is it to the eyes?
I own over 50 PSVR games, you'll get as much out VR as you put into it, VR itself is really fun though regardless of the game is seems to me. Even shitty games as fun to fuck around with in VR.
Yes. No but I want more 'proper' games and less experiences, tech demos and short experimental 'games'.
Finished RE7, Farpoint, Archangel, Eagle flight and playing through Solus Project now.
Are there real games for it yet other than RE7?
for me its not the eyes but after a while it just gets really warm and uncomfortable under the mask.
How the FUCK can the equivalent of a gtx 750 to run be?
I really can't imagine it being anything but terrible
Me but mainly because of the low resolution.
Werevolves within is pretty fun
>warm and uncomfortable
It helps to detach the rubber lining but then the light goes in from the sides.
Moderately. The initial setup requires a bit of installation, not too hard but it''ll take a minute to plug eveything in. I keep my VR headset in the box it came in when I'm not using it.
The headset itself only weight a bit under a pound or so so although it does take up some space, while you're wearing it you won't notice it due to how light it is.
I advise anyone that uses VR for the first time to chew bubble gum right before you start playing in VR, do this with a fan pointing at you if at all possible to reduce the chance of motion sickness which can accur if the person is not accustomed to VR and they play for long amounts of time.
Would you like some game suggestions or got any more questions?
EVE Valkyrie is vitually exactly the same as the PC version on a base PS4 with PSVR, that's because PSVR has it's own processors and PU.
I'm not a graphics whore, but how's the resolution? I heard it's low compared to PC, but would a normal human notice it or care?
>All these typos
Fucking keyboard
This is coming to pc but still worth buying if you own psvr
>going to buy the same game for the 3rd time
Guess the PSVR is good enough excuse.
Im thinking about picking one up when this supposed revised model is released. I just hope Sony treats it better than the Vita
Depends on how you put it on, how good your vision is, how well it's calibrated and if you have a regular PS4 or a Pro (Pro has slightly better resolution). Resolution is mostly decent but it isn't quite as good as regular decent screens, the thing is that people are usually blown away by the VR itself so resolution doesn't take the magic away from the actual VR sensation.
The key to PSVR headset is to keep your eyes focused mostly towards the center and use your head to look around in my experience. The reason I say this is because in order to keep costs down PSVR has a slightly lower resolution towards the peripherals of each eyepiece meaning that the clearest resolution is focused towards the center so turning your head to look around results in a much clearer view. The cool thing about PSVR is that it has 3 subpixel per pixel vs. 2 subpixels per pixel on the PS VR headsets. Of course if you have a decent PC rig, the Oculus and Vive have much better resolution, but you can use PSVR on PC as far as I know.
*2 subpixels per pixel on the PC VR headsets
Do it user, there's already a shit load of content and more VR titles are in the pipeline than regular games seems like. TV is a thing of the past VR is what everyone has dreamed about ever since the notion of VR was concieved.
Waiting to see how cheap they go on Black Friday/Cyber Monday, might pick one up then.
I do. Not entirely, but I'm about to. I'll give it up to the launch of Skyrim.
Shit is full of overpriced demos.
You mean about brightness? Not really that bad. In fact, quite comfortable considering that I had the same fear of getting my eyes fried. You can make the screen less bright from the quick menu.
Things get quite blurry at mid and long distance, but near objects look great.
yeah, but thats just blur to hide the lower LOD in the distance.
Is Skyrim VR confirmed to be 60fps? There's no way I would even consider it otherwise.
Anyone tried DOAX3 with it? Is it worth it?
Yes, all VR games must be 60fps minimum. PSVR uses reprojection to achieve up to 120 fps with PSVR though.
I don't know, I have PSVR and the asian release version of DOX3, but I haven't looked into which version I need or whether I need to buy the Japanese version off the game.
Asian version got VR patch a while ago.
Was free for a limited time.
Those things look like fleshlights in the thumbnail.
Can I buy the VR add on with US currency or do I need to use Yen?
IIRC anons mentioned HK$ for the asian DLC parts. Various web shops like Play Asia have the prepaid cards for all PSN shops so you might try that route.
Cool, yeah I've bought stuff in yen before, thanks I'll definitely get it now.
I'm thinking about buying 1 too
I got some Money saved up with an okay income
Should I go for it bois?
For sure, I've heard that PSVR is going on sale soon for like $270 bux
where is it going to be on sale? Playstation Store?
My policy on new consoles (or devices that are as expensive as a console) is to purchase it only if there are 5 games already out or coming out in the near future that I want to play. Maybe that could help you to decide.