What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?
I mean it, what the fuck was this guy's beef with me?
I knew that Camarilla's bread and butter is favors, so I stayed loyal to the fuck, for sparing my life, did everything he asked me for and then some, went every extra mile to repay that debt, didn't even cross my mind to fuck him over, let alone try to open 'it' and diablerize the old man myself and what do I get? Backstab after backstab, taking the fall for everything, having a fucking blood hunt called on me and when I finally snap and murder-rape my way up to his fucking tower he's like "How could you?"

What the fuck?
What for? What did I ever do to wrong him?

I told you about bloodsuckers man. Especially Ventrue bloodsuckers.

so according to the rules, if he diablerizes an Antediluvian, he just moves up 1 generation?

>those 2 red eyes in the window

He'd definitely move up more than just 1 generation, however the Antediluvian could take over his body since they're such stronger vamps.

The rules for Antediluvians are whatever the plot demands them to be. It's like the rules for fighting Caine: "You lose."

But yeah that's what would happen in an average situation.

OP welcome to vampires. Everyone wants to fuck you. That's how it is.

LC is at best gen 8, a gen 3 would just possess him.

Because diablerizing Antediluvians is such a good idea, right?

What's the point of Diablerie if the lower gen vampire just takes over your body? Happened with Tremere too..

you are not supposed to diablerize dudes who are 5 generations above you, this isn't hard to understand

Saulot let himself be diablerized though. Is there any rule that says that an antediluvian will take over no matter what?

>being snarky about PnP rules as if this is supposed to be common scientific knowledge

being familiar with the practice of diablerie itself and the fact the higher generation can possess during the attempt, kinda implies you can put two and two together and assume a overpowered human who can't go out into the sun shouldn't try to eat a fucking demigod

The basic thing about Diablerie is devouring a more lower gen vampire to become more powerful, which is basically all anyone would know about it if they only played Bloodlines.

>a overpowered human

LaCroix was being taken over by the Beast. He was always just concerned about becoming more powerful, and he enjoyed lawfully punishing people because it let him use his power. He thought you should've been killed anyway, and then when you found out about him plotting with the Kuei-jin he knew that he had to kill you or it would be his head on a platter.

You can still side with him though, it's just stupid to at that point after he tried to have you killed half a dozen times. Cabbie gives you the option of going to LaCroix and still trying to ally with him.

If you choose to ally with Lacroix do you still have to fight your way up the venture tower?

No, you just have to make the assault on the Asian temple and Ming to get the key.


It's the same in real life if you work for the people at the top, be it politics or goldman sachs. You are expected to eat shit for the privilege of being part of the upper society, until you can backstab your way to the top, and the old fart you backstabbed will be all like "how could he do this to me" even if he did the same thing when coming up in the world.

I get the impression from the Camarilla vampires that it's mostly fair game among vampires since they're all damned anyway, and not preying on humans is the least they can do to feel better about themselves morally

What generation is he?

Man,I went with Ming Xiao. Imagine how I felt.

diablerizing an ante-diluvian would make you an ante-diluvian yourself and create a new clan, but it's not clear if diablerizing an antediluvian is possible for anyone who isn't at least 4th gen. However, Lacroix isn't even sure the coffin contains an ante-diluvian, he's just hoping for a powerful vampire, like something between gen 5 to 6, that would give him a considerable power boost all the same. I don't know what would he do with the power boost tho' considering he can only use dominate (and he has mastered it considering he can use possession), probably just to get a higher status by default in the camarilla.


Who did he ever possess?

Is a Ventrue's dominate generally more effective than a Tremere's?

In the mission where you climb the tower to get to him, he speaks through you by possessing a swat guy, and that's a 5-dot dominate power in the pnp.

>Heath was given the name Gangrel, which was derived from a vampire clan from the role-playing game Vampire: The Masquerade.
Neat. High gen or a thin-blood though.

The game is basically screaming at you that Ming can't be trusted, she constantly takes every opportunity to insult vampires and even the Cainebbie says vampires and Kuei-jin will never get along.

We don't know for sure, but it probably is, and it's implied in the game by the fact that ventrue get more dominate dialogue options. It can either be due to social norms, since ventrue are expected to make high use of dominate, or it's a "genetic" trait, considering every clan has a signature discipline. Like for example, both ventrue and gangrel have fortitude, but gangrels being more battle oriented have showed better feats with it, like Beckett traversing an entire field during daylight.

>Beckett traversing an entire field during daylight.
Where does this happen?

So did lacroix ever have his stats released or is there a close estimate? I feel like the man never invested into fortitude. Even though he was youngish he was still too bitch status for a ventrue when it came to getting sliced in my opinion.

Pic related. Fortitude at high levels can protect you from fire and sunlight, for a time at least.

Why didn't Lacroix dominate Nines? Nines is a lot younger.

Gotta work your way up. Eat someone a gen younger every six years or whatever amount of time passes before the mark disappears.

Dark blood, our curse, a light this verse
Such power I sense in one so young
Come find me where burns the mystical sun.

He most certainly never invested in it, considering how weak most kue-jins are.

But where does all this happen? Is it in one of the novels?

There are no friends in the higher echelons of vampire society.

He doesn't give a shit about you. He knows you will kiss his ass for petty baubles and other favours like the rest of the drones, because he is more powerful than you.

Your generation is high enough for you to actually be in touch with your humanity. Elders like him are as jaded as they come. They know what's up, they have their own horrible dark masters whose asses they lick hourly. The cities they control are like petty sandboxes to those vampires.

Once you become powerful enough to usurp him, that is when you turn into a problem instead of a tool. If you can be exploited to increase his political power, he'll do it faster than you can say, Tzimisce and without a flicker of remorse.

Every mission he gave you, he was expecting you to die so he wouldn't have to worry about you anymore.

They don't call it the world of darkness for nothing.

Vampires are evil monsters. They drink blood and exploit mortals.

>implying humans can't become fucking monsters by drinking vamp blood
>greatest and deadliest vamp hunter in owod has a fucking run away on sight order simply because of vamp blood drinking

>Fortitude at high levels can protect you from fire and sunlight, for a time at least.
this gives me memories of playing VTM: Redemption online, where most people started a storyteller game, spawned in a bunch of badass gear and leveled their character, then went to other games to PVP people. Fortitude was fucked (since vampires can soak Normal and Lethal damage with high stamina, Aggravated is covered by Fortitude)

Everyone on Sup Forums loves Bloodlines so much, but Redemption is my jam.

>Every mission he gave you, he was expecting you to die so he wouldn't have to worry about you anymore.
When you finish with the Sabbat raid and go back to talk to LaCroix, if you talk to Chunk he says LaCroix wasn't expecting you. The only mission he probably expected you to make it back from was when you go to check on Grout so you can say that Nines killed Grout.

I don't know if there's a novel that writes about that particular event, but the pic is from the old official white wolf website.

are there still any decent WoD online communities, or any site where they meet up? Please don't say /tg/

Nines is too retarded to dominate. His mind is so chaotic and stupid it just doesn't work.

>you look like shit

wtf was his problem?

Nines seems like an okay guy :C

>Hey, this kid was sired illegally.
>Maybe I'll send him on a suidice mission instead of executing him, it's a win win for me.
>Oh God he's back.
>Welp, time for another suicide mission.
>He's back.
>Repeat five times.
>Oh God I've created a monster.
>Oh God he probably knows what I've been doing.
>Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck

He was supposed to kill you at your creation, but decided to make use of you and get you killed in a way that benefited him. Throughout the entire time he has the mindset of "By our laws this fucker needs to die" but his own attempts at using you as a pawn instead of killing you only powered you up to a point where he practically knew you were uncontrollable. The political climate of the area was also pressing him to make hasty decisions, or so his nervousness wracked mind may have believed. He had plans and you were a loose element, and even worse you were a loose element that only got STRONGER the more he tried to fuck with you. Yeah, you may be following his orders now, but what if you realized you could do so much more?

Basically a lot of situational factors mixed with his own belief that he needed to perform emergency damage control drove him to act against you. It could have been avoided if he realized that Vampires with your generation level are more in touch with their humanity and that your loyalty could have been bought with actual kindness and honesty. Maybe.

>saves your life like three times

wtf is your problem?

To be fair, that's some serious hand waving because the real problem is staying operational during daytime when you have to make a role EACH TURN just to stay "awake". Add to that the danger of frenzying and your chances of actually doing anything meaningful during daytime plummet.

It goes to show you weren't used for any specific skillset, since he has about a few dozen other aspiring camarilla goons way more capable of doing the job.

Hell, the motherfucker owns LA, he could've just gotten the security detail to haul the sarcophagus to his office. Across the street.

One of the best quotes in the novels is how vampires don't have friends, they just have victims and rivals. It's not helped by the fact you pretty much have to cut ties with your mortal life somehow.

I honestly don't know. Reddit might have one, but who wants to interact with any of those people?

My cock is soooo fucking hard

There are ways to know if a vampire is under Dominate, finding out that Lacroix dominated the de-facto leader of the Anarchs would lead to war. Also i doubt Nines would ever put himself in that position.

>Everyone on Sup Forums loves Bloodlines so much, but Redemption is my jam.

such a goddamn shame multiplayer never caught on like neverwinter nights' did. lack of editor didn't help.

Which vampires actually managed to take down a werewolf alone besides pic related?

Hello neonate.
Fledgling, my name is Maximillian Strauss, owner of the LA downtown chantry.
Thank you for locating the long lost gargoyle, heir of Isaac abram's fortune.
If there's anything i can ever do to repay you for your kindness all you need to do is ask

The sole quality that would've actually saved his dumbass was the one he most needed for his job: leadership. If he had just been a capable leader all of the clusterfuck that was the game's conflict would've been avoided.

the gameplay was shit

I still don't understand how that happened.

Nosferatu antideluvian. The bitch took down armies of the fuckers.

The Player character, which is more impressive than Nines because you didn't have a grenade and were of a higher generation than Nines is.

At least know I know that backstabbing souless chinks are not just a meme. In second playthrough I picked Strauss and I was content with that decision.

Nines stuffed a grenade down his throat.

anarch or lone wolf are the only acceptable endings. Fuck the Camarilla.

heil hitler, herr regent


I love that this guy plays a fucking MMO.

>plus patch

literally why would anyone do this? I don't get it

>get told that werewolves are a huge threat to vampires
>nines tells you guns don't work and getting close to a werewolf is suicide
>plus patch makes it so you can get close and kill it

Well I'll admit it definitely took balls to put his arm anywhere near that maw.

Is an 8th generation vampire in touch with their humanity or did the PC start off as an actual high number gen but then Caine lowered it?

I love how you complete fuck over Jack's grand finale. Wonder what his reaction would've been.

"...Any second now."

"Jack, I am afraid Mr.Strauss is more clever than you take him for. He has no intentions of opening it."

"Well, shit! The plan still worked but I've got the biggest case of blueballs I've had in centuries."

He probably didn't have much of a choice, to be honest.

Gangrels have spats with werewolves all the time.

Strauss makes me feel better about my baldness

Where and how?

He probably has a high level of Celerity which made it easier but it still almost killed him. He would've been dead if he didn't have the grenade.

He was desperate

But, hey, at least it's a vast upgrade from this bullshit.

Gen doesn't affect humanity score, only thing that does is age (in the sense that life as a vampire is cutthroat, and the older you get the crueler you get, generally.

The protagonist has a 15-dot Blood Pool, meaning he is of 8th Generation from the start. That means his Sire was a 7th Generation Vampire.
Either that or Caine manually lowered the PC's Generation manually right as he was being Embraced, somehow.

>A true master has played the game before the first move was played

Jack/Cabbie would've predicted that the PC was gonna give the sarcophagus to Strauss, who wouldn't open it, so they just didn't put any C4 in it.

What textures does the plus patch change? Did it alter anything about the Tremere haven?

Ventrue are spineless manipulators

So basically in WoD the older you get the more banal you get? Is that real from Changeling applicable to other game lines?

>4. Fuck you

Reminds me of Max's dream in Life is Strange. Mister Jefferson confirmed for Ventrue.

you never killed one, you just survived for 5 minutes or so
Which in itself is pretty amazing
It really is funny just how much were wolfs in WoD outclass vampires. I never knew why they went with that angle

You deserve Final Death.

>he didn't crush the werewolf in the observatory doors

>It really is funny just how much were wolfs in WoD outclass vampires.

Doesn't that only apply to vamps of a certain generation? And then older Vamps will completely decimate werewolfs with no effort? What gen is the cutoff where werewolfs become top dog

About to play this

What builds should i use for a 100% Run?

Now that's an interesting question due to outside circumstances.

We start at a high generation level but for some fucking reason we end up pretty broken, and the only logical way to explain that is mothafuckin' Caine. HOWEVER White Wolf later backpedalled on that being Caine and said it was only a high level Malk that thought it was Caine, but that raises a few issues.

Most importantly the that implies that our own personal rate of growth is so fucking beyond the norm that we'll probably be Antediluvians by the end of the decade. Either it was Caine and he boosted us up, or we're a freak of the supernatural that will end up ridiculously powerful on our own. Either way, depending on the route we go, we're pretty capable of taking care of ourselves.

Read his emails. He has a few friends who he's starting an MMO with. They literally advise him to play am Undead Warlock.

You can kill him by crushing him with the observatory doors in the vanilla game.
And you can fight him conventionally too, in the Plus Patch.

>Read his emails.
What emails? Is this some mod?

Seeing Lacroix get CHAIRED was so satisfying