How the hell can people stand team-based competitive video games?

How the hell can people stand team-based competitive video games?

How can you stand putting your faith in randoms to help you win the game? You can't trust anyone. The only factors at play should be your own personal skill, I hate relying on others to work together.

1v1 games are the only true competitive games.

Because only mouthbreathing fuckign retards play team based competitive games with randoms you mongoloid. Get some friends.


>haha I'm literally retarded I'm going to play a team based game alone
>waaah waaah why am I getting bad teammates how could this happen
>fuck team based games

So team-based games are only for normalfags. Got it.

>haha dude look at me I'm such a nerd I don't have friends
If you were any good at these games people would start adding you. But you are just memeing because you are a worthless piece of shit who is too pussy to take the genre seriously.
Wouldn't be surprised if you have never touched a fighting game in your life.




Make a lobby then.

There’s definitely some respect needed to those that exceed in team based games. It’s all a matter of skill. More importantly comparing a fighting game to a MOBA or something like Overwatch is like comparing apples and oranges. They’re two completely different species

i used to all the time.

then i grew up and could handle losses actually being my fault.

now i just exclusively play T7

I kinda agree but those can still be fun for casual play, but yeah I prefer something in which my efforts won't be castrated by another guy.

Where that lobby at, buddy? Don't prove me right by being bitchmade.

Because the safety net of blaming your team outweighs it

You sound triggered bruh. Just discuss the topic at hand

Not even surprised you are dodging.

Do people really think that losing a game is always never their fault?

yes. i have dozens of friends like this.

People even blame the game for being dumb. Saw it a lot with Cuphead streams.

*Picks sniper*
*Camps on the roof with other 5 snipers shooting at the snipers of the enemy roof*
*Loses game*

>"Wow team is full of noobs"

>being this terrified of conflict that you can't accept a challenge in a game you claim to enjoy
What a disingenuous piece of shit.

just need two people boring enough to play engie and your team cant lose

If you're playing a team based game competitively you won't be playing with randoms.

You are asking for too much on Sup Forums

IRL friends sure, but online? If you are good at something people are going to flock to you. Pick the not braindead ones and go from there.

I suck at competitive games, even casual shit like splatoon 2. I still have fun with it, though