Is this the holy trifecta of modern gaming?

Is this the holy trifecta of modern gaming?

Yes. There will be four once From release their next IP.
Daily reminder that only the new titles are good games in the souls series.

Pretty much, so far as JRPGs are concerned.


No this is just three different versions of the same game.

Not even a little.

I just wish I could play them all on one system. I don't care which one.

If by holy trifecta you mean the most consistently overrated games, sure

They're really the Rick and Morty of vidya. A retarded fanbase that feels a false sense of superiority because they've never played an actual difficult game

what if they just like the games
where does your psychological assessment fit into that?

>projecting this hard

Then they're not really part of the fanbase

It's perfectly possible to play a game, like it and that's that

Those aren't the people i'm talking about

>being this triggered
Sorry senpai, it's just the truth

So I'm not part of a fanbase for simply liking all games in the series? Have you heard yourself?

>no, ur just triggered
Pathetic damage control.


No, you're not. What's hard to understand about the concept? You can like something without being a fan

I wish that From would do an actual RPG as a new IP. I loved 3D Dot Game Heroes and would like something similar, not talking about graphixwise

You need to be 18+ to post here. Come back in a few years.

You literally telling me I'm not a fan because it doesn't fit your narrative and give you a scapegoat as to why you "just don't get it."
You can be a fan of something without shilling it 24/7.

>being this triggered
Please, use more energy to convince me how little you care

And you can like something without being a fan

Again, it's not a hard concept to grasp

not even the same guy but youre a fag

>get called out on projecting
>revert to damage control
>mindlessly repeat it over and over because that's all you have left
Come back in a few years

That's not the problem. The problem is that you're basing whether I'm a fan or not by how vocal and obnoxious I am about it.
Just admit you don't like the games and stay out of the threads.

Demon Souls is such a massively overrated game.

>rick and morty of vidya

im laughing at you

>don't want to play Bloodborne anymore because the 3-4 minute walks before each boss try just annoy me
>can't decide if I'm actually just bad at the game or the game has a design flaw

Do I have to just gitgud, or can I admit that this game is simply not for me, yet still not feel like I'm a casual?

I mean, I grew up with fucking Ghosts and Goblins, but I had fun with that all the way.

>You will never be so unbelievably insecure about 3 of the most interesting games in the last 20 years that you project your insecurities and lash out at a faceless group of tormentors.
Damn, must suck nigga'.

If you're not having fun just drop it. Never play a game you don't find fun.

This is the case in practically all games.
For the love of god, never play DeS. The route in 4-2 and 1-2 to the boss will annoy the fuck out of you, potentially 2-2 if you suck at platforming, as well as any multiple attempts at Allant.

hi millennial

Not him, but how old are you, user?

To be honest it was really fun in the beginning. I adore the setting the atmosphere and all that, but now I'm at the 3 shadows in the woods, and I'm just running around in circles, because I'm too afraid to hit them, because one small misstep or really any attempt at trying to learn their behavior will lead to death by 4-5 hits and then I'll have to roll all the way back for the same thing. Wait for the elevator, dodge the snake man, wait for the elevator, dodge the snake man, dodge the pig, dodge the other pig, avoid the zombies in the swamp, walk down the stairs.

And the problem is that I'm not sure if I should grind some or not? I can kill a snake guy with one single charged attack now. I just wish this game would be purely skill based without the bullshit RPG elements.

Really. I feel like I'm watching an art movie, and cannot decide if I'm bored because I'm dumb and don't get it, or there's really a flaw in it which is enjoyed or overlooked by others but gets the best of me.

What are your stats? What's your weapon and its level and what tactic are you using for the fight?

Lvl 56, Vit 20, End 20, Str 35, Skill 15, Bloodtinge 8, Arcane 8.
I use Hunter Axe +6 with Repeating pistol +6.
I put gems or whatever they are into the weapons mainly with +attack.
I usually use the Yharnam Hunter set, but for this area I picked up something with more poison res, and for the boss I've mixed my clothes so I have as much fire res as I can (260).

As I've said, I don't have much strategy, because I cannot try anything. At first I went with applying the electric bolt buff, because fire users usually don't like that. I guess next time I'll try that bottle which attract beasts, so they won't hit me for some time, but I'm not sure if they are actually beasts.

They're not affected by the blood cocktails.
Your stats and weapon are completely fine for this fight.
Your best bet is to focus on one of the trio, most people usually go for the caster, since he has the least health, but he's the easiest to kill at the end when the other 2 are dead. So apples and oranges.

Try to split them and engage only 1 at a time thought.

I am greatly pleased by the butthurt you caused

three similar games within the same genre are the end all be all?

>Not him

Hi insecure beta.

I'm not, but
>avoiding the question

>marketing and post-release press rely ENTIRELY on the alleged difficulty
>game itself is grossly susceptible to the same manoeuvre that completely circumvented rudimentary AI back in the 90s
Really touches the demon inside me.

Hey, thanks for checking my stats!

I'll do my best and try again.

Another thing: how far am I in? It still feels I'm just at the beginning, but I'm sure I've played like 20 hours already, and as I see it only has 30-35 hours of content. As I see I've cleared everything I could up until the Forbidden Woods. The DarkBeast, the Blood-starved beast. All the other ways were dead ends. The tower in the workshop has a closed door, the cathedral of the boogie men has a closed door at the lantern along with a closed gate, not to mention that right from Amelia's cathedral there's this way down a hill which leads to an invisible cloud of air killing me.

Yes, you're stupid.

Then I guess I'm just as difficult and hardcore as the enemies in the Souls games.

Did you check the left of the cathedral?
But you're on the right track, yes.
You're probably about just over 1/3 in to the game. If it's your first game in the series, it's no surprise that it's taking a little longer.
You can also do some of the chalice dungeons since you got the chalice after killing blood starved beast, but the shadows of yahrnam are the way to progress forward.

Taurus demon is not so hard user

you cant limitit to one series only

Well, as I remember there was nothing, but I'll check again.

Okay, I'm happy to hear I'm on the right track. For the record, the fact that there's no map is I think one of the best parts of the game for me. I love drawing this map inside my head, but makes me wonder how people who are bad at navigation handle this.

Cheers, user!

>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls
That's 3 series, and each one of them is more hardcore than all your favourite games combined.

For discussion's sake, what would be some other potential contenders?

there's always one, and no doubt you'll shit out a bunch of games from 20 years ago that are 'much harder' when it's totally irrelevant if platformers are harder. They are good challenging action rpgs and the average person doesn't bother to play through them.

>Fans thinking they're superior is equitable a marketing campaign only present for 2 games.
This is where I turn your point in on itself:
1. Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls 3 didn't advertise themselves as hard. This was a Namco gimmick for Dark Souls 1/2.
2. Almost everyone that plays Souls games and beats them insists they're easy, and that's because they are. The descriptor they would use is "punishing". You're going to have a hard time finding a Dark Souls player that insists the games are harder then the higher difficulties of a crazy game.

The only time "superiority" rears it's head is when people start criticizing the game in a way that's indicative of them not really beating the game due to giving up.

Some areas can be confusing. The forbidden woods can be quite irritating and it's my least favourite area in the game. But most areas are easier to wrap your head around.

>it's all the evil publisher, fans are all innocent and reasonable!
Which is why we've a;ways got people in Souls threads, including this one, responding to criticism with accusations of sucking at the game. Because the marketing campaign was entirely fictitious, and the game's fans totally don't follow the template it established. Right?

Git gud at critical thinking.

This, the calls for a Bloodborne 2 sadden me. Its pretty clear that having the freedom of technically a new ip allows the devs to try new things and have a new setting, being surprised and intrigued is a big part of what makes these games special and you just can't get that when retreading old ground.

Even though I own a ps3 and ps4 pro, I also have a pc. It would be nice to have bb on pc where all three dark souls are installed. I wish demon souls was on pc with online access. The emulator can do demon souls but then you can't do online.

>Because the marketing campaign was entirely fictitious, and the game's fans totally don't follow the template it established. Right?

that's video game marketing for you. all of a sudden EVERYONE is a parrot. same ol same ol since way back.

I just want a new title, what would you guys want to see as the new setting for the world ?

Bloodborne is amazing.
I hope From keeps making one-offs in the soulsborne genre in different settings.

>hey are good challenging action rpgs and the average person doesn't bother to play through them.
It's actually crazy to see for example in bloodborne how many people who got the game never went past the first boss, shit always baffled me

The 3/4 min walk really is just something you have to learn to accept. Its part of the game design that tries integrate a level and boss, making you go through it in good enough shape to fight the boss but most players will eventually find this routine tiresome and just run it, never mind if you have played other games in the series. I don't really know the solution to this, im leaning on them just giving up this kind of design and putting checkpoints before bosses as its kind of became a farce how most players just sprint through levels over and over to fight bosses, sprinting through levels kind of defeats their purpose.

Sci fi seems to be the most requested setting. Id be interested in what it could achieve however I don't want a sleek and shiny sci fi, keep the grit and take inspiration from HR Giger or Gothic aesthetics. My idea was for some kind of sci fi game where the gods of a world crafted gigantic ships similar to that of 40k ship designs (and other designs specific to each god) to escape their world, you could wake up on one of these ships centuries later which is crashed on an alien planet, this could be a self contained planet with interconnected level design like the original DaS, the aliens could have built around the ships and worshipped the beings that brought them. This or you could warp from ship to ship to adhere to Demon's Souls design.
This is just an idea but I think it has potential.

You're wrong again though and clearly new:
"Git gud" was used in Demon's Souls, when there was no campaign for this shit.
Git gud at not rewriting history.

>he couldn't git gud

So? Namco stole the idea from Demon's players? Why exactly does this matter?

The bottom line is, the community, whether by itself or spurred on by Namco, considers the series some kind of video game nightmare, and uses this illusion to deflect any and all criticism aimed at the frankly poorly made games.

Ahem* you guys are forgetting someone

pull your head out of your ass


Holy shit you are such a humongous faggot, user.

>"THIS IS THE MLP OF [X]" has been turned into "THIS IS THE RICK AND MORTY OF [X]"

Truly the mind of our time.

I mean, I dunno about "holy trifecta of modern gaming" because I feel that'd imply more than one type of game. But I definitely feel that the overall franchise is pretty on-the-level as far as defining the latest generation of video games - and they're quite great games to begin with.

Demon's Souls especially came out at a time where no games like it were being released.

Contrarianism will never go out of vogue on Sup Forums.
This board basically feeds on it.

>And the problem is that I'm not sure if I should grind some or not?

I mean, the game can be beaten pretty easily at just Level 1. The "RPG elements" are mostly just a pass-over from the prior games and are essentially just there to make the game easier, since the fundamental combat is the same regardless of what level you are. You will also eventually hit a wall where leveling up stats won't actually help you anymore as the per-level increase will gradually lessen until it makes no difference anymore.

Parry the melee shadows until theyre dead, then simply bumrush the caster shadow before he summons the snakes.

>You will never be so unbelievably insecure about 3 of the most overrated games in the last 20 years that you project your insecurities and lash out at a faceless group of tormentors.
uncanny, how well you describe yourself.


t. You.

Original supposition.
>Fanbase that feels a false sense of superiority because they've never played an actual difficult game.

Amended argument:
>The community, whether by itself or spurred on by Namco, considers the series some kind of video game nightmare, and uses this illusion to deflect any and all criticism aimed at the frankly poorly made games.

I already deflated basically all your micro arguments here, but let's go through your amended arguments:
1. It wasn't a minor community sentiment in the community that Namco ran with -- but you're misunderstanding the sentiment.
2. Nobody thinks Dark Souls is particularly hard, especially it's fans. "Punishing" is more accurate.
3. This is your misunderstanding of "Git Gud", and THIS is why you're retarded -- Souls fans are very critical of their games, and that's why literally every "Souls/BB rating" thread is full of the fanbase critiquing every game and these threads are super common on Sup Forums. Go there, you'll see the fanbase shredding itself and exposing how flawed the games are. "Git gud" is reserved for when someone makes a common critique espoused by people who didn't beat the game or don't enjoy that style of game, and thus their critique isn't really relevant to the game's actual flaws.
It's equitable to someone coming into a fighting game thread, someone who doesn't play fighting games, and crying about difficult inputs or combos and then being surprised when people dismiss his critique and tell him to fuck off.

dark souls is garbage, it runs like shit on consoles and has to be modded on PC to work, total dev incompetence
not only that, it has the worst areas out of any Souls game and was rushed to hell
it's shit

>shit, shit, and more shit
>holy trifecta of modern gaming

Unfortunately yes.

It's uncanny how you couldn't make a proper sentence in 6 words.

ITT buttblasted souls fags

You're only proving how shitty a community those games have


Stop samefagging already. Please.

>Thinks people shouldn't disregard his non-argumentative persuasion technique and views of an entire playerbase and game series
>H-hehe B-butt b-b-blasted, if you reply to me I'm right!

Fucking Sup Forums.

Too blown out by huh? I wouldn't reply to that either.