Which one will you pirate first?
Which one will you pirate first?
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Wolfenstein for sure
Didnt play any ass games since revelations
probs assassins creed origins. Couldn't be fucked paying for another one of those terrible games, but I still want to see what it's like.
why would i want to pirate this garbage
I'd rather wait five years for them to be a couple of bucks each on a Steam sale than be bothered pirating them, as little effort as it may be.
Ass Creed Origins. Seems less SJW than fucking Wolfenstein funny enough.
>wasting disc space or internet transfer on wolfenstein
Why would i do that for a game that promotes a campaign of hatred against an ideology that SJWs are too cucked to understand
Because the entire wolfenstein series is about killing nazis? Hell in the first one you fight robo hitler
I wish Sup Forums would just fuck off from this site completely. Are they too stupid to realise the entire series is about killing Nazis, and that its all set in an alternate reality anyway??
Wolfenstein because we all know that assassin creed games are just long trailing missions
AC Origins. I had 0 interest in the previous Wolfenstein and it's the same for this one. Glad they're reviving old FPS games though.
Ass Creed. I'm not a big Wolfenstein guy and I'm curious about this WE WUZ Jewbisoft game. From what I've seen they're borrowing a lot of Far Cry elements like the camps and wild animals in cages and shit.
Will buy Wolfenstein since I don't get triggered by video games.
Why can't Sup Forums have fun shooting nazis?
nobody is complaining about killing nazis in wolfenstein except falseflaggers, the real issue is that the resistance is antifa propaganda, not nazis.
Whichever gets released first, of course.
>antifa propaganda
Explain to me in a food analogy
Already played origins on the new xbox. Its ok
I will probably pirate new colossus at some point, I will never touch ass is red or gin ever.
thank you! it took awhile for someone to admit it! Sup Forums is serious cancer, its like a plague all over this site. there childless rhetoric needs to be stopped
none there both shit
Super Mario Odyssey
Sorry I dont play dogshit
okay so you go to this restaurant in the USA and you ask for a burger, and a burger is delivered to you but the chef stuck a soviet hammer and sickle flag in the burger with a picture of karl marx on the side
does that happen in Wolfenstein?
I'm going to pirate Wolfeinstein, just to see how Weimarian it gets
I will ignore Asscreed Oranges, because it looks even mire grindy and boring than AC usually is
What do you play?
Killing Nazi is okay, allying yourself with degenerate SJW anarchists/communists is entirely different deal
Maybe Wolfenstein. Could use a good shooter with a lot of weapons
neither; dont own strong enough pc to steal this software. go kill yourselvfe
Wolfenstein II isn't a yearly rehash filled with the same old bullshit.
Both will be in bargain bins before Xmas because Bethesda and Ubisoft games always get discounted fast.
Wolfenstein, then Origins
Underage faggots pls go
I’m legitimately impressed
Go back to Neogaf
>aligning with communists is bad
lol frogfags are more confused than gay trannies
He also leaves a brochure with your local marxist clubs
They released some info about the game's characters and the leader of the resistance, Horton Boone, is a Marxist communist (the exact same thing Antifa is) and they also made tweets about the game relating to current real world events, meaning it's not entirely isolated in their fictional universe; they're taking a political standpoint.
You would fit in more over at that pedophile den being a child and all.
>nobody is complaining about killing nazis in wolfenstein except falseflaggers
>it's super blatant, too
>yet people will stiff flood these shitty threads, anyway
At least it's happening to Ubisoft and Bethesda. Anyone who genuinely gives them money anymore and admits it on Sup Forums should probably get permabanned.
My grandparents and parents lived through communism. I wouldn't even wish that on lowest of scumbags like you.
go back to reddut
>kill nazis
>kill magic nazis
>kill space nazis
>Wolfeinstein 2
But no, people are mad because you shoot nazis
>2 shit tripley ayyyyyh crap fests
yeah no thanks
just because the dudes in the game are anti nazi doesn't mean that they are communists
You haven't watched and read recent game marketing.
Actually no , enlighten me
And yet here we are, with a communist super-power secretly turning Americans into Nazis.
Everybody is getting played but don't worry just look at all these shiny memes lolololololol
>tripley ayyyyyh
Jim Sterling please go
>You haven't watched and read recent game marketing.
What a game is and what the marketing for it is are completely seperate.
Even a fucking simpleton knows this. The devs and marketing don't work hand in hand.
The devs job is to make a game, the marketing team to sell it any way possible.
But who am I kidding? You're too close-minded to listen to reason.
I had a big laugh when Todd admitted during some game award show or some shit that Bethesda releases essentially the same game every time. The man admitted to it and people just brushed it off.
>I'm a retard
Yep, you sure are.
My money is on the communist "priest" being a betrayer at the end.
As I said, you're too close-minded to listen to reason. Then again that's what makes americans who they are, their stupidity and close-mindedness.
You completely DESTROYED that user dude haha
You forgot kill ghost nazis from another dimension.
>a communist super-power secretly turning Americans into Nazis.
Nice meme
They're both over 70 gigs, right?
I just want to talk about video games
>the marketing for the game shifted to take advantage of what is happening
>suddenly idiots thinks that the content of the game changes
Yes to deter piracy.
Not going to waste HDD space on either
There's been at least one reference to current events added that was shown in the previews.
But people who legitimately buy the game on PC will most likely have to download the entire thing.
>Americans getting butthurt about Nazis
>Germany doesn't give a shit
niggie Ill be dick deep in the mayrios by then
>There's been at least one reference to current events added that was shown in the previews.
>implying any anti-piracy measures make sense.
They all end up hurting no one but the consumer.
Brave of them to release games the same day as mario GOATissey
i have no intention of ever playing either
people that perpetuate ubisoft's regular asscreed droppings should feel like cod dudebros
>Germany doesn't give a shit
Well you can go to jail for pointing out muslims rape women
Or is that Britain? Or is that France? Or is that Sweden? Hard to keep track of the tiny counties of a "continent" smaller than Texas
>over the top shooter about killing nazis
>fucking retards bring politics into it
So you fuckers going on about how gameplay is all that matters was just a lie now?
Reminder that the original Doom was called anti-semitic for having a swastika on the floor of one room in a level as a throwback to Wolfenstein 3D. They got mad before, now they've totally embraced it.
go back to eightchun you kiddy-fiddler
Damn can't find the images now, looks like it was trashed.
Basically they released character bio talking about who they were and what they doing now. Some characters were saud to be resistance leaders who studied and followed marxism in college.
Neither, will be too busy playing Odyssey
AC just to see if they actually made the combat good this time around, never cared for Wolfenstein.
Ass Creed, if I feel like it and don't have anything else to play. I won't be playing Wolfenstein either way.
I know, right?
Who the fuck is playing anything other than Mario that day?
Probably poorfags who cannot afford a Switch and then pirate it.
Doom was back in the day when the media hyped up Christian outrage at satanism.
Now we have liberals outraged at white men in games. What a progression.
You actually need to be retarded or/and have autism to even pirate ass games.
>I won't have time to play this short game, I'll be too busy playing a 10 hour game
Hopefully they got rid of or improved the stealth sections
I'd buy Wolfenstein and pirate ACO,
but Wolfenstein isn't available in my country so I'd have to pirate both of them...
There's two Nazis having a conversation to goes something like "Wow I can't believe people are trying to kill us just for having a different opinion" that's a direct reference to the retarded "so much for the tolerant left" meme that's been popping up since January.
>Or is that Britain? Or is that France? Or is that Sweden? Hard to keep track of the tiny counties of a "continent" smaller than Texas
It's funny how americans actually only ends up makes fun of themselves when they try to make fun of others.
>lol look how ignorant about the world i am
>available in my country
what country is that my lad? not even Germany lets you buy the game iirc
Nice to see a fellow israeli outside of Sup Forums
Buy Wolfenstein, pirate Ubishit.
I want that Wolf II special edition with the ubercool figurine.
Your video game fucking sucks, and you suck even more diamond hard dicks if you give these producers money.
I mean even Germany lets you buy the game ofc
Israel. Seems I'm not alone in this
settle down or your police will shoot you
I loved that bit in the pre-release material I've seen so far.
Fuck all the retards getting so triggered over the game, I can't wait to play it.
I'd rather my daughter meet a woman who doesn't know british currency, than 3 muslims who rape her in a row on the way home
I'll buy Wolfenstein II on Switch in 2018