What is your GOTY for 2017 Sup Forums?
What is your GOTY for 2017 Sup Forums?
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dunno but what game is that?
While 2017 had a lot of releases, and a ton of hype, most of the games were disappointing.
I'll probably go with Yakuza 0. It has a very slow start, but the final chapters are entertaining.
Tree game.
Karlsson ei saatana.
i don't know
i just know i haven't enjoyed a year of releases this much since 2003
No matter how much shit i play I keep thinking about him.
The ad meta for this generation of Sup Forums is pathetic
>close the door
>tfw gramma is peeping through the window
Out of curiosity, what actually happens when you click on those erotic game ads? Is there an actual game or is it just a virus
Crash, but that's mostly because of my rule of never pay full price for a game. If it was more than 40$ I would've left it.
warhammer 2, prey
It's a game, but nothing even close to clickable art, just some f2p moneysink grind.
There's a lot of people each year who's getting into internet and they fall for it easily.
This has unironically been one of my favourite years for games.
Probably BOTW or Divinity right now but Odyssey might change that.
Bit of both
Some are viruses
Some are freemium games with stolen art
Some are paid adult sites with stolen games and art
Hollow Knight.
Pyre is a distant second.
Persona 5
She's gonna be Walk"ing" Like An Egyptian after I find the sauce to this.
Crash Bandicoot
Purse Owner 5
Honorable mentions to BotW and Hollow Knight
Yakuza 0
Still have to do Prey and Nier though so we'll see.
Persona 5 was more disappointing than Andromeda, and I'm a fucking retard in love for both series.
Sonic Mania and it isn't even close.
What year is this?
Legit all pig face except the one in the middle
What do you mean? I see only two.
can someone edit this to be a "your mother will die ..."
Yakuza 0 baby
Can't wait to play 6
>inb4 6 is shit
Hollow Knight
Sonic Mania
The End Is Nigh
Tooth and Tail
SteamWorld Dig 2
Snake Pass
I havent played the new Dishonored game, Prey or NiER but they all seem like games id enjoy (except Death of the Outsider)
Horizon Zero Dawn so far, but I haven't yet played Shadow of War and it has quite a lot of potential to take over.
qt af
who is this taint saint?
Tekken 7, Yakuza 0, NieR Automata, P5, and Divinity: Original Sin 2.
>but the final chapters are entertaining.
is this bait? that entire game was a glorious funfest.
tekken 7
shout outs to nioh and nier
Yakuza Zero so far. Had so much fucking fun with that game. Got over 160 hours.
What's so funny? Or are you one of those stupid Sup Forumstards?
I think he means to say your taste is laughable.
Kat's game.
Fuck the DLC.
Everything and Nier were pretty good too.
>Not using the superior version.
Those are some big bazongas
Haven't seen her face in years, didn't she get a breast reduction?
Hollow Knight. Divinity Original Sin 2 looks like it's going to take 2nd place. Only just got done with tutorial island in it though.
admit it you're butthurt about the tree meme because you're underage
>mfw I'm 24
persona 5
one foot in the grave, gramps
I'd play this, if you get to fuck other players. I'd make the blackest possible character and start raping people as part of my Somalian RP
>suddenly Sup Forums loves Hollow Knight
>remember how every thread was spammed to deletion and called shit
yeah nice bandwagon
>Question 2: Do you have a credit card?
The Hollow Knight general died ages ago and every thread got bombarded with jealous La-Mulana/Cuphead/Rabi Ribi faggots so you can't talk about Hollow Knight any more outside of these threads.
This smelly hobo's game is my favourite so far, but there have been a lot of great releases this year.
I never participated in any threads of it, just pirated it on a whim one day and its fucking fantastic.
>being poor is now a rule
>my breed sow of a wife taking anything
Not if I live in a monarchy that has a law of agnatic-cognatic primogeniture.
Good thing I don't live in burgerlandia.
What happens if you choose to be a girl?
>What is your GOTY
>for 2017 Sup Forums?
Do you have a separate 2017 "GOTY" for Sup Forums? How the fuck does that even work?
I'd rather give it to the government than some next of kin I only met once.
i hope you invested alot of time and energy into making your "son" worthy
>What is your GOTY for 2017 Sup Forums?
Mass Effect Andromeda. Dont ask why i am a mentally ill biodrone
Super Mario Odyssey
So far Zelda with Resident Evil 7 and Yakuza 0 as runner ups. Still got Persona 5 and Mario to play though so that could change.
Why in the world would you pay more when you can pay less? Games go down in price all the time, that's not even an "if".
That'd honestly be fun. Shame no competent game dev would ever make a game like that, so we will forever be stuck with chink/jap garbage and mushes.
I know I'll get some shit for this, but PUBG
I hope there was a actual game.
It's kinda hot actually
(You) really want this, don't (You). (You) want to be noticed on an anonymous messageboard so bad that (You) bait for it
Unironically Doki DOki Literature Club
Someone save me and Monika too
>mod skyrim
>slap ENB
>take screenshots
>some idiots will pay to see screenshots of modded Skyrim
What's her name user?
I remember saving multiple pics of her just in the tees she was advertising.
Is the idiot the one paying, or the one not profiting off of it?
Google image search bruh.
>mfw whippersnappers under 25 can't play 2017's goty
So uh, does anyone know where that render on the right comes from?
I honestly think it's going to be Breath of the Wild.
I want it to be NieR Automata because its a more unique game and I LOVE the first NieR. But when I honestly think about it, BOTW's pure gameplay and raw amount of content just make it too good to NOT make it GOTY. everyone is entitled their own personal opinion and tastes do differ, but anyone saying BOTW is shit, or not good is just being sour grapes or trollin.
Various magazines and reviewers all have their separate GOTYs, dummy.
Or did you think there is some official GOTY institute?
>Some are paid adult sites with stolen games and art
Man reminds me of those meet and fuck flash games. Its always amazing to open a VN and then suddenly see a girl they ripped.
Whichever game seems to have clearly more GOTY nods than others.
We look back a decade later and see which game from that year holds up the best still, or had the most influence on the industry in a positive, game play aspect. =
Gravity Rush 2
>find out which game has more GOTY nods without actually asking
And again this doesn't happen by magic.
>them hips/waist
Persona 5
This year has been sweet for games across the board though