FEAR appreciation

This game was amazing for its time and still holds up today. The graphics, lighting and physics were top notch. The slow motion mechanism in the game was fun as hell. The guns to me actually felt realistic in the way they fired. And the bot AI was actually pretty good, they would run around and often surprise me when they ended up behind me somehow, as well as jump over obstacles. Plus the atmosphere of the game was good. I wasn't a fan of the jumpscare sequences and yeah it wasn't a perfect game but for what it was, they did a top notch job. My only gripe is with the lack of variation and sterility of most environments. Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield felt like it was in the real world, even the warehouses in FEAR somehow came off plasticy.

Cant believe it came out in 2005.
The light play was very good.

Extraction Point doesn't get enough love, it's more intense than the main game.

The most amazing thing about FEAR is how badly they shit the bed with the sequels

>still holds up today
Only if you're autistic



>Light play

FEAR 2 was all right. At least it didn't have regenerating health, a cover system, and a two-weapon limit like FEAR 3. FEAR 3 was bad.

Eh, some things in were good, some things were bad.

It definitely shows its age much more than Half-Life 2 for example. The plasticky-shiny-doom3-alike aesthetics were a weird phase in video games and I'm glad we're long done with it.

Also the environments were pretty boring and repetitive, nothing every stood out.

>FEAR 2 was alright

No it was the beginning of the end
>dumb as shit AI
>gutted physics engine
>AI companions

Not to mentions the graphics and the weapons, hell if it wasn't for the name on the cover and Alma, you can hardly tell that FEAR 1 and 2 are part of the same series.

It looks like ass, everything is shiny to fuck and looks like children toys covered in lube. It's a walking simulator with occasional shitfest gun play with bullets flying with a speed of a tennis ball thrown by a third grader. Admittedly it's all sprinkled with an okayish story, but that's barely enough for it to hold up.

This game aged like utter shit, stop nostalgiafagging.

I thought it was fun, even if it was a little easier than the first game. I never noticed the physics all that much, and you only have AI companions for a few segments. And I liked the graphics and weapons.

still play it once in awhile

>This game aged like utter shit
No it didn't. I just spent the past week playing the whole series for the first time, and I thought it was good except for the third game, which went full Call of Duty.

>except for the third game, which went full Call of Duty.

It even has a Favela level, it's not even subtle

Yeah I'll never understand why people say FEAR looks good. For the time, sure, but there are 3d games from the 90's that held up better.

Indeed it holds up.
FEAR sits at that absolute sweet spot of video game evolution where the graphics had gotten good enough to instantly pass muster, but the casualization of gameplay had not taken hold yet. Similarily there was a story and continuous narrative throughout the game, but it never got in the way of actual play.

I miss the kind of lighting that FEAR, Doom 3, Riddick and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory used.

Yeah. I was already getting CoD vibes from the first level, and then the slum level confirmed it.

That pic is on low settings.

I can say the same about Crysis

I love this game, I'll have to replay it sometime

Nope. I took them last week. Granted I'm sort of cherrypicking but still, it seems like every few minutes the game gets distractingly blurry part of the game.

Played them all and i've never been raped so hard in my life.

Tfw too afraid to play F.E.A.R

>he can't run a game from 2005 on max

>I'm in denial about the appearance of a game I like
Most of the game looks better but there's a lot of mismatch like here, with areas of high and low detail clashing.

I downloaded it on Steam the other day. I was getting shot by the enemy through walls during the very first encounter. I think the game is bugged on modern hardware or something... have you guys experienced this problem?

I really liked the SMG in Fear 2
but that was it

whats with all that aliasing you fuck

are your gun sounds also fucked up?

I've had that happen once. I was running through a level and suddenly started getting shot by someone I couldn't see, no matter how much further I progressed in the level. Apparently enemies can sometimes get stuck outside the level but still be able to shoot you. Try restarting the level and see if that fixes it.

Also funny how despite AI supposedly being heavily scripted and not smart on it's own at all, it's still better than every other game.

didnt think so

cheers will try

dude, I'm not gonna reinstall a fuckign game just to prove you're wrong but there's no way it looks that bad on max

Here's on high settings.

I'm on my laptop in bed so I can't be fucked to get up. Here's how it looks on max, took a screenshot from where I had it saved. Y'all niggas need to sort out your gross ass aliasing.

here's a few more



Quite an experience to play F.E.A.R, isn't it?

Well what the fuck. Is there something wrong with the Steam version? I maxed the options out.

Could be. I have the GOG version.

I have steam version. It looks like this on max. Youre doing something wrong.

I just finished the first FEAR a day ago.
I think it's a really great game, and the lighting in this 2005-fucking-gaming is still better than what you find in most modern games, which is somehow just unreal to me. Even a lot of the texture work has a lot more depth than what you can often find nowadays. The story is fairly solid, and the gameplay is satisfying. The scares are solid too, and it has pretty good voice acting for the time.

It does of course have it's flaws; personally I hate the droning sound that often plays when shit's about to go down, it made my head hurt after a while. I don't like how a good chunk of the final bits in the pretty much foregoes horror almost entirely and just turns into a shooter, and honestly just fuck Norton Mapes. I also a lot of times caught myself thinking "Yeah, Half-Life holds up better than this".

FEAR 2 is also worth a playtrough, but it's just overall a worse FEAR with worse gun-feel, enemies,sound-queue timing, and more of a reliance of jumpscares.

Avoid FEAR 3 like the plague.




>another thread where people talk about games "aging poorly"
>not even old games
>games from 2005

Weird. In any event, I retract those earlier screenshots (although I stand by what I said - I loathe that mid-2000's plastic look).

It's 12 years old man.



The static graphics weren't everything, it had dynamic shadows, smoke, sparks, gunfire cast shadows, the nade explosions were cool, enemies jumped over obstacles, and other things. Way better than HL2 in these regards.

I think Doom 3 looks a lot better than FEAR does. Personally I think HL2 looks far prettier than both for the most part, and actually aged beautifully.

There's no reason to talk about games released after both WASD and modern controller schemes were standardized as if age has anything to do with their design.


Isn't a 12 years old game old enough?
For example, when Sup Forums was born Doom was a 11 years old game.
We're getting to the point of stupidity where only things made in the 19XX century can be considered retro.

I actually thought FEAR 2 had better gun-feel than FEAR 1. The ability to cook grenades was also a welcome addition, and while it's a little thing, the option to change zoom from a toggle to holding down the button was a good feature.

Same fag as It was also release before Modern Warfare, the game that changed FPS forever for worse.
Its design is old school in many aspects, including the level design, weapon feel, story and even graphics (not too many post process effects).
Together with Stalker and maybe HL2:Ep2, it was one of the last games of the old generation of PC FPS games that started with Doom.

the setting in htis game was boring as shit

sound design is complete piece of shit - battle music abruptly ends, at one stage you can hear server buzzing inside a lavatory
EP is literally that expansion pack from "2005" Mona Lisa

>2 weapons limit - TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE
>3 weapons, you say? FUCK YEAH - GAME ROCKS!
also FEAR 2 had a cover system - just nobody used it outside the console players community.

Believe it or not, even one more weapon makes a difference, even if it would still be better to be able to carry them all.

>also FEAR 2 had a cover system - just nobody used it outside the console players community.
It had something where you could occasionally push a piece of cover into another position, but it didn't have a "stick to this wall" button that shifted you into Cover Mode.

might want to check your GPU settings (Nvidia may put by default "Quality" texture filtering instead of "High Quality" which may reduce the sharpness of the textures)

On low settings, you can't see that black wobbly air shit that's telling you there's a jump scare coming up.

That ruined so many of my pants, I thought it was meant to be that way and I hated the game for it. I hate scary games and movies but FEAR was so cool I played through ti anyway, it was slow going but I did.


lmfao the story is the weakest part of the game you tiny dicked posturing faggot

I genuinely have not come across a better AI than FEAR.
I don't know what sorcery monolith used back then but it was fucking godlike. Also the multiplayer was brilliant and fun. Has it been 12 years ago already?

I'm terrified of shit like that; how can I turn off retarded shit like that so when I set X to Y it's actually Y, etc

the graphics are pretty good for 2005

It's mostly heavy scripting. The game has meh level layouts that were designed to make the most use out of the games heavy scripting.

The best example of this are the office levels, which tend to have maze like winding paths that allow the AI to flank around you constantly as the are scripted to constantly move to the closest cover that is behind you.

They were also given the ability to move environment objects which helped them accomplish this.

Thats pretty creative

You spelled CONDEMNED wrong you piece of shit numale faggot.

Fuck that guy. They really made an effort to make him unlikable. I mean, a fucking belt buckle that has "RTFM" written on it? You can tell he's a dick from the moment you meet him, before he even does anything.

who is he supposed to be?

Just finished FEAR and the 2 dlc campaigns. It was a good ride, the expansions added enough new guns and enemies and areas to make it worth going trough. Fuck those guys with super reflexes in Perseus Mandate though. Story continuing or a a different perspective on the happenings helped too.

Now I started FEAR 2 and the first thing I notice is that I can't lean sideways. What bullshit is that. Also when in FEAR, every plot related item you found was an audio log, an answering machine or something I could chill around looking for items while listening to it, FEAR 2 has me read up on everything I collect by myself, stopping the game entirely. Granted, some of the stuff is interesting to read, but I'd still rather listen. Only positive 2 has over 1 so far is the spooky factor which is highly increased and helped by the better graphics.

Have fun with FEAR 2, and skip 3 unless you've already paid for it.

Fear sucks. Human Revolution is a better modern military shooter. Aside from the shotgun, every gun is a piece of shit, and FEAR(without slomo) is even more of a cover shooter than HR. All fear has going for it is wall gazing, nice shadows, and a cute little girl. In other words pure aesthetics rather than gameplay. Style over substance. Although I've got to admit that those invisible dudes are probably the best melee enemies ever put in an fps.

>cute little girl
Alma isn't cute in any of her forms.

Readable stuff is worth alone for chatlogs with Genevieve Aristide and The Snakefist (totally ourguy) bitching.
Monolith are quite oldfags regarding the flavor text - used it since 2001 and know well, that if you force the player into quiet time and have a time-out in the shittest way possible (i.e. text reading), you better be damn sure that the writing is good worth the story they tell.

fear 2 was much better than fear 1. never played 3.

>never played 3
that's a shame because, judging by your awful taste, you might've enjoyed it the most

lithtech engine was a mistake
