Do any of you have interesting stories about store demonstration game systems?
Pic related is a GBA from my local K-Mart that was left hanging there until they closed down a couple years ago.
Apparently there was a post on Reddit about it and people were debating what color it used to be. It was translucent purple.
Do any of you have interesting stories about store demonstration game systems?
Whoops. Meant to post this on Sup Forums
I feel bad for this gba.
how long was this in service?
>Do any of you have interesting stories about store demonstration game systems?
Yeah, I managed to play through the entirety of Sandman Volume 5: A Game of You on a PSX demo unit back in the 90s. Surprisingly quick play, only got trapped up a bit in that last battle with the Cuckoo.
That poor boy desserved better
I remember when my K-mart closed, I got 30-40 Pokemon toys because they were a dime or quarter each on clearance.
He did.
They also had a Super Nintendo football game that looked like it had been floating around the store for 7 or 8 years. It was just sitting in the toy aisle when I found it.
Well, once they were demoing a Game Boy Video Player episode of Spongebob. Is that on topic?
My Wal-Mart briefly had a GameCube that I recall playing Luigi's Mansion on once.
The Nintendo 64 with Mario back in the 90s, there was a line outside the store to try it. This was back in the 90s in Chile Nintendo 64 wasn't even for sale yet.
'member when the GBA could play cartoons on it? 'member when a portable DVD player in your car wasn't enough and there was a market for portable players and you had to buy discs separately?
I have seen n64's in a lot of dentists and mcdonalds about 5 years back
Why were they so fucking expensive considering there was no development costs (the cartoon was already made) and they were such low quality, with only 1 or 2 cartoons per cart
I think they would have sold a lot more at a lower price
yeah I remember when McDonald's in these parts used to have them too, unfortunately they got rid of those when they started remodeling their stores to be more "hip" which led to many of them becoming incredibly boring looking(one by my old house used to have a Sherlock Holmes theme, while the one by my dad's house was up until less than a year ago had a Animation theme to it)
Cost of license and cart manufacturing.
Intentional markup is also likely.
One of my earliest memories was playing a SNES with DKC outside a store. Some jerkoff teen with a red cap was laughing at how much I sucked at it. Set the tone for the rest of my life.
I remember seeing ocarina of time on one and being psyched
My walmart was near section 8 apartments, controllers and portable kiosks didn't last very long, little niglets would scratch up the screens and rip out the controllers.
I remember the console ones where you'd have to strain your tiny 8 year old neck just to look up and play the damn games. Was much more of a fan for these little kiosks here.
My best memory is probably playing Superstar Saga on these things. I didn't know what the fuck I was playing until my parents bought it for me a year or so later but holy shit is that game still my GOAT.
n64's in McD's in 2012?
They had a little set up at the mcdonalds in my city too until around 2015. Very sad day when they took it out.
Mine had a GC, i think an employee stole it.
My K-mart felt like a time machine before they closed. They had big banner of the original Xbox controller still up.
What the fuck, why is this at the top of the catalog when I have it sorted by creation date. HIROOOOOOOOOOOOO
Holy shit I remember these like it was yesterday. I wanted one of those so bad
Spent an entire afternoon after school with some random guy playing Dead or Alive 3 in a store close to my school.
I don't even remember learning his name. It was fucking awesome.
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