Appreciation thread for Lizardmen and other Draconic races/cousins of Draconic races


Please, post d&d stories, artwork, video games, etc related to this, anything from Lizardmen to Kobolds, etc.

Reminder that Dick that is hided in slit is superior to external dick

Fuck off, furfag. Or whatever lizardfags call themselves

Wow you must have planned this thread all night.


I'll appreciate it when you fuck off this website

Naw man, I just really like Lizardmen, favourite fantasy race. Some like High Elves, others like Minotaurs, I just like my folks to be Lizards.

>tfw can't pick a based draconic race without feeling like a gay furfag
You guys destroyed my innocence long ago, I can't pick anything other than human paladin.

>some people like humans maybe even 2d girls, but me i like animals, nice humanoid animals

>slits are hot

Im playing a Lizardman Fighter, its amazing desu. Level 20 atm, and doing a full action of 4x attacks, then Action Surging for another attack of 4x, and finishing off with a Bonus Action of Tail Swipe attack is great.

Unironically the best race in Ivalice


Its not sexual I swear, at least im pretty sure its not.



Spiders are better.

Fuck outta here with spiders!

I have always wanted to know if legs like these would make bipedal creature to run faster.
I don't know anything about biomechanics but don't really know where could I ask something like this.

thats one thick croc


Depends on the build of the lizardfolk in a setting, some have them more flat footed, others more raptor like, while theyre also varying in anything from Kobold size to 8-12ft tall, so it really just depends on what model we're basing this off of. With this pic, id imagine that they'd be a bit slower? But I honestly couldn't tell you, all I know is that Lizardmen tend to either be slow and lumbering, or dexterous nimble fucks, depending on the setting.

>not liking slits
might as well be into humans you brainlet

might as well fuck an actually crocodile, you shit.


Glorious Scaled Race.

I let cute little spiders live and I kill the huge ones

Crocodiles are not sentient. Just like you.

Eh, needs more fangs and extra eyes.

There are tons of videos already about fucking crocodiles.

The weird thing is, they get an erection when fucked in the ass or in the hole that looks like a vagina but actually penis inside. Fools pussy?

Instead of sliding into porndumping and 404'ing, could you fags first try to analyze what it is exactly that gives you fascination towards reptilian races.

One way to approach this is the "5 Whys" -technique. Answer the question "Why do you like lizards" and then subsequently answer four times the simple follow-up question "Why?"

Lizards are fucking shit. GOBLINS however, that's where perfection lies.



kek, goblin slayer truly has made some great things for /tg/

10 goblin coins was subtracted from your debt for this post

I have reached ultimate goblin lethality

They look majestic because their features are sophisticated and and express power at the same time.

I think what does it for me is the fact that Lizard are basically humanoid dinosaurs, what's not to love about that

Lizards are pretenious assholes. No one likes them.

90s pop culture made dinosaurs (Jurassic Park), crocs (Steve Irwin), and dragons (too many sources to count) all iconic and fearsome creatures in the minds of millennials. Scales = power, and humans get off on power to different extents.

Nobody like gnolls for sure.
Dragons and lizardmen however are much more loved by people.

>holds up his shield to run the other direction

given of how fucking big it is it looks like the most efficient way to run without it dragging into the ground desu ne

>nobody likes gnolls
you take that back you bara faggot

I like kobolds. In a world of huge dragons, kobolds are like those little geckos on your screen door.

>a gnoll
what the fuck are you doing user

Disney has a lot to blame for how people view spotted hyenas. The fuckers are better hunters than lions actually are.


Lizards are shit

I ran out of gnoll stuff and went back to posting kobolds.
fucking bara fags. I'd post more shit but I'm out of applicable /tg/ stuff in my folder

To be quite honest I am also out of SFW pictures of Dragon Dad to post.
Also there is nothing wrong with Bara.

furry baras are only good when they're bottoms

shit taste detected



>d&d stories

>Taking a break from out main campaign, DM decides to try out the Dragonlance campaign.
>No one else in the group is familiar with the setting.
>They proceed to make every bad decision possible fighting these guys

In vidya related news, it was damn fun blowing up hordes of these fuckers with their chain reactions in the gold box games.

Lads, I have a question. Why can't we have a wacky and light hearted adventure in these crpgs? Why is it always doom and gloom MUH GODS MUH END OF THE WORLD bullshit? I'd kill to have a game with an emphasize on companion interaction and doing the typical /tg/ greentext adventures

>Companion wants to have a picnic with everyone after you snuck into a dragon's liar to steal a prince when you find out he's yiffing the dragon so you have to climb all the way back down
>It's crashed by giant ants

lol first time seeing this image


Yes they are. The Star Trek definition of sentient is not the actual definition. The word you want is sapient.

>nipples on a dragon
furfags are just so fucking stupid

there's an entire chidlren's book series that revolves around the fact dragons can lactate and give milk

shit, that thing is cool

>a kobold
can you fucking not
furries are actually ruining kobolds
t. furry

Best lizardo

you're right, we should go back to depicting them has weird little goblin people like they were classically in fairy tales

All lizards are female if you're fast enough.

>tfw the farmers wife accidentally put the butter on the bottom instead of the top of your yearly porridge so you get so mad at seeing the butter-less porridge that you instantly go out and punch their only cow to death

does anyone have that picture of lizardmen with modern combat gear

why master make Deekin dress this way?

Nigger, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not a thing. I get fucking triggered about wyverns and dragons along with the world literally being used figuratively but that doesn't change the fact that people just went "That means this now fuck off"

Hyena hate goes back much further than The Lion King. Even classical writers and African folklore describe them as cruel, monstrous beasts.

>call it a gnoll
>It's not some kind of beastman/caninehuman hybrid

Nigga the fuck you DOING? That's a goddamn Kobold.

i dont like how must beast races are way too humanized, and this doesn't really happen with reptile races

>He doesn't read the thread
no lad, what are YOU doing

Who is the best video game crocodile?

Kobolds are draconian runtish lizardmen, it's been this way for fucking decades since the earliest days of D&D you s'wit.

>thinking channers are going to calmly read the thread for all facts instead of seeing one of the three posts on the frontpage and diving into the thread head first

Nigga the fuck are YOU doing!?

>Replying to a conversation from the frontpage
Don't go full retard user, what are you doing?

So how are the romances in this game? Any special text between a Lizard MC and others? And romanceable lizards?

Asking for a friend.

I do it all the time

I ain't got time to open threads nigga

Fuck you!

Absolute dogshit. Especially if you're Fane. Romance is one of the if not THE weakest part of the game, aside from the million and one bugs it has and item scaling.
No u

No you!

>tfw no lewd lizard bf


>tfw no matrix-VR MMO where YOU CAN DO ANYTHING including turning into a dragon

Darn shame. Not enough good scalie romance in games.

>corrupting the Icequeen Lizard Judge in Dragon Commander and turning her into a dictator who lusts after your divine dick


desu dragon commander was really fun when it came to romance because they actually put effort into it. I liked the dwarf but I ended up marrying the skeleton.

Cool armor but those open spots triggers me.

I'd legit have that spider as my main companion.

Well it'd remove everything unique about them.

I know theres the JUDGE path and the Spirit of the Law path, there's a slut path?

>he would rather have a lizardbro in your party than a birdbro to go adventures with

Are there any games where you can play as a bird/bird-man and pick enemies up and drop them from great heights?

sheaths are superior


the 5 w's aren't.

it's why when where what how. what fucking drugs are you on?

gnolls are hyena-oid beastmen.