"Maybe I'll just pirate one more game..."

>"Maybe I'll just pirate one more game..."

>pirate it
>play it for an hour or so
>dont enjoying it
>delete it and its files
No need to profit because i didnt spend anything


This, also:
>pirate game
>beat it
>wew that was disappointing, I'm glad I didn't pay for this shit

>buys game
>pirates game
>beats pirated version
>refunds paid version
>buyfags have no argument

>pirate game
>wow this game is great! Glad that I didn't even have to pay for it!


I don't get why piratefags think they should only have to pay for things they enjoy. Why don't you just get good at looking at a game and knowing if it's going to be shit or not? I guess that's not a skill you've had to develop. I can't think of the last game I bought that I didn't get some enjoyment out of.

That's just adding an extra step to just straight up pirating it lol

>pirating makes you fat
What did the OP mean by this?

>pirate game
>enjoy it
>shill the fuck out of the game
>ends up making 3 real sales out of it

>pirate game
>wow this game is great!
>buy it
>at a sale because I'm a cheap cunt
I've done this a couple of times

Why would I take a guess instead of just trying it out myself? It's not like there's any downsides to pirating anything

What I want to know is why piratefags think there will even be a games industry if everyone followed their logic.

If the occasional person pirates a game, fine, its to be expected.

If everyone pirates a game, then the game maker makes no money. If game makers make no money, then there are no more game makers. The industry is gone. So what then?

People complain about dlc and microtransactions, well guess what, they fucking exist because of fucking dumbasses costing them $40 box sales, so now they've got to charge more and offer stupid shit for $20-60$ price increases.

It's just unforgivable in this era of youtube and streamers. Fucking watch the game, read reviews, play the demo if one is available, and learn to stop being an instant self-gratification dipshit and wait for it to be 75% off a year or two down the line. It's what people with self-control actually do.

Because you can never be too sure these days. Anything can look good but at the same time look mediocre. Like this new shadow of war game. I liked the first one even though it got repetitive quickly but I don't know about the second game. Gonna play it for a bit to see.
After spending over 3k on ps3 games throughout HS, I thought it was worth it. Only games I bought that I didn't like were white knight chronicles and some other random game. 2 out of my 100~ games I thought were shit. Also there were game demos for a majority of them.
In the past 4 or so years however, gaming has been on a decline. Sure there's 1-3 good games a year but everything else just remains mediocre. 2017 has been a major turn though. I seriously can't even remember a game I played in 2016, it felt like a void year.

this. 90% of games i enjoy when i pirate, i've bought later. and most of the ones i don't are because they never left early access after years of waiting

or they were fucking shit

Luckily there are plenty of retards and moralfags who will continue to support my piracy by buying the games and keeping the industry alive

>my moral choice is acceptable because it depends on other people choosing differently

It's not a moral choice, I simply like the free games

>pirate game
>finish it

back in the day games were freeware. free. ware. doom was originally free. i'll let that sink in.

>pirate a game
>enjoy it
>don't buy it
I don't have fucking money to buy 536 games each year. Don't have time to work either, too many games to play.

Same, if a games good I inevitably buy it. I guess we're just too used to the luxury of trying it out for free.
Sadly most of the games I downloaded don't even get played. I literally just download them for later in case I might want to play it.
>3 years later
Still might play it... Don't want to delete it an regret it later.
It could be that I'm not as interested in vidya like I used to. Other people get more enjoyment out of my pirating habits than I do.

Because not everyone follows that logic. Others, and apparently you, are enough to keep businesses afloat because they feel the need to keep them afloat while others couldn't care less. It's not about morals, it's about the choices we make.

The industry would probably be exactly the same because causals would still buy casual games and niche games would still have their niche marke, but the whole market would deflate some if everyone would pirate

I think it would actually help good games to get more attention and money (at least proportionally not in raw numbers) because some people wouldn't mind paying for real good games

>doom was originally free

>back in the day games were freeware. free
Also false.

Doom was SHAREware.

"The shareware version of DOOM only includes one of the three missions of DOOM. Each mission contains eight levels and a secret level. The shareware version contains network support and modem support. The shareware version does NOT include the Plasma Rifle and the BFG9000 weapons."

"The mail-order release of DOOM is available directly from id Software. To order, call id Software's order number, (800)-ID-GAMES. This number is for ORDERING ONLY, not for inquiries or technical support. The mail-order version of DOOM costs $40.00."

>choices don't involve morals

fucking morons.