Why does Sup Forums worship these horrible, unappealing games that flopped and won't be getting sequels?
Why does Sup Forums worship these horrible, unappealing games that flopped and won't be getting sequels?
They dont? They worship their predecessors
People were calling the new PREY a GOTY title contender lmao
Wait. Is deus ex the new one or just a remaster ?
Maybe thats why they both floped.
I see them and I think theyre a remaster.
This gen has been nothing but remasters.
>3 people on Sup Forums said it so everyone whose ever opened a tab involving Sup Forums loves it too
Unironically you might have raised a good point.
The immersive genre does exist though?
>if the game flops then it doesn't exist
i just started playing prey a few days ago cause I got it for $20. I only got it cause I played system shock 2 alot last month and thought it was dope.
This OP, you're retarded.
Deus Ex Mankind Divided is a great game with a lot of love put into it. It had some technical problems on release, but they weren't as bad as people made them look like.
Meanwhile, PUBG that is a buggy laggy mess of game gets praised everywhere and makes it to #1 game on steam.
Fuck this industry and its consumers.
It really is a great game.
GOTYness isn't related to amount of sales despite what redditors like you might think.
Cuphead has already sold more than PREY, so what does that tell you?
It got more hype and is cheaper
That Cuphead is a more popular game.
I like Cuphead too so that isn't a problem for me, I'm just disappointed that games like Prey aren't getting the attention they deserve.
So why wasn't Bethesda smarter about the price of PREY then?
What does price have to do with quality to you, apparently?
>What does price have to do with quality to you, apparently?
Nothing at all, but cheaper shit sells more copies. That's just plain facts
And I don't know why Bethesda priced the game as they did, but that's completely beyond the point. You're the one who has arbitrarily decided that amount of copies sold = quality
>a good game that didn't sell well can't be GOTY
You're some severely stupid shit, lad. Do your parents a favor and neck yourself.
>Nothing at all, but cheaper shit sells more copies. That's just plain facts
Explain Lawbreakers
prey's wicked m8
Judging by his English OP is some retarded 3rd worlder, don't expect too much from him.
Prey flopped because of bad marketing and "Prey" title controversy, but it's a great, fully fledged game with no season pass or content locked behind a paywall
DEMD did that, and we all remember that horrible pre order plan they had going, not to mention its season pass and technical issues, its was, and still a mess
>Nothing at all, but cheaper shit sells more copies.
This is completely false, All Cowadoody games have released at $60 price point and sell like 2 million a week. Same with all the Assassin's Creed games. GTA V stayed at 60 for like 4 years.
Mankind Divided was fucking trash and Prey is one of the best games this year, fuck off.
Yeah, and if CoD games released at 40 they'd likely go over those numbers
I know you're memeing but I didn't know shit about lawbreakers until Sup Forums started talking about it.
literal whogame, I only heard about it on threads bullying it for some reason
Why are these kinds of games called Immersive Sims when they use experience points, skill trees, and other such RPG elements which are about as far from being a simulator as you can get?
The only immersive sim that kinda sorta feels like a sim is System Shock 1.
>flopped hard
>not getting sequels
>bad thing
>I know you're memeing
I'm not - by your logic, Lawbreakers should have done amazing numbers because it wasn't a $60 game.
>genres only exist if they make bazillions of dollars
Every time. Every fucking time I give this board a chance, no matter how low my expectations, it manages to underwhelm.
Also "immersive simulator" is the stupidest make for a genre since "metroidvania".
Because, compared to other games of the time, Ultima Underworld was very much like a sim. It's since become a very meaningless term.
So we're discussing fanfiction now? Fuck off.
was it a remake or a reboot?
>Deus ex
they cut the game in half and the marketing was shit (augment your preorder)
Is that a thing?
People still need to be aware that it exists
>games in a genre flop, therefore, that genre doesn't exist.
OP do your parents a favor and hang yourself in the closet
Thief: the Dark Project and Thief 2 always felt like sims to me.
Sure, they were mission based but damn, you could play a level a dozen times and have a different experience every fucking time...
They flopped for different reasons
>bad marketing
>shitty enemy design
Deus Ex
>technical issues
>microtransaction shitfest
>crazy sales goals
>Meanwhile, PUBG that is a buggy laggy mess of game gets praised everywhere and makes it to #1 game on steam.
people excuse it because it's early access, which is honestly fine since it's a beta.
what isn't fine is that people pay to beta test.
Immersive sims are all about player agency and emergent gameplay from a first person perspective. You get given a toolkit and do what ever you wanted with it to complete an objective, so the player creates their own unique narrative, and the world reacts accordingly. There's a place for minor rpg elements.
But yea, it's extremely vague and difficult to really define when you really look at it. Tes games can be considered a kind of immersive sim when they aren't.
Mankind Divided had some good aspects.
Prey was horrible in every respect.
>Cuphead has already sold more than PREY, so what does that tell you?
That Cuphead costs 1/3 of the price of Prey and got attention because of the visual style and a journalist not being able to finish the tutorial, which got meme'd out the ass.
It didn't sell on the qualities it possessed in terms of gameplay, if that's what you're thinking.
It would be fine if the devs planned to fix the game at any point. You and I both know that the game will never be fixed and they've never, at any point, intended to fix the game to a playable non-alpha state. They just released a broken game and used "early access forever" to cover their ass from any criticism.
Is Deus Ex worth trying? Didn't they cut the game in a third?
it's just as long as HR and the sidequests are amazing.
Best gameplay in the series too
both were shit games, that's why they flopped (and deserved to flop).
MD was HR 1.5, and HR was a shit game too. Add cringey #auglivesmatter and other such nonsense and a fuckton of microtransactions, and you drive people away (Eidos Montreal is terrible).
nuPrey was a soulless spaceship simulator that didn't even try to be its own thing at all, it was like some 16 year old watched parts of the alien movies and system shock 2 on youtube and told a crappy developer studio to make a game off his notepad scribbles. Add really boring generic gameplay and you have a solid 5/10 game.
Nothing, But if you can buy something good for a low price over something mediocre at best for a high price then you typically go for the cheaper one.
>MD was HR 1.5, and HR was a shit game too
You're wrong on both accounts you overcompensating tryhard faggot
>horrible, unappealing games
Because you have shit taste.
Now you're welcome to go back to your Anime Loli-Boobs 3: School Library Ochinchin
not all of us have terrible taste like you. Deus Ex never should have been made into a series, thankfully now it can rest in peace since Eidos Montreal killed any hopes of more games in the series. That's the only good thing they've done for Deus Ex.
Which shitty Youtube video gave you this pointless term I've never seen used before?
The Deus Ex postmortem written by Warren Spector in 2000.
Bro you got it backwards.
>That's the only good thing they've done for Deus Ex.
>he genuinely believes DE1 is better than HR and MD
feel free to explain why
I wasn't born after 1999
DEmd is good, just not great. Only held back by its length imo
Because it is
I didn't get Deus Ex because it was lazy. One fucking hub in a series known for globetrotting, fucking same protagonist as Human Revolution, cliffhanger story
>Immersive sims are all about player agency and emergent gameplay from a first person perspective. You get given a toolkit and do what ever you wanted with it to complete an objective, so the player creates their own unique narrative, and the world reacts accordingly.
See my problem here is that a game like Rainbow 6 Raven Shield or SWAT 3/4 fills these critera more than something like System Shock 2 but nobody in their right mind would try to call them immersive sims.
I was born in 91. If birthdate enforces correct opinions and 99 is your meme cutoff date, I'm fine.
HR and MD are better games and you've yet to explain or prove differently.
Is your argument that the only people who would buy Call of Duty are those willing to pay 60 dollars? That there isn't some group of people who'd be willing to pay 50 or 40 or 30, but not 60? Obviously those who were willing to pay 60 wouldn't suddenly be dissuaded by the cheaper price tag. It's trivial, then, that you'd sell more copies as you're expanding the group of people willing to pay for your game. This isn't rocket science.
I think I agree with that.
Had they named it something other than PREY, it might have done better.
Older fans of PREY were asshurt
Look at Dishonored 1. Why did it sell so well? Because it was a wholly new and fresh property
But fuck you. The enemy design is great.
Shitty character systems, shitty stories, shitty level design.
Immersion isn't a genre, you nugget.
It's a good game, but not a good souls game
nigger, like 5% of people remember the original prey
>high schooler trying to pretend he's over 25
Not working faggot
Because DX1 is actually a well designed game based on clear concepts.
HR is just a group of people who wanted to make a Ghost in the Shell game but got stuck with the DX license. They then made a bog standard cover shooter and convinced normies its deep because they put vents everywhere. People then act like it's some kind of masterpiece because the majority of games coming out at the same time are even more trash
We went 17 years without using that meaningless term, we should continue.
Prey is a near masterpiece that surpasses System Shock 2 in almost every way. You'd think Sup Forums would like it, considering how much Sup Forums claims to love System Shock 2? Oh right, nobody here has actually played SS2 and they only claim to like it because you're "supposed to", and Prey is bad because it didn't sell a 100 million copies. My bad.
>shitty level design
I'd love to see you explain why. MD and HR had great level design and hubworlds.
you have to be 18 years or older to browse Sup Forums
sales=\= quality
The masses of normies have no taste.
Small and linear. Chest high walls everywhere to accommodate the retarded cover system.
Prey is non ironically my GOTY
What a great game
I wish they would release some dlc
>microtransaction shitfest
I didn't even fucking realize they existed until after 2 playthroughs, because the game is balanced perfectly by itself.
Only Sterling fans would cry out about it at this point.
I've played SS2 and nuPrey. SS2 is vastly overrated, I liked SS1 more in some ways. Still great games though.
nuPrey is just subpar. Not terrible, but not even close to being a masterpiece. SS2 is a much better game.
Mankind Divided was fun. It's suprising that square would pull the plug on it while supporting the shit out of FF15.
Back in Ultima Underworld's day it was more about making games less abstract. e.g. instead of having a dungeon that's a flat grid, it's a 3d space. Instead of moving through that grid in discrete steps there's smooth movement. Real-time combat instead of turn based, instead of having a "jump" or "throw" command with predetermined outcomes you can "actually" jump/throw in a way that uses physics. Of course, all of this is standard stuff now so it's kind of pointless to make the distinction for modern games.
I feel that the whole "give you a toolkit and let you do what ever you wanted with it to complete an objective" is more of a side effect of the above, it was all just a means of achieving a more realistic simulation.
Just because you weren't aware of that term doesn't mean it hasn't been used.
Go back to playing your shitty waifu-bait.
Because HR levels are basically the kind of thing you would find in any FPS, except every now and then you find branching corridors that lead to the same place depending on whether you chose one of the two developer approved paths of stealth man tm or le guns blazing tm
MD barely has any actual levels that aren't just dicking around the hub
All development effort should just go towards a sequel. And another Arx Fatalis.
>dismissing it by calling it nuPrey
Are you one of those guys who acts like 2006 Prey was anything other than decent at best? What about SS2 is better than Prey? The combat? The character customization? Prey does those way better.
old prey > nuprey
I cant see Prey getting a sequel, unfortunately
I'm so glad both these games flopped. Eidos Montreal and Arkane are awful.
>bad games flop
Yeah I really enjoyed how death was completely trivialized, how every puzzle consisted of "use spirit walk to go behind the door and open it from the other side", the overall weak feeling weapons, and the way the actually interesting gravity and portal mechanics were way under utilized. Truly a masterpiece.
It really shows how sad the modern game industry is when trash like HR gets praise.
singleplayer games are dead.
online and competitive games are the future
deal with it and buy a few lootboxes
not a masterpice but way better than nuprey. only argument there you have is that spirit walk wasn't utilized as well as it could have been
Immersive sim meaning it's a simulation, but the player embodies a particular individual rather than observing from a god's eye view. And so the systems and levels are designed to best reflect real places with real function and players are given the tools and freedom to make meaningful choices within those spaces and also within the narrative.
>See my problem here is that a game like Rainbow 6 Raven Shield or SWAT 3/4 fills these critera
Could be. I've only played the original Rainbow Six and it's expansion. It's certainly a simulator, but it tends to lack the scope and narrative influence a lot of immersive sims afford.
But just because a game isn't advertised as an immersive sim doesn't mean it isn't one. I'd argue that the recent Far Cry games often do a better job at scratching that itch than a number of those games touting their immersive sim pedigree.
And I haven't made you actually make a single argument against Prey 2017 other than calling it "nuPrey". You haven't even played it.
The only similarities prey, and deus ex has is that they're both FPS.
>And I haven't made you actually make a single argument
more than half of Sup Forums's threads are about anime.
do you unironically expect all these brain dead fucks to be able to even process good game design when they're this far down the rabbit hole of 3d anime "games", when it's exactly interactive movies they were outraged about just a couple of years ago?
Oh boy that was hard to find!
I liked both. Prey is 10/10
i wouldn't be surprised if many people avoided it after watching that prey 2 documentary that was released shortly before prey's launch
and not wanting to support bethesda