Should I?

>played a hat in time for over 30 hours, and with having done anything i can think of there, i'm pretty much just waiting for more content now
>got shadow of war because i liked the first one and people told me it was great
>shadow of war is actually extremely mediocre, probably spoiled myself way too much with how good hat in time was
>now bored

Solid game, not very long unless you're going for perfect ranks or play like a journo.

How long is it? I just want something to do this weekend really.

>Should I?
Yeah, it's worth the price.

Just pirate it.

Simple mode is doable in one day

Is that the easiest difficulty? I usually start on the Hard equivalent. I don't mind dying like a bitch until I get through with it, it makes games last longer which is great.


pirate it

The idea of "supporting" something never even phased me, but I can afford to buy it so I don't see why I shouldn't.

I’d say about 20hours depending on platofrming skill.

I like platformers, although I’m not rank obsessed and I’m 25% in after 4 hours.

> Dev tries not to be a cunt and releases an awesome game DRM free


people report they cleared the game on normal difficulty (the highest one accessible before you clear the game) in time ranging from about 3 to 9 hours

Good enough.

I bought Cuphead, so that part of the thread is done I supopse.
Now, how is Hollow Knight?

>Dev tries not to be a cunt
Wew, who fucking cares.

>Dev tries not to be a cunt and releases an awesome game DRM free
More reason to pirate then. Only a retard will pay for something he can get for free without repercussions.


PC audience everyone. Same people that are mad at Atlus for not releasing Persona 5 on PC because 'it would give them a lot of sales'

This feels pretty good so far. Hope it won't be this easy all way through though.

>mad at Atlus for not releasing Persona 5 on PC
Nope. Fuck weebshit. Keep your trash to yourself. I've pirated both Shitonetta and all Shit Souls games and they were all, not surprisingly, shit. Don't have much hope for Shit-Oh either.

Keep wasting your life on stuff you hate. Suits you just fine.

Keep paying for air. Suits you just fine, LMAO.

>these 2 posts are the PC audience
you do know how fucking stupid you look right?

uhhhhhh steam-only games can just as easily be pirated though?

Meant for

Pirate the GoG version, buy if you enjoy it.

there's only two modes at the beginning, Simple and Regular

i don't recommend playing on Simple because it takes phases out of the boss fights so you won't actually see all the content (plus you can't do the last two bosses until you beat everything on Regular)

It's your game. You have created the game, why do you need to buy your own game on steam?

>threads about games i don't like are shilling



This is why pc doesn't deserve good games.

>how is Hollow Knight?

Not good, this is coming from a massive SOTN/Metroid fan
it's shilled on here to no end, graphics are pretty, gameplay is mediocre

Yet it has all the good games. Go buy some more air, cuck.

who gives a shit?