Which is the best Classicvania and which the best Metroidvania?

Which is the best Classicvania and which the best Metroidvania?

Symphony of the Night

Classicvania: Rondo of Blood
Metroidvania: Symphony of the Night

Classicvania: Castlevania IV
Metroidvania: Aria of Sorrow

I haven't played them all, though

"Objectively" best:
> CV1 or Rondo
> Symphony or Aria
> Ecclesia

How about I tell which is the worst castlevania


Classicvania: I or III

Metroidvania: SotN or AoS

How is CV1 best than 3 or 4?

Other than that, I very much agree


III for classicvania. Metroidvania is mostly devoid of fun outside of Portrait of Ruin and OoE level 1 hard modes.

Beat CV1 multiple times, my favourite for nostalgic reasons
Beat CV3 some years ago, great game but fuck is it hard
Beat CV4 twice, it's fine, nothing really stood out to me other than the whip control. inb4 mode 7, fuck off
Emulated PSP version of Rondo of Blood, fucking ugly as shit, never beat it
Pretty indifferent to Metroidvanias, i guess Symphony of the Night is my favourite just because of the variety in enemies and abilities.

t.tasteless normie

Any thoughts on Dracula X?

I generally like all the GBA and DS era games.

Especially the Sorrow series.

It's good, it's no Rondo of Blood though

Better than 4 at least?


>grow up thinking handheld games sans stuff like pokemon are boring as shit
>friend tells me to emulate Aria of Sorrow
This game is fucking awesome. I can't believe I avoided playing this when I was younger just because it was on a handheld.

>ctrl+f Order of Ecclesia
>0 results
You disgust me, Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is full of casuals. Nobody said Chronicles Classic either.

I don't even know what the blur is. I like Bloodlines, it lets you do item crashes. Apparently it's not considered Metroidvania, though?

My favorite Metroidvanias are Symphony of the Night, Circle of the Moon and Dawn of Sorrow.

Castlevania 3

All the Metroidvanias are shit



You posted it

>SOTN is the best because it was the first
Take your nostalgia goggles off.

I was never much into castlevania, but I liked Rondo the best.
What are the best metroidvanias out there?
I recently picked up Castlefag's minecraft map from and it's actually pretty fun, even with the shitty minecraft gameplay.

>You posted it
How's I better than III?