Predictions for the next WoW expansion thats gonna be announced next month at Blizzcon

predictions for the next WoW expansion thats gonna be announced next month at Blizzcon

i think we will get
- Kul'tiras and the south seas with a heavy focus on ships
- further story progression of turalyon and void alleria and their kid
- Jaina and her dad with a Make Azeroth Great Again campaign against the inhuman races
- void lord and ethereal shenanigans
- Naga announced as new playable race

what do you guys think?

I don't care what it is so long as delicious Jaina returns

I don't even want to think about another expansion until they do another number crunch and remove honor talents

The only void is going to be their subscriptions.

Remove RNG.
Make sure all classes are equal in DPS, survival hunter had me kicked out of raids.
Am shit at using keyboard so make raids easier.

>remove honor talents

but why?

>Further story progression

unfortunately I'm afraid of that too

I never played WoW is it too late to even start?

I just want to play as a klaxxi

nope its not too late

its actually easier than previous xpacs

>playing a pvp spec for pve

>He fell for the survival meme

>giving blizzard another chance with writing a good story
the worst part of it all is people will completely ignore the fact pvp itself, world, arena or otherwise has been thrown to the wayside, and they are no longer accountable to armor design or weapon design because transmog and artifacts make it irrelevant
also artifacts ruined the lore

PvPbabbies go, Sup Forums is 18+

more green
more purple
more creatures from other dimensions
more horde and alliance working together to kill a big bad

>LFR/LFG babby who wasn't making windows movie maker pvp montages in 2007
>calling anyone underaged
lmaoing at ur live
i bet you still pay for retail

Ahhh, so it's a poorfag privserver cuck, you're too quick to reveal your colors

>implying standing in/out of fires is difficult or worthwhile


>investing any time in a dead series of games
wrong again retard, you can't lose if you don't play

>jaina and her dad

>Goes to WoW threads
>Just to spitepost because he failed his grades because of WoW

>announcing reports
lmaoing at youre live



>current year
>still playing wowzers

what are you, a pvp cuck? you tellin me you dont want titans grip ashbringer and frostmourne?
theres even cool recolors

if you start you'd think it always was that way.

Meanwhile private servers run bigger servers than retail for free, fuck off
I fucking hate Blizzdrones

u got a point.

A bunch of Naaru trying to hatch Azeroth the Titan
>they succeed
>WoW is finally over

>playing WoW


Not gonna happen. They need that time played bs for the investors. What you are likely to see is all Legendaries in the next expac to be like the Soul Rings, ie doing a different effect depending on your spec and then once you have all the Legendaries you get the token drops for a random class.

Lore's been fucked way before artifacts and PVP has always and will always be a fucking joke.

At this point I don't think WoW will ever lack subs. We have said every year since 2010 before Cata that they will go F2P soon or that they will not keep the subs up high. They have never dropped below 500k at their worst, then busting back up to 6-10 million for a major new content or xpac. Those are paid subs too above level 20, not gold bought or anything like that.

Still most played MMO by no small margin. People have just understood the best way to play is to wait for content the resub, in comparison to constant playing.

I just started playing wow again after 7 years, what is the deal with every single person using the same exact weapon? That is the most fucking bland experience ever if everyone is using the same fucking items.

Also didn't they use to be hard as fuck to get in the olden days? Why did they decide to just fucking toss them out like crack dealers?

It's the gimmick this expansion. Each spec has its own weapon and you level it up alongside your character and upgrade it. It's not their best idea. As for handing out legendaries, they got a bunch of the dipshits who made Diablo 3 on board to make Legion, so that should be all the explanation you need.

>Naga announced as new playable race
i hope

when are they gonna add a new planet to travel to?

you literally travel to like 6 planets in Legion

i haven't played since cata, what are these planets?

this argument doesn't really hold up for legion. see arms warrior

there's argus which is the legion homeworld and is like a daily questhub and where the next raid is located
the other planets aren't much, just small little instanced scenario's but still technically different worlds

>wow loses even more subscribers after the initial expansion release
>they introduce even more overrpriced cash shop items for the remaining neets to spend all their benefits on

They stopped announcing subs for a reason. Players left in droves once League of Legends and other games started gaining popularity, which only hurt WoW subs that much more. Then when Hearthstone was announced, people unsubscribed to fall into the P2W trap that is that game.

World of Warcraft: Warcraft IIII
i can only dream

There's such an imbalance of melee and ranged classes DPS classes they need to add a ranged DPS class in this expansion.

wow is the simpsons. its old and dying and sucks, but we're still nostalgic for it and that makes it worth more alive than dead.

but seriously south seas + dragon/timetravel storyline seems likely. it's one of the few remaining areas of azeroth we know exists but isn't playable, and it (+ 4 troll raids in every tier) would be a decent hook to explore all the new lore Chronicles jizzed everywhere

Light and Void themed cosmetic bullshit is probably something that's going to happen, the groundwork is there with the Holy Dreadlord and Void Alleria.

Artifact system is bound to return in a changed way, just keep it as a secondary talent tree without any of the dump traits

They already said they were going to do another number squish after Legion. That was ages ago.

Honor Talents, the idea is okay, execution is kinda whatever

>South Seas with heavy focus on Trolls and the Void
>Vol'jin returns and resumes being Warchief, Sylvanas relegated to shit cleaning duty
>Jaina and Greymane lead the Alliance force to Kul Tiras, or what's left of it
>Gallywix and Rokhan lead the Horde force, setting up a new Goblin island that Gallywix immediately claims for himself
>The Zandalari make a truce with Azshara, setting up forces both above and below the surface
>Nozdormu is featured quite a bit in new Timewalker quests around the world, which touch on past events in Warcraft history
>Anduin has a new character arc in which he meets a young Nelf Priestess and they later hook up
>Baine has an arc in which he begims to investigate what exactly Sylvanas was doing as Warchief, discovers some shady shit
>New zones have content both above and below water, allowing players to pick which one they want to do
>Two raids at launch, one for the Zandalari, and one for dealing with Azshara. A smaller one released post-launch similar to ToV that focuses on the Horde-Alliance conflict, a bit like those portions of TotC
>New Open World PvP via island hopping for resources and such, Alterac/Ashran on a much larger scale Splashran anyone?
>New models for Worgen and Goblins, some new subraces (Dark Iron Dwarves, Gilnean humans, Mag'har, Nightborne for both BElves and BElves, Lightforged Draenei)
>New Explorer's League Archeology quests
>Revamped starter zones to feature new subraces
>Bolvar still doing shady shit, but not full evil yet
>Gadgetzan revamp for neutral city center.

Wasn't Jaina's dad dead?

>Naga announced as new playable race

Im literaly watching every single WoW expansion for this to happen.
Not that id start playing the game. But i just want to know if 16 year old me was actually waiting for something that was ever going to happen.

Honestly this is what I consider to be the most accurate depiction of what will happen and mostly what I hope happens. The only thing im concerned about is that they dedicated so much into the artifact and legendary system that they won't drop it and will just adapt it into something new.

They won't. Just look garrisons. Despite getting shat on by everyone Blizz was proud enough of them to bring them back but BETTER!!!!

Fuck this dev team

Objective list of the most likely things to appear at Blizzcon

>More TW raids announced, at least one for each bracket
>Level scaling brackets for old world
>Some sort of infinite grind system not tied to gear for the next expansion
>7.3.5 having some content to tide over after Antorus
>Pre-patch with old god tentacle fucking shenanigans around the world
>Warlocks get a complete class overhaul
>Charge now stuns instead of roots

What's the best way for level scaling affecting the game?

>entering a zone scales upper ilvls to a max for that area

alternate timeline where jaina just ice lances KT in the face when they first meet him.

no scourge, no second invasion of the BL for now.

orcs are slowly moved out of internment camps and into a frostwolf puppet state carved out of alterac, which unsuccessfully tries to convert its populace to the Holy Light. warsong and syndicate bandits plague the region.

Eastern Lordaeron is more fully settled as Terenas and the increasingly assertive Crown Prince Arthas annex Gilnean Silverpine and proclaim themselves protectors of Hillsbrad, nominally ruled by the ailing Kingdom of Stromgarde.

rumors spread that Strom is leaving the brittle Alliance of Lordaeron to ally with silent Gilneas and the strange monsters that now guard its borders. an abrupt and controversial royal marriage between Lordaeron's paladin heir apparent and a Kirin Tor archmage serves to keep Kul Tiras allied and Dalaran neutral.

Stromgarde finds itself forced into an ugly alliance with a king nobody has seen in years. Khaz Modan proclaims neutrality but a new war with the Dark Irons breaks out when Moira Bronzebeard elopes to Shadowforge City. all of humanity pledges support for Ironforge, but Lordaeron hedges its bets and quietly extends a hand to Emperor Thaurissan.

35 years after the opening of the Dark Portal, the Eastern Kingdoms are in chaos. Humanity is one diplomatic mistep away from its worst conflict since the Troll Wars. Khaz Modan finds itself under economic siege from the allies that delivered it from a martial one in the Second War. Gnomeregan descends into radioactive disaster. The Convocation of Silvermoon falls into deadlock.

the only remaining free agent is Stormwind. its costly reconstruction was delayed by the crises to the north, but Stormwind Keep finally stands complete, even if the monarchy that rules it is drowning in debt.

a lavish state visit from the ancient Terenas II is planned in Cathedral Square to celebrate the 20th Hordefall Day since the Second War.

..At least for PvP.

PvE is another story.. optional is good though.

I can only guess this will be a mostly Old Gods expansion going by Ilgynoth's whispers
>at the hour of her third death she ushers in our coming
>Azeroth was torn apart by the Titans ripping Y'sharaaj out of the planet
>Azeroth was hurt once more by the Sundering
>now Sargeras has stabbed his sword into Silithus injuring the world soul a third time
I would assume that'd lead to an empowered C'thun, and possibly N'zoth depending on how far out to sea the blood spreads since from what we know he's under Vash'jir.

The people are restless as the King of Lordaeron's retinue pours into the city. Edwin VanCleef's red masks are everywhere. Many are armed. Terenas and his household can't be allowed to know of the danger or Stormwind may find itself at war.

Wrynn plans to begin a stirring speech in support of peace after the traditional execution of a traitor - some fallen paladin from the north guilty of orc fraternization. VanCleef plans to free him in hopes of inciting the orcs to rise up as well.

Thousands of miles away, Crown Prince Menethil, Grand Marshall Olimar Garithos, and Archmage Proudmoore are planning a vast invasion of Gilneas by land and sea.

and then the earth begins to rumble and quake, and all of stormwind watches in horror as the Great Sea is ripped away from the city harbor by a vicious undertow,

the Cataclysm has come. again.

>Warlocks get a complete class overhaul
AHAHAHAHAHAHA are you fucking serious? Nobody gives a fuck about warlocks, especially this dev team. Warlocks had it decent in BC and Wrath and then peaked in MoP and they've been dog shit ever since because after that one guy lost his job like a retard they've done nothing but shit on locks. This is the class that has shit taken from it every expansion and handed to other classes. You ask for a warlock overhaul and they'll just take more toys and utility and hand it to fucking mages. The best thing that could possibly happen to warlocks from this point and beyond is if they got the rogue treatment and ignored them completely.

I guess scaling would also be applied to players, similarly to how all the legion dungeons also have scaling meaning anyone from level 100-110 can be in the same normal dungeon and do approximately similar damage.

>What's the best way for level scaling affecting the game?
No level scaling

WPvP is a joke with levels and stats how they are now though.

having everyone on a level playing field is boring as fuck and ruins the reason for wanting to gear up in the first place if you cant dumpster on cunts

where the fuck is Thrall?


Name the one thing you want most for the next expansion. It was be a plot twist, new race/class, new zone, or a mechanic or system. Don't make it stupid bullshit either.

It's going to be the Old God expansion + another old world revamp.

Imo the legendaries should have been called "relics" or some shit.

shaman's class hall, he's there getting cucked since the elements abandon him for cheating when he dueled garrosh

Daelin Proudmoore is dead (her father) and she helped kill him. However, her brother Tandred is still alive.

is tandred like her in the fact that she hates anything non humanoid?

Its called transmog you fag. use you're imagination and make some cool ass outfit.

He's described as "a good person" on the wiki so if anything he'll be used as a tool for Jaina's redemption.

>jainas redemption

i want fuck everything that isnt humanoid make azeroth great again jaina

New worgen models will get pushed back again, this time to patch 9.0

nice, original predictions OP, they're really because i haven't seen those predictions 8,000,000 times already

>the Cataclysm has come. again.
way to shit on your own fanfiction

I'm really getting sick and tired of this "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!" bullshit every fucking expansion. At least MoP did a good job easing the tensions and not having such a focus on a villain about to end the world for the 10th time.

Why can't we just have an expansion that breathes some life into the zones we already have? I'm not saying overhauling them again like in Cata, but just add content to the old zones and have one new zone with no immediate "Big Bad Villain for the sake of being evil"?

And at this rate we're going DBZ levels type of shit here. We stopped a fucking TITAN, and we'll eventually defeat the void lords because muh plot armor. I fear for WoW's future