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people who are offended by this only judge people by their skin and race, not by the actions and character of a person. They're not worth it.
>from the cover
Whoa its like nothing and nobody with a brain could care less what they do.
It's all still in the game, like. Why get mad?
my thoughts are fuck off with your facebook clickbait articles
fuck your ringleader who keep pushing this shitty trend on this board
This thread will be nothing but Sup Forums posting yet again but before it hits 500 replies I want to remind everyone that sombrero mario was in their big expensive advert that they are pushing hard everywhere so Nintendo are by no means trying to cover sombrero mario up and anyone who thinks otherwise is a retard.
Now go ahead and complain about censorship and "racism" for hours yet again. Enjoy.
Probably just done for variety sake, seeing how he's still shown in the commercial.
It's still in the game and it was prominently featured in the official music video for Jump Up Super Star, so who cares?
This is the oldest "news", faggot.
Sombrero Mario is in the new Odyssey trailer, so it was all for nothing. Sage.
I'll be honest with you. I don't care about any censorship at all unless it's anime tiddies.
Just give me my tiddies.
Fuck off retard
You mean all the outrage... was... retarded...?
This. Nintendo stands nothing to gain from acquiescing to demands from zealots.
Why are you so angry?
>wanna play Odyssey
>don't want to buy a Switch for one game
White chicks getting over offended for people they don't know nor need it.
Fucking white sjw's speaking for us. Fucking nintendo doesn't think we want Mario wearing a sombrero? We're proud of shit like that.
I swear SJW fucks are the most racists parasites in the planet, thinking they speak for people of other races.
Are Americans offended again?
>no equal representation for mexibros on super mario cover art
If I were a Mexican, but still had my white man IQ, I'd be pissed.
I think it's an old ass news it has been discussed to death.
And frankly, Mexican Mario appears in the lastest official Mario Odyssey commercial, so, whatever are the implications of that picture, it means nothing.
it was only on the cover to hide the (at the time) unrevealed seaside kingdom
im mexican and i literally dont give a fuck
We're SJWs. We're always angry.
Or maybe we're sick of this thread because we had it 100 times already and the entire argument has proven to be over nothing and serves as nothing more for Sup Forums to flood in and cry their bitch tears when there's already several threads on the catalog for them to shit up already.
Only white American college students are offended by this. Mexicans like Mexican Mario.
SJWs are the ones getting offended in the name of others who dont even care
Its like a "good boy" competition for these people, I think that they think this is how you get girls today
Really sad
>making mario italian is okay
>making him mexican isn't
As a Mexican, this pleases me. If Nintendo wants to represent Mexico in their new Mario game, they should've just made Mario a Mexican. Why does he have to be Italian? He can be literally anything, since he's a cartoon character.
>we're sick of this thread
Can't you just ignore it and move on then? Or are you too autistic to do that?
No shit, they feel like their doing good on their part defending/speaking for minorities because minorities can't fend for themselves. It's some super racist bullshit.
Americans don't care about representation of other first-world countries.
NO! It is racist! Because Amerilards say so.
>italians can't wear sombreros
Mexicans don't even play Nintendo games anymore. They play Call of duty and Fifa now.
im mexican and we are just like everybody else our normies play fifa and cod and our nerds play the shit other nerds play
I thought all your normies and chads were busy beheading people?
Wow it's coming true. You must be able to see the future.
saying mexico is a cartel town is like saying america is detroit
What would be the point of bringing that many books outside? She's not going to read all of them before she has to go back home. Also when she gets in the robot she's going to have to remove all the books.
nintenbro logic right there
muh Sup Forums boogeyman, wont you sjw libcucks find something else to blame
im a classic lib and you are the cancer i hope to be able to shit and piss and watch burn in my lifetime. crash and burn faggot, with your entire clan and ideology.
t. a black man that doesnt give 2 fucks about your feud
It´s always the same people. Nu-males and leftsists bitches. No one give a fuck about that in Mexico.
thats because we have barely any jews here
man we really need to purge society, so much mentally ill dead weight its a joke
you don't need to purge society user
you just need to remove all forms of governmental assistance and welfare.
that in a way is still a purge, a financial purge. all i know is if we dont cut off these WORTHLESS cancerous leeches our society will literally fail
become amish
Only white college aged manbabies get offended by this.
who gives a fuck
universities were a mistake
Nintendo has always removed things that trigger imbeciles in the US from games released in the US. Of course this doesn't help the issue of America being full of crazy idiots in a perpetual state of outrage, but sanitizing American society simply is not among things Nintendo cares about. It's something YOU should do YOURSELVES.
As long as the game itself is the same, I could care less what's on the cover.
No you retards, it's Americans. Fucking Burgers can't look at anything without seeing race. They see a national stereotype and assume it's a racial stereotype.
Fucking America, ruining every country.
I literally cannot buy the game now. I'm in tears right now.
Only in the US I believe. Because that's where all the SJWs gather
Literally replaced with watwr kingdom they didn't want to reveal at first and made the cover more varied visually.
Whats left to be said at this point? Nintendo will continue to censor their games. People will bitch, people will boycott, people will get angry. The outrage will fall on deaf ears and the cycle will repeat. Honestly, its been discussed to death. From Fire Emblem: Awakening to Bravely Default. It sucks, its not going away and thats that.
Imagine Mexicans being mad because a cowboy outfit
but the game still has it, you twat
>Mentions political alignment twice
>Speaks in buzzwords
>Reddit filename
3/10 bait, apply yourself.
I didn't say that it didn't.
Someone post the twitter screencap about speedy gonzalez.
Mexicans still love Nintendo games
It's just that PS4 and Xbone has sold more, so people play more of those
Mexicans love Nintendo games
We had an official Club Nintendo magazine, we used to have a Nintendo show called Nintendomania, we still get Festivals and parades of Nintendo characters like Mario or Pokemon
reCaptcha; Mexico Aldo
>people can't possibly be offended by cultures being used like wacky powers
Cowboys were originally from Mexico, that's fun
>inb4 they actually changed it for reasons completely unrelated to the autistic sjw screeching about racial appropriation
Funny, because i haven't seen any Spanish people offended at all. So far the only response I've seen they made was the fact that it looked cute. So what the hell does Nintendo always listen to these dipshit SJW Americans?
Yeah it totally has nothing to do with SJWs, why are those problematic shitlords even bringing up that buzzword anyway?
>it's a "white people get offended on behalf of other races" episode
they took off mexican stereotype, but not the italian stereotype?
They did. The hat is still in the game and was just featured in a major commercial. Thinking that they did it becuase of SJWs is delusional
Spain, actually. That's where the whole cowboy thing comes from
I'm "spanish" and I'm offended.
>They did.
>Thinking that they did it becuase of SJWs is delusional
t. nervous sjw
why must you be offended like that unless they're flat out insulting your culture?
How much time do you spend dedicated to posting this shit? The game wasn't censored and sombrero mario featured prominently in the adverts. There is no SJW issue here at all you braindead faggot.
Because they are insulting my culture? And a lot of people have friends and family of different cultures, so they feel the need to look out for them. It gets out of hand, but it's not hard to see why.
Then why was it removed from the cover, retard?
This. It's funny how the retards that scream RACISM discriminate more than anyone
How so?
Because it was a screenshot with a blurry background you idiot.
that might be a valid statement if mexico wasnt an eighth the size of the US. hell, i consider canada to be smaller than the US since a good third of canuckland is just snow and archipelagos
By being offended on other peoples behalf for "Cultural appropriation" despite said people liking the inclusion
source: your ass
how is it an insult? it's played for laughs and given small representation. Unless they go much further and point out all the flaws in said culture and shows only the negatives, then you have a right to be angry.
Just because a culture is being shown in some form of media, that doesn't mean it's offensive on those grounds alone.
Explain how the cover change is a SJW conspiracy when the sombrero is still in the game and in the adverts for the game. Seriously, explain your logic. Maybe even I'll agree with you. But I don't think you can do it. You'll greentext of post Sup Forums meme images but you won't actually explain yourself while calling anyone who disagrees a SJW. Prove me wrong.
I'm just speaking to why people get offended on behalf of others. As I said, it gets out of hand and this can be one of those times.
Fine, one half is cartel town, the other is a bunch of voodoo satan worshipers that appropriated catholic imagery like cargo cults
SJWs bitched about it so nintendo removed it from the cover so it wouldn't be the focal point of their ire.
No one said conspiracy but you, fagboi
>offended on behalf of others.
again, that's not advisable. Unless they specifically want someone else to help them combat some sort of offense to their culture, which raises questions in this scenario in the first place, then there's no need to start anything with anyone. It just creates conflict within creation.
I'm not saying you're doing this, I'm just pointing out how meaningless and actually hurtful this sort of thing is. If anything, it shows that said culture has a bunch of crybabies who hate anything showing their culture, which only makes things worse.
>you have a right to be angry
>someone can you when you can be angry at cultures being played for laughs
Come on now.
>conflict within creation
What does that mean?
There's a more right way to be culturally inclusive, it's worth talking about. No, devs don't have to care, but people don't have to be quiet with how they feel.
>thinking minorities are so physically and mentally inferior they absolutely need handouts, free passes and additional moral protection
Sounds racist to me, boss.
Do you think they all like it?
Post the twitter montage of Mexicans ripping into the SJW.
>Mexican Mario
>Pikachu Libre
When are we gonna get a traditional Mexican costume for Link?
Aren't you the one making those assumptions? I mean, there's a whole conversation about privilege and historical context that might help you out with that.
It was always only a placeholder shot because they didn't want to reveal the underwater kingdom yet. Just look at this, the sombrero Mario isn't even in focus.
Isn't that like wanting a cowboy outfit for them and calling it an American outfit?