I pre-ordered this ages ago and ignored all the controversy...

I pre-ordered this ages ago and ignored all the controversy. I'm about 25 hours in and I honestly forgot about the buyable loot crates. I've never once felt pressured to buy them.. I have more than enough in-game currency.

Am I missing something? Tell me why I am wrong Sup Forums.

Your not wrong but i gues that is part of the reason its stupid the boxes are there in the first place?

Because one garms jruno who failed miserably couldnt get through the last section of the game without everything being purple.

Basically, this. Sup Forums never believes anything journalists say, except when it confirms their biases.

I honestly can't understand the target audience for the crates besides people with boatloads of disposable income. You don't even feel slightly pressured until the final act, so if you're the type to buy the crates because you lack time or skill it's unlikely you'll even get to this point in the game.

They're obviously tacked on at the behest of WB, and while Monolith did try and make the boxes unnecessary (which they did), it shows how screwy publisherd can get when the stock holders catch wind of something.

>play 48hrs ago
>getting epic and legendary drops from silver loot crates
>just now after opening 200+ loot crates i only got 1 epic, 0 legendaries and its mostly rare and white common

these fuckers changed the silver drop rate even lower i can tell

>I pre-ordered this
Disregard That, I Suck Cocks.

The original design of the lootbox merchant.

There's literally no point buying loot crates in single player mode since you can just cheat item stats and everything else.

it only matters if you play online nemesis, which is already ruined because the gold loot chest retards will have legendary, epic gear and high level orcs and too make it worse on the LEGIT players the RNG is so bullshit and broken either made this way purposely to milk microinstruction.

Bet the guys who made that sneaked the jew look in due to not wanting there lives work getting ruined by the jews running this shit.

Did they change his look? What does he look like now?

flat nose and doesn't do the hand rubbing anymore just looks sad if you leave without buying shit or jumps around if you buy something.

>boring repetitive quests
>shitty grind
>big empty useless open world
>no end game content
>rohan story just ends see you in dlcs you suckers
>no interesting unique noncombat quests
kill yourself op.

Im not comfortable with dominating Orcs because it reminds me of real life slavery

Also a lot of people are playing it just for the Pit Fights

This game is absolutely mind blowingingly amazing on nearly every aspect of gameplay... The skill tree, the improved Nemesis system, the massive and varied open-world, the emergent gameplay, fort sieges, pit fighting, loot rarity, etc...
I'm still in act 2 after 15 hours of play now and have been loving every second and do not see myself tiring of the gameplay loop any time soon. Even if the game becomes a grind later, I still feel like I've more than got my money's worth already.
I understand the underlying reason people dislike microtransactions but I really hope this backlash doesn't negatively affect DLC or future games because sales were less than optimal.
I'm sad because so many bad games get rightful flack for having microtransactions but Shadow of War, which is basically a single player game at it's core, is getting dragged into so much negativity despite the developers having obviously poured their heart and soul into making this game about the best it could possibly be while adding on the microtransactions as a convenience feature more than anything.

oy vey that's anti-Semitism can't have that goyim

here we go

They don't even have dicks you mong

>entire game is just an expansion pack of the previous game
>entire game is noticeably a mod of Arkham Asylum
Why are western game devs so fucking lazy?

Because their target audience is retards and literal children like OP who will eat it all up and preorder for the privilege.

You may see orcs, but I see an engineer, a doctor, a poet and a philosopher.

because normalfags are plebs and western devs are cucks.