These are Japanese game developers
These are Japanese game developers
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>programmers can't be hot
The cuter they are, the better the game.
I L O V E this cute girl from Okinawa!
Brown japanese girls are the best girls.
My wife Aoba is so cute
I love Hifumi
Hifumi is so relatable. Autistic and alcoholic.
Have you ever been near a programmer? Both their work hours and lifestyle are antinomic to taking care of themselves.
Do they help clean each other off with their tongues?
How can other girls compete?
Seriously? That's a pretty normal word. Just because you don't see it every day doesn't mean anyone who uses it is trying to posture.
I'd buy all their games, even if they were shit
Id buy best girl Hifumi's game
"Click the thick"
Why do you have photos of my daughter (wife)?
I want to play lewd games with Hifumin.
I want to watch Aoba and Hifumi do so
I, too, want to watch Aoba and Hifumi have wild, steamy, passionate lesbian sex.
You bought my game right Sup Forums?
I can't take this.
Momo best girl
get the hell out
Not defending that pompous asshole but you'd have found it if you just went a step further and googled it
frig yes