Deus Ex thread

I've only played Deus Ex: Human Revolution but I loved it.

How does the original hold up? Has it aged well or should I not bother? How is gameplay compared to HR?

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If you have to ask "Has it aged well" it means you're an underage casual and should kys immediately


I guarantee I'm older than you, I'm already downloading it but just getting a discussion going is all.

Goback2cuphead, faggot.

This but he should actually play it before killing himself.

You sound like a 15 year old. Cuphead is also a great game.

So you're a console child that likes to be carried by cinematics and exhibit no thought of his own?
Yeah it aged badly, you'll hate it.

you should give it a shot. I played it for the first time about a year ago and loved it, but it is pretty weird by modern standards. don't give up on the first mission, it takes a little while to get into.

>played hr first
Fucking moron

get gmdx and rebind the default controls to your liking
that makes dx1 perfect

Got a headache from playing mankind divided, too much shit with too much detail on the screen.
Got to the underground bunker part and uninstalled.

Want to give it another go but don't want to cripple my net for hours with the 50 gb download.

It's gb2, not gobackto. Fucking underage newfag.

HR is way better in every way, don't ruin it for yourself by playing the original.


Kill you'reself

this but you should donate all your things to the clinton foundation first

Just an original opinion instead of Sup Forums cockriding in search of validation.

Then go back to it, faggot.
ur mom

gmdx or new vision?

Played DE1 after HR. Loved the character progression, level design and exploration, enjoyed the corny story and voice acting, but unfortunately it lacked what attracted me to HR in the first place: great art design and atmosphere. Still an enjoyable game.

The gameplay is way worse (but nobody seems to care about that) and everything else is better.

GMDX comes with new vision's texture improvements

>If you have to ask "Has it aged well" it means you're an underage casual and should kys immediately
Except it does not. Just try playing Wolfenstein 3D.

>The gameplay is way worse
*Is there


Just play Deus Ex 1 but add mods for high resolution, it's a sacrilege but is ok for you casual

>The gameplay is way worse (but nobody seems to care about that)

That's debatable, I think the orginal Deus Ex gives you more control over the character than HR, the problem is that JC starts as a complete weakling that can't even shoot straight and the aiming system makes it hard to play lethal, the game is kinda forcing you to play in a stealhty non-lethal way in the early game or use all the skill points on an specific type of lethal weapon.

HR problem is that it has no melee options and I would rather have the good old baton and quickly knock people backs out than waste an energy bars on a non lethal takedown.

invisible war is actually a decent game

it's mediocre by itself and as a Deus Ex game it sucks in every department except story

The augmentations can be fun but they are quite overpowered. Weapons feel terrible to use for the first few levels until you can aim a little faster. Hacking is boring as sin you just wait a few seconds and the AI is not allowed to act. Stealth is broken.

The level design holds up enough to allow for some creativity in what you're doing. And there are enough small choices which impact on the game (e.g. how you handle Sandra Renton's problems) to keep it interesting.

Don't forget worldbuilding.

>How does the original hold up?
I think it's an excellent game, but it has some problems here and there, like all the augmentations needs to be activated or deactivated manually throught the F-keys (I think GMDX fixes this making most augmentations automatic, like the strengh aug activates automatically when you lift and object like in HR, GMDX makes the game significantly harder though)

>Has it aged well or should I not bother?
I think other than the graphics that look like a PS1 game on steroids it aged well, the hubs and locations are as big as HR if not bigger, you'll explore a city full of civilians and hostile gangbangers pretty much the same core game as HR too be honest.

>How is gameplay compared to HR?
the gameplay feels clunky at first, the game is a first person RPG not a FPS so don't try to shoot anything that moves like in HR and don't try using weapons if you didn't invest experience points that the respective weapon requires, you'll have to get used to the aiming system a crosshair takes a couple of seconds to look into an enemy so if you use guns take enough distance or shoot through a cover, to knock people out non-lethaly hit their low backs with the police baton that you can find early in the game in one of the bodies or use the prod the same way, if you want to play lethal do the same with the crowbar or the knife.

In the settings menu change toggle crouch to "on" so you don't have to keep pressing the X key since you'll spend a lot of the game crouching and it's easier to play this way.

In the vanilla game the AI is very dumb so if they find you just run and hide somewhere, shadows are pretty useful since enemies that are in front of you won't notice you're there so you crouch in the pitch dark areas behind pillars and so on

The vanilla game or at least the GOG version doesn't autosaves even if the game is telling you it's autosaving, so save manually often before you enter a new area after a loading screen (mods fix this)

>>The gameplay is way worse
Can't do anything like this in HR

>untrained weapon skill that late in the game

>he doesn't go full explosives/heavy weapons

>The augmentations can be fun but they are quite overpowered.

To be fair you have to explore in deep to get enough augmentation upgrade canisters since the augmentations' effects themselves don't last very much or are less effective so it feels like the game is rewarding you for exploring the areas or completing secondary objectives also some augmentations are significantly less useful than others and you have to choose carefully which ones you want since some exclude another like the invisibility with organic enemies or the invisibility that works with bots and cameras.

What games allow you to be a complete fucking asshole?

>some exclude another like the invisibility with organic enemies or the invisibility that works with bots and cameras.
I once tried playing with latter (Radar Transparency I think). It's shit though going through lasers felt nice.

Pretty much all the Dudes Sexs, Invisible War allows you to kill little schoolgirls and one of your allies tells you what the fuck is wrong with you when you do.
