Whats a good game to fix a broken heart?

Whats a good game to fix a broken heart?


normie faggot

Russian roulette

Try Russian roulette on the hardest difficulty.

Depression quest

The dating game

Dark Messiah.
You get gifted a Succubus, who teaches you the power of kicking things.

What happened user

Why do people think of normie as a legitimate insult?
You're a virgin locked up in your room all day staring at pictures of other people doing sexual shit while wishing in your mind you could experience this in person, but then have the worst personality and disgusting appearance that turns everyone off, not as if that matters, because you won't even try to go pick up someone anyways.

Then you lash out at "normies", because they actually keep a nice appearance, aren't massive cunts, and have a healthy romantic life. You hermits are fucking sad.

russian roulette


Tell us who hurt you OP

reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee reddit go

t. /r/incel

what's that user?

Story time user, what happened?

your homeland

Nier Automata.

You literally are no better than those people if you're on Sup Forums.

Whats a good game to fix a broken human?

>Whats a good game to fix a broken human?
The Wonderful 101

I wish I knew. Having fun with re1 though

russian roulette, really gets the juices flowing


Least that shit will heal with time.

Ain't no video games that can heal my busted ass knee

Going through it right now, brother. Legitimately you need to play genres that you never had interest in before. You fresh new shit in your life, not things that remind you of him.

Nice copy pasta, now go cry somewhere else where someone gives a shit about you... oh wait, you got no one, that's why you are here

I wouldn't recommend gaming.

Just to to a gym and workout - fine work to keep yourself busy.


Doki Doki literature.

>le Sup Forums is a sekrit club meme

doesnt work anymore bud
we got normies here
we have a sports board


Stardew Valley

lol mad normie
Imagine how many dicks your ex takes right now

imagine how many dicks your oneitis takes right now


idk but i just played through the walking dead season 1 and my heart hurts

>implying I have an oneitis
normie attempts a strawman lol

>almost two weeks without sex
Losing my mind here, bros.

>tfw 21 years
Reaching the natty limit soon

IRL Frogger on an active freeway

>play hearthstone
>reminds me of the little time we played WoW
Im not crying I swear

you fuck

tfw I was mad jealous about all my friends getting married out of nowhere but now almost all of them are getting divorced 1-2 years into the marriage and basically ruining their own lives plus the child's too if they had one. Glad I didn't fall for the meme.

play stardew valley and listen to flatsound.

>almost two weeks

>newfags using normie unironically
Making internet accessible to the general population was a mistake.

>redditors using newfag unironically

Yeah... I'm a fag


me too

My girlfriend and I have been together for 7 years, no plans to get married and neither of us want kids. She likes video games and has big boobs.

Did I do well, boys?

I'm actually a girl, don't tell anyone.

Is she living in your house and does she have a job?

Living in an apartment together, she makes slightly more than me.

Try 29


>tfw I have sex regularly, have a strong social life and like browsing Sup Forums

Am I considered the cancer of this site?
I even share funny shit from here with friends

I used to be a total NEET loser, though
Just got my shit together, learned how to attract women and started networking my social life

You're right, we should go back to using normalfag.

I told my cat

I got the approval! Nice!

Katawa Shoujo. Yeah, it's not really a game. But depending on your personal investment, it can cause you to catch feelings for a fictional girl, and that can help you to stop giving a shit about the Stacy that stabbed you in the heart.

It also has sad music, so you can overload and indulge in self-pity while you play, that way you can get over yourself and then get over her.

Post picture of your cat for me. This is my little guy.

>1 year without sex
i dont give a fuck desu

Depends if her boobs are big because she is fat or not.

At that point you might as well go fuck a fatty dude

Bad pussy is better than no pussy

>gf has been away for 2 days
I can't take it anymore


Back to /soc/

Might catch a ban for this. Tell me

I wish I had a cute cat. So I didnt tell anyone :^)


Picture made me laugh, so I'll count it.

No she is not fat

Feeling good about myself right now, boy. Double approval today.


>phoneposters and normies pat each other on the back

>the absolute state of Sup Forums

Sorry for video games not being exclusive to rejects anymore.

Your waifu is not and never will be real
If she was she wouldn't date you

ocarina of time

>lol a pic of my cat
>guys heres my gf
>lol nice brah
video games

Bro, where did I imply that this is my secret club ?

All I'm saying is that I hate faggots who want special treatment and OP outed himself as one of those, not because he has a broken heart, but because he started flinging shit at the people he asked for pity

The number 1 thing I want to solve on Sup Forums is for all the normies to get out. Why can't you stay on Reddit?

the good off topic threads are better than your average on topic threads on Sup Forums
this is a good off topic thread because I get to watch virgins autisticly screech

Eh, could be worse

>because I get to bait virgins with my autistic behavior

Fixed that for you

>good off topic
>im so sad I havent had sex in a week!
Kill all normalfags. Beta uprising now

>Sup Forums shit
>normalfag blog shit
Is it just me or is Sup Forums really shitty today

>Fuck you fag, I bet you look nice, have had a girlfriend before, AND have friends.
This is you

Damn, you are one mad normalfag.

Sure, you could call people normies but if you had a choice to switch between their lives and yours, you would do it in a heartbeat.

Garry's Mod

This. Then when you come home play the Half-Life series back-to-back.

>autistic screeching
Thanks for proving my point

When's Hiroshimoot going to remove phoneposting anyway?

>it's fine that there are off-topic threads on Sup Forums because it satisfies me
Good to know that you are here for the shitposting.

>remove a source of income

I was range banned on Verizon for a bit. He might have tried and then realized he was losing money.