Why didn't you pre-order Mario Odyssey yet, Sup Forums?

Why didn't you pre-order Mario Odyssey yet, Sup Forums?

Because a few Twitch viewers of mine bought it for me.

Because I dont own a switch and dont care about Mario

I grew up of Mario and platform games 20 years ago

Looks boring IMO.

Because there is no benefit to preordering and you should stop doing it.

Because I'm going to fuck your waifu

Because no special edition.

You don't pre-order games that will be widely available everywhere, you dumbass.

Don't have a Switch because there's nothing on it I want to play.

because I'm not a pathetic 40yo failure missing his careless days playing nintendo.

I did

>being over 13
>enjoying mario

Literal manchildren

Werd erwachsen, du Windelpisser.

because preordering is a meme
i will walk into my local store before work and pick up a copy with ease

I already pre-ordered for that sweet 20% off.

A local store over here in Germany has a 20% off sale during the time of the release, so instead of pre-ordering, I'll grab the game for 48€ on its release day.

Nice, like a reverse Amazon.

>Paying 92+ plus to scalpers

Also enjoy that digital copy lmao, literally buying air.

comes out super close to my birthday

Don't worry, I did.

Because I’m not poor.

>OP gets infected with console rot and dies

Because I know a store that breaks the street dates for games so I'd rather pick one up from them. Also have an SFC Mini coming in the mail too

How do you find out about these stores?

There’s one in my area I’m sure, went in one time when there was no one around and just one employee and he basically told me to go kill myself