Enough of the Father-Daughter relationships in video games

Enough of the Father-Daughter relationships in video games.

What are some games with Father-Son relationships?

>Enough of the Father-Daughter relationships in video game

Name ONE game


Those princess maker games I guess.


The last of us
Tomb raider
Uncharted 4

Also Nier


Thats too cute man. Makes me miss my dad

But that's a laughter emoticon?

The Walking Dead game's first season was about this too.

I'd be scared of a black man too.

Why would he be the dad when he could be the guy who doesn't walk but instead floats six inches off the ground?

Haven't played the first Nier

Also i'm fairly sure there's loads more games with the dad/daughter dynamic but i'm drawing a blank

Fallout 4, in Fallout 4's typical disappointing style.

Fallout 3, and he's Liam Neeson. And the actual protagonist.

uhhhhh... donkey kong? I guess?

oh the DA2 DLC where you find out hawke's dad was a dirty fuckin blood mage and you deserved all the persecution you got

That's adorable


>Black father who sticks around is actually pretty good
How nice, also pic related for your question OP.
Wild Hunt

>blacks don't have emo-


Resi evil relations 2.. I think?

>black father still around
Cursed as fuck image

What about mother-child relationships in games?

>Son wants to be his father for Halloween
>Halloween is a holiday about fear, terror and everything of a scary nature

Really makes you think..


Kinda rare outside the generic JRPG/ pokemon start

Dragon age O had it.. i'm sure there's a few other interesting ones


Mother/son game where?

Numale of the Last of War will have a father-son relationship

Final Fantasy VII

Dragon Quest mother fuckign V.

Damn that is a rare sight, a black father with their children.

Nipponese porn

"Crying (from laughter)" is obviously exactly what she meant, yes. You fucking autist.

Why does the dude in the back look photoshopped in?

That's a good one on a few levels

Because you touch yourself at night.

Is that guy in the background doing the Akuma special?

Uncharted 4 is literally the last 5 minutes of the game.

>calmly messatsu child

Someone say father and son?

Never give up. Trust your instincts.

What's he running from, Sup Forums?

>blocks your path


That man is a wizard, this is a cursed image

I never got this insult. What's so bad about masturbating at night?


He's fleeing with an armful of play station games but then he saw an xbox 360

The Binding of Isaac


Gravity, obviously.

It's about the old idea that masturbation is a sin and would cause children misfortune, ie blindness, if not prevented

>Uncharted 4

Kill yourself right now

>the scariest thing the kid could think of was his own father

The walking dead


At first I thought that man wanted to be that kids dad for Halloween.

your favorite game


Yfw OPs pick is more of a man and father than Vergil "seed my flower, brb gotta raise a tower" Sparda

I got that reference!


None of your exclusives are good and the 360 had exclusives

But that was herself

I'd block his path, if you know what I'm sayin'!

Woah man, other gaem



oh my god

please don't tell me that's actually supposed to be that little cross dressing boy

Jesus shad

>didn't draw any porn of trap harley



it's fucking shad
what else do you think


>blacks your path



That's kind of cute.
I'm sure games like so exist.
But most of the time father-son relationships are huge plot drama drives, like missing dad, dying king, villain dad, not human dad, dad with a huge legend, etc

Are you fucking joking?

>tfw your dad died when you were a teenager and your heart will forever be empty because you never found out how tight his ass was.

Yo, for real though that guy in the background is floating a good three inches off the ground.

Is that nigga an NPC in Dark Souls?


I won't... but it is.


The floor is child support

>father daughter relationships in games

No one asked for more details, uncharted 4 is still valid

and the SleepyCast say he's mentally fine

Among the Sleep

People who consider masturbation a sin understandably believe that sins are punished supernaturally. It's a joke insult where the insulter pretends to be a religious nut for comedic effect.

Pokemon RSE has a bit of father-son dynamic. Your dad is the gym leader of one of the gyms.


fuck all of you faggots, shad is a pure creature who will make fun of everything everyone else doesn't dare touch


What a fag, he was probably steined


What is wrong with shad? He's gone too far.

Jesus christ

I'm fucking sick


Bioshock 2
Bioshock Infinite
Witcher 3
Last of Us
Fallout 3
Dishonored 2
Splinter Cell Conviction

Liev probably fapped to this.