Should I buy this game?

Should I buy this game?

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You should buy some health insurance first.

It's that bad?

I was never able to grasp the controls.

Do you like fun ? if so, yes.

This thread again?... Deja vu.

Really amazing in-game designs and atmosphere. As a agoraphile, I was cumming so fucking hard from almost every level (especially from Secreta temple of course). Also, a lot of weapons in game and good feeling of shooting/crushing.

Main problem is in the really stupid enemies and lack of various actions on the maps.

No, it's that good
Just be careful of your legs

the only 3 weapons you will need are the .444 revolver, fuller auto SMG, and exploding sword
have fun and remember to upgrade legs

Its been awhile since Deathwing, is there an update on a possible seque yetl?

Watch this then decide.

You will be warned for spoilers.

I just finished it but I didn't get a boss fight against my mentor's murderer? Is this a glitch?

you need to do 3 playthroughs and get all 3 "Gate" spells before you can get the true "ending"

No waves...i like this thread

It's worth every brouzouf.

As someone who has managed to finish the game 3 times and get the "true" "ending" I can confirm the game is mostly shit if you like the average story driven game and hand holding.

If you go into this game, unless you look at guides you're going to most likely get all the hype you've gathered for the game destroyed in the character creation screen. There's a load of shit the game throws at you merely seconds after playing, you don't know what each thing is or what you should even go to since there's attributes that aren't even explained to you.
Surely there is an in-game "guide" but more than anything it is just filler to tell you what each screen and key is, not the actual use of everything. Not only are you thrown in with absolutely no idea of what happened or how to even use stuff you've got from the start, even hacking had me fucked up when I first opened the screen.

Other than that, if you can get past the abysmally steep learning curve the game starts being pretty fun to play and it has a good replay value, even making new characters feels rewarding since there is so many ways to finish a mission and so many builds to try out to cheap out the game.
You don't get many restrictions and the game isn't one of those "you play for 1 hour with a shitty pistol" types, just 10 minutes or so into the game you can already equip the heaviest armor in the game and use some ridiculous powerful weapons (later on you can buy more shit or unlock it), there's several upgrades and powers which you either purchase or "learn" and are satisfying as fuck to use and the tri-gate is 100% orgasmic.

When it comes to story, I'm sorry to say that the game never really /tells/ you what the fuck happened to you or why people are fighting, but that's the fun part, to play by yourself and as you see stuff happening and discover new elements you start to slowly make sense of what could be happening and why.

Then there's the ending which might turn you off a bit or even feel like a hazzle, the first time you "finish" the game you'll just get some bullshit dialogue and be thrown out back to the BEGINNING of the game, having to do everything again, and not just once, but three times. If you feel like you have the patience and will to do that you'll get the "true ending"... but then again the game never really ends and you are thrown back to the beginning.
That's pretty much all I gotta say about the game.

Other than that all I can say is that it's some 100% meme trash, play it at your own risk.

>You gain brouzouf
>You gain brouzouf
>My legs are broken...
>My legs are OK
>You gain brouzouf

Only after you read this

>tfw game clicked with me on the penultimate mission.

>the game never really /tells/ you what the fuck happened to you or why people are fighting
i know they're not exactly lore dumps, but the archives in secreta HQ has a few terminals to read

*teleports behind you*
*creates waves*


>abysmally steep learning curve
You said yourself, hacking hits you out of nowhere. But one should be able to get the hang of it after the first few attempts
There is nothing else needed to learn that you have not picked up from RPGs or RTS(The Research part).
Its not a babies first vidya, that is for sure.


>that tiny ass thumbnail
Every time.

WASD moves, shift to legs

you know what I hate?
realtime hacking

You certainly need to play it.

It goes on sale for $1.99, I would wait. If you take Sup Forums's hype about the game at face value, you're probably going to be disappointed.

It's a fucking final fantasy with level scaling. Get over it.

>no story
>awful gameplay
>Autists here justify it with brozouf memes and muh sekrit club comics
It's basically the Rick and Morty of fps

NO its shit

don't listen to these brainlet jians

>no story
Thanks for telling us you didn't play the game
>awful gameplay
Are you one of those people that tried to play it like Deus Ex instead of Serious Sam?
>Autists here justify it with brozouf memes and muh sekrit club comics
Not an argument.