Why do European love Professor Layton so much?
Why do European love Professor Layton so much?
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It titilates their lower IQ
We love a gentleman who solves puzzles and saves the world together with a ten year old boy.
Americans are too stupid for Layton puzzles, that's really all there is to it.
higher IQ
because they are autistic
It kind of look like fantasy europe and remind us of our cartoon.
We’re smart
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Professor Layton. The puzzles are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of riddles and wordplay, most of the solutions will go over a typical player’s head.
speak for yourself
post cool Layton wallpaper
>americans are dumb
lol fuck of europoor
>Average IQ by Country
>Italy 102
>Iceland 101
>Switzerland 101
>Austria 100
>UK 100
>Poland 99
>USA 98
Really activates your almonds doesn't it?
>Italians smarter than UKuleles
More top tier individuals =/= average intelligence.
It's a fact that Americans, on average, are way less intelligent.
ummm say that to my face and see what happens sweety
pick one
Americans are infamous for their ignorance.
For fucks sake most of you don't even know your own country's short history (since it'd be too much to ask for you to know about what the landmass was like before your ancestors settled there).
> Dr Rodriguez could be in this very thread
Maybe its because its set in London
Is the Layton phone game any good? Played the first two cases for free and they were fine but quite short. Is the additional content/cases worth the 20 bucks?
>smart people America
>Poland 99
>USA 98
the fuck
I thought only African countries get below-100 IQ
You shouldn't be allowed to post if you're from a below-100 IQ country tbqhf.
It's charming and despite the sonyland meme the DS line is huge here
It's coming to 3DS so you could easily pirate it there. I've been told it's kinda disappointing tho
European style,children friendly game.
Australia too loves brain benders.
And portal.
>not a country with majority africans
murican CV cover
>all Asian
Euro CV cover
>meme magic
>Australia 98
>United States 98
>ranked above USA
Layton looking pretty SLAMMED I'm the American art
>letting germany basically control the euro
The UK is actually filled with dumbasses. It's the US of europe.
Lots of people view the brits as a very literate people but this country is riddled with people who hardly understand their own language.
And I'm not just talking about niggers and pakis, I'm a university student who constantly has to put up with people splling wrds like dis rn innit and failing to compose basic sentences on reports and group papers.
You'd think that with the youth of today spending so much time on the internet, a mainly text based platform, they would know more about making words.
So how is Mystery Journey?
because Layton is English man.
American don't buy the games with non-burger protagonists
Same as Australia only the north are affected, white australians can be smart but damn, we are called the dumb white guy of asia. Good thing we breed with Chinese and Vietnamese to make us smarter.
I myself am smarter than 98. I even got to university but i didn't actually feel interested in my courses.
stop living in liverpool
Euro is more expensive than USD... good job krauts!
Interesting, but it feels like a retread of currious villiage but katrielle layton is a smart lady, the prologue was fun at least.
I wish I was earning money back in the day when gbp was worth 2 usd
I mean isn't the whole thing about some British guy going through tiny European cities to solve riddles? Pretty sure Europeans will take anything they can get to stave off the feeling of impending doom.
> it’s an islamophobic shitskin episode
Sorry dude, but your countries are fucked.
Wow is that graph real??
Puzzle games like this were a pretty big phenomenon with women in the 35-45 age category a while back. I remember these DS+Layton game bundles on Mother's Day in a lot of stores.
Plus the fact that the art style is heavily inspired by French/Italian/European cartoons, which I'm sure plays on people's nostalgia.
Don't emberass yourself.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Professor Layton...
it's just ameriflaps hating science (see the ''philosopher's stone" case) and cunt-eyed nippos seeing too many beady eyed characters and not enough moe
Who was in the wrong here?
To be fair, Japanese vidya market size is about half as large as that of European market
We used to be able to do student exchanges with US universities at my Faculty but our courses were too hard for their students so they agreement was terminated. Apparently, they were failing almost every courses they were taking.
We can still go to Switzerland and Fiji though.
the majority of yurop is below 100 you literal brainlet
yeah, but if the game was a subject of interest we'd se the same sharp slope as w/ EU graph, just with a lower ceiling
It makes them forget their sad lives by self inserting as Layton.
t. Tyrone Ramirez
Even for a racist joke this is pretty lame
>LOL Asians right guys?
SO WHAT IF I'M HISPANIC? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
Don't mind him, yuropoors are extremely racist/intolerant