This game is real bland

This game is real bland.

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it's fun with friends

That's who I'm playing with. Still super bland.

Not really man, the game gets ludicrously difficult even with only one friend. I mean yeah, all the sneaking around and sniping bit is cool, but when I get sniped out the side of a helicopter from +600m from some asshole on the ground hipfiring with laser-like accuracy from a Mac10, it sorta kills the fun. And that they go back to not noticing me knifing them in the stomach when it's just me playing solo is retarded.

>game is good but ONLY if you do A
wow nice logic ubicuck.

It's shit too, if not shittier.

How the fuck is this game the "Highest selling game of 2017" is beyond me

Ubisoft is /ourdev/

Pre orders I'm guessing. Also McDonalds is the most popular fast food in America.

The game is shit. It's a little more fun on the hardest difficulty but it's still shit.

>helicopter to and parachute out to area
>use drone to mark targets and use teammates to clear area

>Capital C in Sup Forums

The voice acting is terrible like what the fuck they wasted all the money on graphics and gun licensing

I dont understand the story is obvious that the CIA lady is extremely Sadistic. The Rebels are pissed at you since YOUR doing all the work and it may or may not be a sequel to Future Soldier.

It's funny that they market the game as a "play any way you want" type of game and yet every base that the player attacks has a helicopter nearby and spraying bullets full auto from far away like Call of Duty is always the most effective tactic. It's like Far Cry 4 and all it's gyrocopters everywhere.

You can versus the cartel but going guns blazing versus Unidad is a pain in the ass

>buy this thinking it will be a more content heavy MGSV
>it has all the tools and means to be exactly that
>it's still somehow the most boring shit

Setting and story is generic, but I could've forgiven that if the game was fun enough. It's somehow not. I don't even know how, it's just not

It also was either one of the first, or the first game bundled with one of the 10xx series video cards, so highest selling by association?

Holy fuck, this. I played a half-dozen hours of the game before I got rid of it, but I swear, that opening cutscene had me hovering on the uninstall after about three minutes in.

>multiplayer game is good but ONLY if you play it with multiple people
yeah, crazy fucking logic, no idea how he jumped to that conclusion.

Am i the only one who finds this much more fun in single player? It's actually challenging, the companion ai isn't that bad and they fixed most of the vehicle controls.


Playing the Ghost Wars PVP mode. I'm having fun, but this would've been 10x better with more players per session, larger maps and vehicle access.

>download game for free weekend
>can't launch game
>try to find solution
>dozens of threads culminating in "oops, that's an issue, send in a support ticket :^)"
Glad I'm not Australian. How can Uplay still be a thing when it doesn't even work 20% of the time?

Fixed how? Last I remember, the only decent vehicles were motorcycles, because all the cars were like driving marshmallows with wheels.

playing on the hardest mode with most of the HUD disabled is pretty fun. Not worth $30, or even $20 though

Who the fuck is Tom Clancy, anyway?

I thought the game was fun if you wanted more mgsv type gameplay but with cooler guns and character customization, it most definitely was repetitive but so was mgsv in that regard. The one thing that is absolutely essential to enjoying this game is to turn the volume for voices all the way down other wise youll go crazy from the frequent and horrendous voice acting.

Also I played alot in singleplayer and would command my ai squad to hold outside of whatever base i was entering so i could do whatever until i gets downed then the ai squad would come in and rez me and help as backup. It made it more challenging and fun soloing everything

He wrote a bunch of military novels and Ubisoft licensed a bunch of them to make games out of. Now he's a brand where anything that is military or government in some way has the Tom Clancy brand name.

Also he died a few years ago.

TL;DR, Historical fiction/fiction writer

Is PvP fun? The multiplayer in future soldier is what drew me to the series.

Dude I got this game for free with my video card. It's not really even worth the disk space.