There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who buy 60 dollar games that have microtransactions

>There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who buy 60 dollar games that have microtransactions

>paying for games

The only game I've bought in the last decade that fits the bill is R6 Siege. Almost everything can be purchased with in game earned currency and its all cosmetic anyway so it doesn't have bearing on the game.

Shame about Battlefront 2 being a nobuy regardless of whether the game is good or not but hey, EA made it I wouldn't have paid them money anyway.

There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that still watch Pokemon. Instead of Loot Boxes, we might see "Pokeballs" in the future that contain random Pokemon for money. The worlds top Nintendo registered streamers will just happen to unlock multiple legendary Pokemon.

There are some Capcom shills here, so I know you're not wrong about that.

What's the matter user? Can't fit vidya into your budget??

sage go back to /vp fags

>There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who wouldn't impregnate Lilie

Fucking neo vee

>there are people that pay $60 for ANY game

>there are people on Sup Forums right now who do not realize the superiority of sukumizu

i would but it'd be a rape baby, no love involved

>new pokemon comes out
>ultra balls for 10 bucks
>Pokeballs are scarce

I would actually like that

>Playing Shadow of War
>Just finished replaying Dragon's Dogma for the nth time
>mfw never paid a cent for RC/War Chests

I only buy games at 10 or less money on sale.

>Pokeballs are scarce
>Game is actually hard and has RPG as well as survival elements, I.E. you can fuck up your save by not having potions/revives/balls
>You're just a kid trying to be a Pokemon trainer fighting other amateurs, eventually fighting ace trainers and elites; No more preschoolers and housewives and Pokemon battling as a hobby
>Roster is cut by 5 billion percent, only keeping the well designed/practical pokemang from the last 30 odd years
>No saturday morning cartoon characters talking for a combined total longer than fucking MGS4/TW3
>Unless they're Jackie Chan, because that show was the tits
>Remove world domination/global warming/socio-political antagonists
>Create a unique artstyle instead of the generic ugly as sin DS/3DS aesthetic

Hey look, Pokemon can actually be a decent game again.

>invasion system
>summoning system
>strongest pokemon are bosses and can be captured
>each time a pokemon is revived by joy the pokeball has to be replaced to avoid trauma on pokemon
>other players drop currency
>meaning that invasions have an actual cost
>but currency is given by the professor for each new catch or new pokedex entry

I want to fuck Lillie.

go get raped, lillie. and send pics

just pure animal lust because lillie is the ideal female body

>being poor
>thinking $100 is a lot of money

I can do you one better. I bought NBA 2K18 Legend Gold Edition.

To waste on a single game, in one of the most plentiful years for videogames in history? Even though I wanted to buy the Gold Edition of the new South Park game, there are too many other things to buy.

Why would you fucking do that?! The current trend is boycotting Madden and the NBA2K series for steering players towards micro-transactions.

NBA 2K forces you to make a character before you can even play. While Madden forces the player to go through the Ultimate Team advertisement before they can move on to franchise mode.

Evilwithin has no Dlc or micro transactions.