ITT: Talentless Hacks


>Makes games that sell millions of copies and are huge successes
Okay OP.

Blockbusters sell millions of tickets, does that mean they're masterpieces?

the hackfather


you immature stupid fuck, looks like jacking off to futa made you confused and you misunderstood financial success for fine craftsmanship.


Hes never done me wrong. I bought Fallout 4 and the Fallout 4 Season Pass and was very happy with it.

Not him but he has to have some kind of talent if he managed to do that, doesn't he?



'He' who?
Marketing team, or countless number of modders that patched that game and produced content for it. Nobody plays fully vanilla Skyrim outside of couple of hrs to 'see what it's like'.

What did he contribute to the project? Fucking terrible quests, bland and pathetic NPCs, laughable main plot?

No, but that doesn't mean they're literal pieces of turd either, you fucking mong

He’s pointing at us

The meme aside, Todd is still a better developer than anyone at EA or ubisoft

Listen - we get it, you hate the guy and we all agree that he should be shat on daily. But is it really productive to shit up Sup Forums with pointless repetitive shit like this stuff here?

You know it's true.

"Dude what if I made a game but you have to dodge attacks at the last second to get an advantage and just did that over and over and over"

but he has 3 fingers pointed at himself


I'm a talentless hack for not letting Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition and Skyrim: Special Edition on the main page of Steam. Please shame me.

Iwata could debug shit like the fist of the north star but he definitely wasn't cut out to be a CEO.

>what if i had fun and just had fun over and over


The epitome of the Peter Principle. Nipponese business is so stupid. Cool guy, though.


>Skyrim & Fallout 3/4
>Better than Far Cry 4/3/Blood Dragon
I mean I know that the former are RPGs, so the gameplay is less inclined to be as polished as the latter, but they weren't even good RPGs.
And then they had legendarily shit gameplay, never mind the eye cancer graphics.

Ubisoft Montreal is better. They're nothing great, but they can be entertaining.

Todd is cute let him alone!

Normally I'd say yes but EA is starting to learn, releasing games without DLC besides their breadwinners like Battlefield (that may even change, we'll have to see). Their games have been getting a lot of polish and extended periods of bug fixing (outside of garbage flops like Mass Effect).

Ubisoft is definitely the worst though. They have yet to release something that isn't complete and utter garbage.

Todd doesn't make every mechanic and feature, he is not the writer, he's been working on RPGs since the old school, hes also said when he's fucked up, especially on Fo4
He's one of the better parts of the company funnily enough, or he would be if he didn't let his personal relations drag his games down, which is his real problem

The George Lucas of video games. Was never nearly as involved in the classic work he's known for as people think, and has gone out of his way to try to ruin all the new games he does.

This. 99% of the positive reviews were from how much people enjoyed the modding experience, and then Todd (don't talk to my wife's son) Howard took even that away.

It doesn't even deserve the 64% it's sitting at right now TBQH since that was entirely due to mods fixing everything.

If Todd let go of that Emil guy and replaced him with a lead writer who wasn’t mentally retarded Bethesda would be a way better dev than they are now.

easy to learn, difficult to master.
Kamiya is quite the opposite of a hack.

>Mash button
Weebshit's been braindead for decades, user.

Pretty much, anyway the way I see it as an outsider is that Todd is one of the links to an old school style of RPG compared to those at Bethesda these days, if this is true or not I don't know but it does give me hope that it leaks through from at least someone at Bethesda