These are people who get paid to play games

These are people who get paid to play games.

dying to that boss is acceptable if you're still learning the patterns/game

and if you watch or advertise them, you are part of the reason why they get paid. go fuck yourself

alex is shit tier

>he thinks i'm paying for giant bomb

I kept dying because he would bounce off the wall at the corner and Id try to dash under him

and my space button would randomly not work during the third phase

>look at all 3 males in pic
>can tell at a glance none of them ever have tried any type of serious competition in their life
>being as such they are unfit for a classic-style video game

>my space button

>serious competition
>singleplayer for that matter
what the fuck

Why do people just make assumptions? It's a hard-game.
Vinny has played every Castlevania, every Megaman, etc. He's even played with a girls pussy, but you don't see him bragging about you being a virgin.

your shilling their ugly faces on Sup Forums, thats bad enough


I didn't call video games a serious competition, work on your reading comprehension

>Sex-obsessed libtard makes everything about dick and pussy again

i'm primarily just do it for you and you alone friend

they play videogames though, if it isnt relevant to videogames your post is meaningless

`dying is not the problem, not learning from your mistakes is.

I would fuck Abby

they all are shit tier, and only turbovirgins pay for GB premium to see these hacks.

Must suck to be you. So much "skill" and yet unable to turn it into money.

If they die a bunch isnt the problem. Now if they blame the game instead of learning from it then yeah, thats a problem

And now you're strawmanning, all because you can't read.

>Must suck to be you. So much "skill" and yet unable to turn it into money.
Must suck to be you, the need to project your insecurities on others for no reason.

I'm just saying, you're gonna be at a disadvantage if you can't even get into a girls panties. If you can't into the game of life, I don't think you should be a nasty goy about Cuphead of all games.

Once again, projecting your sex-obessed worldview onto others.

>I don't think you should be a nasty goy about Cuphead of all games.
I have yet to say a single thing bad about cuphead. Infact, I'm agreeing with OP

anyone got a link to this? it's not on the google doc for some reason

Good, hopefully more women follow suit, then there will be some piece and quiet on twitter.

peace and quiet goddammit, I fucked that up.

>they have not been apart of singleplayer/pve competitions
>therefore they are unfit to play classic style games
what am i missing?

>have no clue how to persevere, learn and adapt in an environment that makes no attempt to hold your hand
>get washed in a video game that challenges your ability to persevere, learn and adapt all while making no attempt to hold you rhand

a singleplayer/pve game cannot ever be competitive

>mfw Ben will be the only one who pushes for Cuphead as GOTY because nobody else will have beaten it
>mfw it'll probably do worse than some shit like Shadow of War
>mfw I will still listen to and enjoy the podcasts because people having different opinions is okay

Single player games are competitions between the GM (Developer) and the Player

Use a controller, numbskull


Why would anyone play this game though?
Other than the art style it seems like a pile of shit.
Story is not interesting and most of the time the gameplay looks like artificial difficulty.

It seems like a hipster game much like what Dark Souls turned into.

It's the Rick and Morty of Souls-like platformers.
You need high IQ to understand it.

>looks like

Opinion invalidated.

Just LOL. Keyboards is objectively superior in every way. You have three fingers on dash, jump, shoot meanwhile on a pad, you have to do clawgrip or cuck to shoulder buttons. I can't even imagine using a fucking D-PAD (or worse, analog stick) when arrow keys are simply better.

Why? I watched enough of it on youtube to make my mind to buy it or not. Seems like a waste of money.

There is nothing interesting about the game except the art style and it's made for retarded hipster faggots that want to brag what hard games they play.

It's easier with a controller.

>sometimes my space bar randomly doesn't work
>keyboards are superior in every way
Good post, retard


I'm not the retard that uses the spacebar in non-WASD games

Nah you can't switch directions in one frame with a d-pad/stick, you will always have travel time as long as you cuck to thumbs.

literally i can look at this picture and tell that all of these "men" are numale liberals

I've tried both, it's better with a controller.

I get the feeling you post on r/masterrace and have a dell laptop

Why is Sup Forums so tsundere for Giant Bomb? You guys talk shit about them all the time, but every Friday without fail there's a bunch of threads about UPF.

And? I have fun watching them. Gianbomb and Funhaus are literally the two remaining channels left on youtube that aren't complete garbage.

Why the fuck are you casually bringing up some Reddit forum no one gives a fuck about? Maybe you should go back there yeah?

>I don't like this game so that means no on should like this game
Ok Marge.

Why does there need to be 3 fucking angles on them?

I don't even have a Twitter account.


because they're e-celebs and it makes the lonely people that fund their Patreons feel like they have friends.