Wesp5's VtM: Bloodlines patch is the biggest poison in the RPG modding community

Now this dude, Werner Spahl aka Wesp5, he's been "fixing" this game for over 10 years. His patch is already at version 9.7 (wtf). I mean, there is not enough dialogs and scripts to comb over in the span of 10 years. But let's suppose he's working very slow. OK, well, since the patch is 400+ MB in size I suppose tons of shit should've been fixed and the game should be mostly a smooth sailing. Right?

Nope. There's actually more bugs. I constantly come across all kinds of weird issues. Like missing dialog lines, broken cutscenes, shit not spawning where it should be. OK, I'm a learned man, I google this shit. And yeah, you sure come across various threads on various obscure forums where Wesp5 is coming out of the woodwork (or more like a knight in shining armor) and saying things like "oh sorry I must have broken it, add this line to that file to fix it" or "use this console command to push through" and "I'll fix it in version 5.6.1 beta 3, promise". And yeah, some of these threads are from 2010 or earlier. Shit's not been fixed yet.

Now, either this dude is utterly incompetent or he keeps on breaking things just so that he can keep on releasing more patches to support this twisted hobby of his.

Other urls found in this thread:


dude just don't apply the plus patch lmao.

Cool blog post.

>wahhh why isnt he fixing my game fast enough
entitled new fag

Okay now let's carry on from the previous thread.

First for Tzimisce Clan best Clan.
Where are muh Fiend bros at?

9.8 actually.
Also the basic version is bug free(or at least as bug free as you can with this game).
One of the few clans to embrace Lolis, for this alone they are the best.

Tell me, what's the craziest thing in WoD lore?

My brother
Still waiting on my Sabbat focused sequel where I can play a fleshcrafter

Amen to that brother.

diablerist clan founder master vamp caitiff

The gog version is still 9.7 basic

Craziest would be the Tal'mahe'Ra, as in how crazily retarded the whole concept is
Actually crazy cool would depend on what you're into

Probably the racist as shit gypsy book, or the nazi doctor vampire.

Best girl

10/10 would diablerie

One time an antediluvian woke up, and a giant conspiracy group killed it by using satellites to reflect hundreds of times the light of the sun onto it, and then dropping nuclear weapons.

Look at any 1st or 2nd edition WoD book and you'll be sure to find some wacky, stupid and lore-breakingly overpowered.

Poor, poor Ravnos. Gangbanged by chink vamps and a fucking mage mirror sattelite.

I wanted to say that's some Deus Ex shit right there, but Dudesex ain't that crazy.
Metal Gear maybe.

I do not have a valid reply.

How does that happen?

Is this copypasta


The "God" of WoD is actually a giant supercomputer using algorithms to exponentially increase it's processing power by creating more of itself

Sometimes it also tricks powerful mages to accidentally create more of itself too

Tzimisce Nazi doctors fleshcrafting kikes into chairs.
Gypsy street-shitter Antediluvian waking up and eating half the country of India before getting super-nuked by a group of glorified mage haxxorz.
Super Jesus freak Gargoyle surviving Gehenna and saving other Vampires with Faith.
Super Nosferatu loli killing ancient Nosferatu abominations.
Baali shota giving a priest an incect enema while being buttraped by said priest.

Just a few off the top of my head.

That's nWoD.

That scrub from the Lily quest bugs me the most. 'You don't look well at all... sweet mother of God!' is obviously not the same voice

Ideas for Sabbat Sequel
You pick from Lasombra, Tzimisce, Harbringers of Skulls, Kiasyd, Salubri antitribu, Blood brothers and Panders
You're part of a mass embrace suicide mission to take out a camarilla holding, but miraculously are the only survivor and succeed.
Your elders send you on a mission: Stop the camarilla from waking an antediluvian- at any cost
The game would consist of multiple hubs where you track down the ante's lair and destroy or diablerize it, fighting the camarilla all the while, who are all it's thralls

A. that's NWoD, not VtM.
B. the God Machine is not God. It just seems almost as powerful.

Glitching through to his area before the quest is actually brought up to that stage.

>surviving gehenna
Boy do I have some bad news for you


this by far

Jesus christ. No kill like overkill.

Hermann Göring and Heinrich Himmler were named characters in the Berlin By Night supplement. One was a Malkavian and the other a Tremere Antitribu iirc

They're not Sabbat, they just sit in Strassburg and do fuck all

it took all of that to kill it, and a lot of people theorise he survived it
(although in canon hes dead)

I never finished reading the Time of Judgment actually. I should pick it up again, the recent influx of threads has given me a Vampire boner again. What happens to him in that scenario in the end?

Give me a break, I wanted clans in the Sabbat that wouldnt just be "camarilla antitribu"

Always found it odd we could speak to a dying man for that amount of time about the current state of Santa Monica

>no volgirre
>no tzimisce sempai you have to appease by following his metamorphosis belief to learn more viccisitude
shame on you

>10 dot chimerstry lets you trap a victim in an alternate reality of your creation
>implying Ravnos didn't just trap the WoD in a book only read by shithead nerds while he escaped to the real world

You don't fuck around with antediluvian

God doesn't forgive him - he's too much of a zealot and too sure of his virtue. He want's vampires who realise they are flawed creatures, who admit that they can do wrong, and Ferox is not one of them

He's gonna get raped by Chads in the real world
>tfw Chad is strong enough to cuck an extradimensional being


Fugg. What about the Dhampir chick? She must have been pure, right?

Yes, she is by canon saved

fuka you, gay fishu

Good :)

fuck off nigger kike

Boo hoo waaah *drops rattle* das raciss
jesus fuck I want to put faggots like you in a gas chamber

*tips fedora*

I think a game set in the Middle East would be awesome. It's where it all began.
There are so many interesting foreign Sects, religions and groups set there. It would satisfy my lore boner.


t. gyppo

Ashirra best sect

t. someone who hasn't looked into the gypsy book

gyppos wouldn't have to deal with racism if they stopped stealing shit and went back to india where they belong.

what gypsy book?

>Ashirra best sect
Bow down to Haqim, infidel fuck.

Hate the Assamite fucks, but gotta love how casually this dude BTFO the Tremere

is that you tessera?

Same. Assamites are slimy, but ur-Shulgi is a badass mofo.

Why are you making shit up you dumb faggot.

I've played through this game 3 times and never had a problem other than the time i tried to play it vanilla.

Literally nobody says the patch is buggier than vanilla.



Some of the methuselahs are really cool
Ur Shulgi
Baba Yaga

And of course, the entire Triumvirate, but especially the Dracon

>being a newfag who doesn't know what /vg/ is for


>reflect hundreds of times the light of the sun

Yes you're 100% correct my friend. VTMB indeed belongs to


IIRC they gain power based on the purity of their bloodline, and all the powers are based around thievery, swindling, and knife fighting.

Nah, they're fine. Blame the Tremere and the Baali for their blood curses.
No Caine did not curse the Assamites with an addiction to diablerie and anyone who tells you this is a Tremere or a Tremere sympathizer

What is the Caine-given Assamite weakness anyways?


no my friend


that IS their weakness

Addiction to Diablerie? Hah, good ol' Caine.
>boo hoo my children are eating each other! how do i stop this madness?
>oh i know, i will make them NEED to eat each other! that will stop them!

>literally appointed to be an impartial judge of the third generation
>joins them in betraying the 2nd
Yeah no, assamite fucks got EXACTLY what they deserve, and Caine's intention was that other vampires wipe them out

He's a ghoul. A bit of vampire blood would fix him right up. He's just being a whiny bitch.

According to the Assamites, nothing. Caine didn't curse Haqim because Haqim didn't plot against his sire.

According to everyone else, the diablerie addiction IS from Caine, and they're just making up the whole thing about the Baali.

Heh, fucking sandniggers. Even before the invention of Islam they were shitty "people"

Nope, he declared neutrality there, if you believe the Assamites.

Nukes don't actually exist in cWoD. The Technocracy just sends someone in and they convert so much mass to energy that it causes a domino effect of Paradox backlash that kills anyone within 5 miles.

>if you believe the assamites
Anyone who does this DESERVES to be eaten

...Nukes exist in OWoD
Those were spirit nukes the technocracy fired, different from regular nukes

They don't, user. Regular nukes are considered vulgar by reality. That's why they use spirit nukes instead.

Their version of things is backed up by Saulot and the Salubri, sort of. Both of them fucked off from the rest of the scheming idiots along with their clans to fight the Baali.

>bringing in mage bullshit
>when nukes clearly exist in vtm and have been discussed

Only good thing the Tremere every did was fuck over the whole clan. Fuck ur-Shulgi.

>getting buttmad about gamelore
>when clearly it's all just for fun

>The salubri
Idiot puppets. When does Saulot himself ever actually say that?

ur-Shulgi is definitely not a good guy and, in my mind, a Baali plant. Haqim's last appearances in the lore pre-gehenna are him frantically studying clan history, and then talking with Mithras.

>pulling the "arguments on the internet don't matter card"

Trying to pin down Saulot's motivations is pretty hard, considering the high liklihood that he sired the original Baali methuselahs.

>not knowing how to properly apply a board tag.

Reddit indeed.

Antediluvians are all trash, and that's why Setites and Assamites are even worse than the Camarilla

I feel like this is pasta, but it's too stupid and specific to be one.

>being this mad that were not discussing mage lore

Fuck. Made my second post to fast.

I don't think he's a Baali plant. It think the implication may be that Islam is corrupted by the Bali. Multiple settings in cWoD imply that Islamic terrorism is rooted in diabolism.

tess patch > vanilla > wesp5

The original Deus Ex plot outline had an AI that launched itself into space with nukes and werewolves