Why is Big Boss so perfect, Sup Forums?

Why is Big Boss so perfect, Sup Forums?

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keifer made bossu more handsome

which one?

His model in V is a combination of 5 people, retard. Kiefer looks like a drunk male drag queen in real life; no way that even with facial capture, Snake can be him.

You have to admit, he does have a good voice when not drunk.


>Using cut lines as an example.
Opinion immediately discarded.

>literally just one edgeloop for animating the shoulder joint

He is perfect because he is so flawed

Remove the eyepatch then we'll talk

OK, buddy boy

He looks like my fucking uncle, except i'd fuck my uncle but not that

his head is way too big for his body, and he's a manlet

You mean bibo


He's not

post your uncle NOW

ok, here's my uncle Sup Forums

Can you elaborate? What's weird about it? I'm fascinated by modeling but I don't know shit about it


Japs know how to model. Not a single unnecessary poly.


Almost everything in this model is perfectly symmetric, go figure.

There's just one loop with clear connected squares (two triangles together) around the shoulders.
Loops that go all the way around like that make the stretching of the surface nice and uniform when the mesh is animated.
The shoulders are infamous for being the most difficult part to rig and animate, and it's just strange to not put at least three edgeloops around it.
Also, there's a bunch of unnecessary triangle clusters around it, which makes for bad transformations and bad rendering. Just why.

tell me more jargon that I don't understand, user-Kun

his arms dont move that much during gameplay, and it's possible they used some new type of deformation joint that doesnt require extra verts to animate properly

>cut lines
most of these are in mgo

Really? Never bothered to play MGO
Is chew on this used?

Pretty sure its just a line for using the rocket arm


That model looks good, but why do the SFM rigs look like utter shit?

Are the original bone rigs literally unextractable from the game in proper, or are people just horrible at applying bones in general?


Probably because Fox Engine does some sort of special crap with those edge loops, dunno.

Because generic white people creates by the Japanese look good.

Truly the best words said in this thread

>his model only has 14k polygons
>only a fraction of XVs model polycount
>only 4k more than Samus in Prime
>still looks better than both combined
Square's hard on for polycount over everything really ruins their games, you'd think they learn from XIV 1.0

As long as you don't look at Square, Noctis' hair has more polys than the whole model of Snake and it still looks like shit

What kind snake is he ?

You shut your mouth right now boy

Metal thigh highs? Check

Partial corset? Check

Suspenders emphasising dick? Check

Ready for action lets head out

Hm, yeah, they may just have used blend keys for extremes. Still, seems like a roundabout way of doing things. It doesn't seem to save nay polys or anything.

Will there even be anything to top his beauty in video game history?

pretty much everything in SFM sucks because once anyone gets any real skill they move on to proper animation software and forget about that trash

So I just played through Ground Zero for the first time
what the fuck was that.
And do I have to 100% it to unlock all the shit for TPP

Don't think 100% but some little things carry over. If you extract certain prisoners from Camp Omega they show up as recruits later. Glaz and Palitz, at the least.

No, supposedly you just need to rescue the different prisioners across the missions
Even then all you'll get is a few early recruits, which's outdated thanks to the "new" challenge menu that gives you free high ranking recruits early on

100% is worth it in ground zeroes since you unlock the best song in the game.


Fucking this, no better song

Calling Morpho to level the base while this played on its speakers was my shit

>someone has taste this good

My fucking nigga.

Makes me wonder, was MGSV's models made in Maya? I swore, there was a facial capture interview video about MGSV once that showed a Maya window.

fug I only rescued paz and chico

do you ahve to S rank everything to 100%?

TPPs twist is actually pretty funny for someone who doesnt follow the series that much

You have to S rank every mission on normal and hard.

Don't know, but they did use Agisoft Photoscan for scanning models.



>half jap

That's been retconned since 3, dude.

>this isn't the music that fits venom
>it only fits big boss because of maybe twenty minutes of tapes at the very end of the game with literally no other buildup besides the intro

Is it, dare I say it, a fucking tune?

Who cares

>Who cares about vital parts of canon?

Feeding ramp polished to a mirror sheen? Check