3 GOTY candidates in the same year

>3 GOTY candidates in the same year

How the fuck did Nintendo do it?


Splatoon 2 is really only a candidate for multiplayer of the year, not general goty.

>Splatoon 1: We slapped a 2 on it
>Game of the year material
My fucking sides

They put out a new console, and launched on two of their big IPs, and one of their newer ones that people really fucking loved despite Splatoon one just being a tech demo.

Is it really that surprising? I mean, what did Sony or MS put out this year that was going to compete? Horizon Zero Dawn got fucked by coming out a week before Zelda, and I can't admittedly think of anything notable that MS put out.

Is nothing.

>despite Splatoon one just being a tech demo.
What the fuck am I reading

Splatoon 2 was a perfectly fine game, but not GotY. BotW is also good, but seriously overrated. Odyssey has a good chance from how it's been looking so far

This is the real GotY though

>not as good as Hat in Time
>Splatoon 1.5
>Zelda: Break of the Weapon

Name your GOTY, friend

When the game launched it was a tech demo, man. You can bitch about it all you want, and tell me I'm wrong, but Splatoon one didn't have content until the third or so free DLC update. It was an hour long story mode, and one mode of online.

Hahaha. Neck yourself pcbro.

this,big name rehashes,even i could make on unity a 10/10 mario game if it said it was developed by nintendo

By raising an entire generation of latchkey kids unopposed.

>It was an hour long story mode
Ah, you didn't play it

Thanks for saving both of us a whole lotta time.

>actually thinking an indie game has any value

Get some taste my man

I think you mean Xenoblade 2.

Nintendo will win game of the y-

*blocks your path* What do now nintenbros?

Yep, that's what it is. And definitely not being good at the game, and being able to go through story mode fast. It's less than an hour and a half if you're decent, and if you're really good at the game it's sub an hour. But sure, I didn't play it.

>Xenoblade but weebshit
No thanks

I was pro Xenoblade 2 until the unveiled the fucking catgirl thats a total fucking disaster of character design. They've jumped the shark.

So how long before the honeymoon period on BotW wears off?

>3 shitty kiddy games
>GOTY candidates
nah, Horizon is the real GOTY: progressive game, cinematic mature experience, this is the proof games can be art and the medium is progressing
tell me when bing bing wahoo make a real masterpiece like horizon

There was a honeymoon period? Sup Forums started bitching about it day one because "It's not a Zelda game". Or, you know, it's not a copy/paste of Ocarina of Time, which is what Sup Forums was actually whining about.

Didn't that wear off a long time ago? THe game is just another empty sandbox but this time with weapons that break constantly.

this pic needs more variations

Yas queen slay (the evil white men built robots)

Maybe it's actually just a really great game that brings shitloads of new things to the table?


Everyone in the industry pretty much grew up on their stuff and will deify them forever.

>progressive game, cinematic mature experience, this is the proof games can be art and the medium is progressing

So you're saying you're a speedrunner and figured out the World 4 skip all on your own, champ?



>disregarding a majority of video games just because they're indie
the absolute state of nintendofags

>Splatoon 2

Not with those shitty maps, that terrible balance, and RNG grindfest for ability chunks


I like Nintendo, but Splatoon 2 is in no way deserving of any awards. It's a good game, but that's it.

I LOVE Splatoon 2, and Salmon Run is a god's gift, but no way that's GOTY material

>even I could make on unity
Ok. Go make it then.

>Switchfag bitching about indies when it makes up a half of its library
Glass houses, Nintendronie

Better than kiddieshit.

>Splatoon 2
Kek, no.
It's either gonna be BotW or Odyssey just because they're Mario and Zelda games. Hands down.

Xenoblade 2 is the third GOTY from Nintendo this year, no two ways about it. The game oozes attention to detail and massive scope and is packed with content. Xenoblade games aren't to be sniffed at, user. These games are The Witcher 3 in size and scope.

ARMS > Spla2n tbqh

>forgotten about shortly after BotW was released
>comparisons made showed BotW being better overall
>already a "GOTY" version coming out with DLC, reduced price, not even 6 months after its release
I bet you're one of those retards that think Sony Smash 2 is happening.

Nintendo really is going to go to complete shit once he's gone...

Both are shit.

If it's so better then "kiddieshit" why did it flop so hard?

What does it matter if it is a rehash? The games are still good.

Played ARMS and found it incredibly shallow and felt like I was fighting against the controls all the time.

Now Xenoblade 2, that's the big'un


Coming out to late to be considered. Just like XCX.

Because of bad advertising and the majority of people being sheeps and dumb as fuck.

Kind of like you for falling for a System Shock 2 rehash tb.h.

>Literally Who: The Game

I don't even think this will beat Ruiner in sales

Well memed fuccboi.

Never even heard of it.

Did a JRPG ever win GOTY?

>Splatoon 2
>GOTY candidates
Whatever you say Nintendies

Breath of the Wild: Familiar characters, familiar story, new gameplay mechanics....Rehash

Odyssey: Familiar characters, familiar story, new gameplay mechanics....Rehash

Prey: New characters, new story, same old by the books gameplay mechanics....GOTY

At least we can see where your priorities lie.

Does Final Fantasy 7 count?

The better question is has a non-western video game won goty?

Popularity doesn't dictate quality

Various ones from various publications. I know FFXII, FFVII and Pokemon have gotten some.

>new gameplay mechanics
This is what Ninteshills actually believe.

How many games do you know of that have sentient hats user?

>Moving the goalpost
Also, minish cap is one of them.

I could go for some tendies, right now.

...except they didn't?



Alright, what would qualify as "new gameplay mechanics" for a Zelda or Mario game?

>Splatton 2
>EVER standing a chance

Oh, you pedo fuckers.

>splatoon 2


I don't understand how people could unironically think this

Umm yeah, Nintendo is for faggots
Sony is for cool people

Actually new gameplay mechanics. Super "BING BANG WAHOOO" Mario Odyssey or Zelda: Break my weapon's shit up aren't new.

I thought the GOTY was already known?

>xeno games being weebshit

this is literally been going on for longer than you've probably been alive i'm not sure why people still make a big deal about this

You have like 6 Uncharted games while Mario has like a thousand

Zelda is probably close to 30~50 while Killzone has 6.
Gran Turismo has like 7 while Metroid..fuck if i know, like 20 probably

You just BTFO'ed yourself

BotW is the only decent game in that list.

>This needs new mechanics!
>...not this!
Like clockwork.

Two games I forgot about and a game I forgot was even coming out this year.

one game divided as dlc 6 times doesn't count as 6 games user, nintendo has the luxury to actually make multiple games

I don't see how Splatoon2 is a GOTY contender when part of its invite system is in a phone app and the entirety of the voice-chat system is a clusterfuck. Considering it's MP-focused I'd say those are some big flaws.
It also has the retarded mode IRL time-constraints.

Zelda's not a bad game but not the best thing of this year either. I also don't know if I should respect a game that locks a Hard mode behind a $16 DLC.


>Mario Odyssey
>new gameplay mechanics

Oh my sweet Nintendo child...

Maybe if you included XC2 and not Splatoon 2

If your problem was catgirls I don't know why you were ever excited for XC2 when there were cat people in XCX.

Funny you say that when Splatoon exist a series based upon a DLC that is branded as a sequel


>This is what Sonyfags ACTUALLY believe

It's cool, you can keep pissing yourself in delusionland with the rest of the Sonyfags, and we'all continue to indulge in superior art released by a company with developers who actually know what their doing.

>GOTY for kids games.

It's nothing.

This is a great example of how to cherry pick.

>thinks ur shitty old games count
forty keks

You mean 2

>I didn't play splatoon 1 or 2: the post

Your shitty old controllers seem to count for things like the directional pad, etc so I'd say a 'shitty old game' counts.

>splatoon 2
>not xenoblade 2

Well they put the Nintendo name on it and then people like you buy it and think it's GOAT regardless of actual quality.

Come up with one