What are some games where the MC gradually grows up as the game goes on?

What are some games where the MC gradually grows up as the game goes on?


>Went from sexy to disgusting

Also Cold Steel

Ok, I'll bite, this is cute, what's it from? And as for your question, I cant really think of any off the top of my head which would cover that amount of time, certainly not in a gradual way, there may be timeskips though

>the blonde trying too hard to get all the attention


Gusha no Kyouben

That pic is awful.

Thank you

Harvest Moon: A wonderful life

>that water shot just fucking piercing her body
holy fuck

SaGa Frontier 2.
This is the same character at the start and end of the game

crusader kings 2


Stop watching anime

That gave me bad feels.
I went to a high school reunion recently, and everyone had that jaded, disillusioned, "there must be more to life" look on their faces.
I mean, they looked like typical adults, but having known them from childhood, I could instantly tell that they were still children on the inside, just playing the role of adults.

>tfw have little sister
>desperately don't want her to turn into a slut
>it is inevitable unless she becomes a Muslim or a Quaker

In Kessen 3(PS2) the main character starts as a young adult then grows older.

Except for the boobs and clothing, they don't look older in that last image at all.

make her into a hamster

How old?

>children on the inside, just playing the role of adults.
That's everyone user

I mean, they didn't yet turn into fat middle aged people driving toyota camry's and talking about that amazing business opportunity that will surely get them promoted, so it was easier to notice.

You should have sex with her before someone else does. It's the only way bro.

Only a couple of years then till I see that travesty then. I've noticed an increasingly bleak outlook from my peergroup

>Everyone is depressed and bleak.
You know this is our only hope of a future.

Fury Road was pretty kino with the "mid 20s males with nothing to live for and only death to look forward to" motif.
Maybe we'll see a punk revival soon.

Welcome to Anime

>Settle for a job that limits your abilities and makes you a number
>Do that for a decade
It's not surprising. Add children, plus possible debt and they are prisoners.

whole fucking Sup Forums on the left with chips

If I'm honest, I was actually envious of the lifestyle when I first watched the movie.

Assassin's Creed 2.

>turning into sluts

is this the power of modern females?

Final Fantasy XV

kys pedo