You have 5 seconds to say something nice about BotW

You have 5 seconds to say something nice about BotW.

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i liek

it's a really fucking good game

I really like the Guardians and ancient technology spin on the series.

I love playing dress-up with Link.

It's easily the best Zelda game since OoT/MM.

The wold is fan-fucking-tastic.
And the fact that you can climb and use all the physics shit you want with it just makes it better.

Still can't believe that it runs on the WiiU

It's shit


It's good and I like it

I want to fuck Purah

its fucking garbage LOL

It's a good tech demo but not a great game

Very good game

Great world design and amtosphere. The dungeons are great and my favourite in the series but way too fucking short.

The climbing was nice I guess.

I haven't played this game since I finished it back in May or June and I actually forgot how much fun I had with it. And when I say fun, I mean like pure gaming bliss. It filled me with that child-like sense of wonder and joy again.

has good music. Too bad I beat the bosses so fast I barely heard them.

sauce or artist name?

Exploring the world for the first time was an amzing experience that's totally unique to the game

Cuckoos can be weaponised against most foes

Great game.

Only grievances:

I would have given up most of the shrines for some more traditional but massive-scale dungeons.

Weapon durability gets fucking annoying. Finding the Mastersword excited me because I anticipated it never breaking. NOPE.


I want to fuck and cuddle with Linku.

It big

But then Mastersword would be overpowered.

>take all puzzles from shrines
>Put them into big dungeons

does this change anything? I really liked the shrines, they were fun to find and go through.

If you look really closely, there appears to be a person and a sword behind that massive layer of bloom.

It's got one of the best open worlds I've ever seen.

I'm about to get that feeling again from Odyssey, and I can't wait for it.

Parrying shit is fun.

I have some problems with botw but this, this 100%. Zelda is cool again.

I like that I get to play it on my PC with the graphics cranked up

I'm really bad at parrying shit in this game. I wish it were easier, like Dark Souls.

Then just buy a shield from the lab and reflect beams like a pussy.

easily the best 3d zelda game
but still overrated

There's jack shit to find in terms of loot but I still liked exploring.

>Just dicking around the world.
>Wind picks up.
>Weird music starts.
>Look up.
>mfw a motherfucking dragon out of nowhere.

Sure once you burn through 200+ hours the game runs out of steam, but that first time through everything is pretty damn fun.

>dragon is not a boss

It may not be exactly what I was wanting out of a Zelda game but it's still such a blast to play.

The first sword trial (in master mode) is insanely satisfying to beat. The floor with two silver lizalfos was TENSE. The last two weren't nearly as hard.