Dude lets brainwash everyone in japan

>dude lets brainwash everyone in japan
>for justice! xDD

when did you realize the phantom thieves are pure evil?

Phantom Thieves are Zelenin tier lawfags.

go home eat pancakes akechi

how about i shoot you instead attic trash?

>game about teens and their talking cat buddy exploring psychic dungeons
>"why don't they explore this complex ethical quandary in my scooby doo game???"

>actually considered the morality of their actions
>something stupid happens that makes them forget about it
happened like four times

>when did you realize the phantom thieves are pure evil
The moment they started targeting celebrities to make a name for themselves, so basically everything after the coach.

>make weird JRPG
> make spinoff in high school
> first two game nobody know.
> three and four game are successful and make sense
> five game you are fucked need create retarder plot.

They only re-enable conscience in people corrupted by literal SMT demons.
If anything, this is undoing brainwashing.

>m-my motivations are reasonable and thought up!

>The spoilers
Sojiro's life is never-ending suffering and disappointment.

I think thats what makes Persona 5 story so good. Most games you are so obviously the good guy, but in Persona 5 I felt more like LIght Yagami not quite sure if I'm good or evil I love it.

>Maradame did something kinda ethically dubious by exploiting young artists
>Decide to brainwash him into ruining his entire life

Well they question their thinking after the mementos giant door and they dont have much option but to go forward

Also , you dont even end up brainwashing anyone forever, just for a moment

you mean they don't turn into a depressed sack of shit forever? I don't remember them checking up on any of their targets after their palaces

What about the prison of regresion?

fuckin adults

were those guys the actual person or were they just another subconscious thing?

Why did this game label its protagonist as counterculture outcast when their entire mission is basically brainwashing people to have no independent thought or question society's ethics? What's so rebellious about that?

I mean everyone was already being brainwashed.

I really enjoyed the game for the atmosphere, side stories of sojiro, and if you like turn based, the gameplay. Turn based is fun to go back to at times . Only real issue I have with the game design is them throwing you in an area where mot is and handing you the final dungeon on very hard. The boss was super easy on first play through. Breaking into the mementos dungeon was more difficult than final true end.

It's also Rated M. Nothing wrong with taking the concept and doing more with it.

>17+ in murica.
>16+ in EU.
>15+ in Japan.