Hideki Kamiya's upcoming title is Star Fox Zero 2

New information on Platinum's relationship with Nintendo has surfaced.

>They are in the early talks for an exclusive partnership. Miyamoto wants them to try their hand at making an F-Zero title, and there is interest in making a new Metroid sub-series with them as well. Bayonetta and Wonderful 101 ports are on the way.
>A single game has already entered development, however. Star Fox Zero 2.
>It WILL come packaged with the original and Guard.
>It will come packaged with a second screen that you can attach your joycons to for the unique control scheme.
>Kamiya LOVES the control scheme, but thinks it was underutilized in the original. The plan for 2 is to push the controls to their limit, along with making sure that players are encouraged to replay levels constantly.
>You can customize and design the way your Arwing looks and performs.
>Online multiplayer is a focus

Other urls found in this thread:


This has to be the worst bait I have seen today

Platinum do good work. I'm okay with this.

>Online multiplayer focus

Yeah fucking right

>Miyamoto wants them to try their hand at making an F-Zero title
Nice try

Miyamoto has actually been interested in making another one for years now. The problem is that he can't find a team that can handle it. (The GX team didn't live up to his standards, similar to the Star Fox Assault team)

Make no mistake, the interest is definitely there. With a Mario Kart title already out, Nintendo is very interested in pushing out other racing games for Switch.

>cody threads are still a thing

this is too outlandish to be real even for nintendo's batshit standards. and yet somehow I do think it's possible.

I'd be excited for SFZ2. SFZ was fine, the main issue was lack of stages/content and the routes you can take. If you bitch about the control then get the fuck outta my face you casual shitter.

>Star Fox Zero 2
Um, sweetie, that would be called Star Fox One.

We don't talk about Star Fox Zero in here, OP.

>It will come packaged with a second screen that you can attach your joycons to for the unique control scheme.
Ya blew it.

Good joke OP, whe know they are officially making a Kill La Kill MMO at the moment.

Better luck next time, user.

Bayonetta 3 IS happening though


>Exclusive partnership

Not when a fucking Squeenix RPG saved the company from bankruptcy. Everyone knows what Plat's next game is going to be, and it's going to be a fucking action-RPG for nips and weebs.

>it's going to be a fucking action-RPG for nips and weebs.
I hope they make gameplay as good as w101 or bayo 1 again cause niers gameplay was mediocre as fuck.

>Star Fox Zero 2
>Second screen to attach to your joycon
>online multiplayer focus in a Platinium game
If you want to bait at least make it somewhat believable


It was Platinun's reputation that was on the line, not the company itself.

Hideki Kamiya is a trash director and game designer.

>racist af
>calling non-Japanese people 'insects' on his twitter

>no source
OP I think you mistook your computer chair for your noose. You should really get that sorted out, don't leave anons hanging.

>we will include crystal next time if theres a star fox zero 2

Lol? Their last good game was MGRR

What the fuck are his standards then? Sega didn't ruin the game like everything else he gets his grubby hands on?

>The GX team didn't live up to his standards
How exactly? Source that claim because GX is the best F-Zero they ever made.

Why do you use nigger lingo if you’re racist?

Nice source, fag
Starfox is going back into the Nintendo's IP vault along with F-Zero, forever.

> only good game

Makes no sense, SFZ flopped hard

So did tons of other Wii U games.

>Zero bombed like a motherfucker
>everybody trashed the shit out of 2 for being old
>tfw Star Fox is fucking dead

If Zero is the best modern Nintendo can (or is willing to) do, then it's for the best.

Zero is one of the best games of 2016.

It needs a sequel.

damn niggu he really called you out here

Is Star Fox even worth saving? It's like a 50/50 ratio of good to bad games.

After Zero? Absolutely. Just make more games like Zero for a niche audience and you'll be set.

he's a good voice actor, though

>Nintendo making a 2nd screen attachment for one fucking game
>Star Fox which everyone fucking hated

What universe did you come from where people want this?

This. I don't know how ANYONE could bitch about the controls. I realized how great they were pretty quickly.

they're not great but they're not bad but still, if you see bitching about SFZ and it's all about control scheme and not about having more levels then you know it's just some dumb faggot with a shitty opinion.

Zero had a lot of great ideas and elements that would have made it great but the wonky controls and retarded pacing (forcing the player to do the slow, boring copter stages before they can unlock alternate routes) was really damaging to the overall experience.

Also no multilayer or real co-op was a waste

>It will come packaged with a second screen that you can attach your joycons to for the unique control scheme
haha yes OP my dad works at nintendo too

>Zero will be the LAST Star Fox game EVER released!
>Star Fox 2 gets released a year and a half later

Can't make this shit up.

It's clearly Cody guys
He's retarded enough to think Nintendo would release a peripheral alongside Star Fox just to justify a hindering control scheme
A control scheme that prevented online multiplayer IIRC

Are you ready for Kamiya's cameo in Kiwami 2

>Star Fox Zero thread
>It's- It's Cody, guys.

Getting real sick of this song and dance, DESU.

>Starfox Zero but with one screen and none of the looking behind you bullshit
Fucking awesome if true honestly.
Gyro controls have proven themselves good in Gravity Rush, The Zelda Remakes, BOTW, and Splatoon. The second screen and 360 aiming in linear segments was always the problem with Starfox Zero.

If Starfox 02 is just essentially Starfox 64 but you can use a gyro and the right stick combo to control the shooting independent of the moving and the speed and enemy count ramped up to accommodate for that would be goddamn incredible. This is a fact.

It'd basically be Kid Icarus Uprising but with gyro.

Oh fuck me I didn't read the rest of it
>It comes with a fucking screen you can attach to your joycons
My sides, this might be the most retarded leak of all time.

>360 aiming in linear segments
>The second screen is bad

You never played Zero, did you?

>Shitty Star Fox leak thread
>The control scheme that was responsible for the game flopping and hindered the final product is totally going to get a second screen peripheral
He literally mentioned it in one of his previous Star Fox Zero 2 threads

>keeping the shit dual screen gimmick trash

Another failure

>Responsible for the game flopping

Yeah, no.

>>It will come packaged with a second screen that you can attach your joycons to for the unique control scheme.

Alright team, the Switch wouldn't let us do a dual screen gyro control system and trying to force it with what we have would go against the Switch's portability feature.
Lets release a mandatory peripheral with the game which only increases the price of a new installment for a franchise that has been in decline despite the consensus not liking that control system to begin with.
That's fucking brilliant right?

What was it then?
Then lackluster content?
The subpar presentation?

>>It will come packaged with a second screen that you can attach your joycons to for the unique control scheme.

100% bullshit.

He literally made a video with the same idea.
It's more retarded coming out of his mouth

I've actually played through Zero multiple times you little cockmonglingfaggot.
It's shit that the entire game is hinging on the lock on because you cant actually tell where your shots are going on the main screen for shit. The second screen was straight up cancer where you can't tell whats going on in space levels (Trying to fucking catch Pigma on the second screen on the colony level is a whole point down on the game by itself).
Also a lot of the conventional control changes like flicking the sticks in opposite direction to do backflips or whatever the fuck was garbage. There was just no need for those sort of changes either.

StarFox zero SHOULD have just been Kid Icarus Uprising with gyro. I've beaten the game twice and while I'm more the proficient at lock on aiming on the top screen the bottom screen segments never start feeling more natural.
Starfox Zero deserves a remake with sensible gyro implementation. It'd be a pretty damn good game if what was happening in front of you was all that you needed to worry about.

It was a Wii U release in 2016.

>I don't know how to play Star Fox Zero, the post

>How can you tell it's Cody, people say

>Is the person defending Star Fox Zero?


Then it's not him.



The logistical nightmare that it would be alone is fucking hilarious

big if true

>The subpar presentation?
Even if the game had nothing else it got the presentation down great.

Aesthetically it's my favorite Star Fox, it genuinely feels like a proper evolution of 64's artstyle. And a lot of the bosses ariving and action moments of the game LOOK really cool. It's just that you dont notice because you're trying your hardest to make two screens work at the same time.

Cody's dense
>The NX won't replace the Wii U
>The Wii U isn't a failure, it was never meant to be a success
>The Metroid franchise is dead and the fanbase killed it for not buying Federation Force
>Miiverse is the future, Nintendo will never let it die
>Fuck fake leakers, don't mind me I'm just going to create a half dozen fake leaks on Sup Forums
>Nobody's a true Nintendo fan unless they share my same opinions
>Star Fox is going to keep Zero's control scheme with a mandatory peripheral

Fuck off Cody.

>Miiverse is the future, Nintendo will never let it die
Miiverse WAS awesome and it's a fucking tragedy Nintendo isn't giving me ingame shitposting in all their future titles, honestly.

Tingle bottles did a surprising amount to keep Wind Waker HD engaging, everyone loved it so much in Splatoon that is had a bootleg version in Splatoon 2, I loved reading frustrated comments in Mario and Luigi U when I died, and the shitposting on the miiverse stage in Smash is fucking hilarious.

Miiverse was an incredibly cool concept and it's insanely disappointing that the Switch doesn't have it.

>trying your hardest to make two screens work at the same time.
>to make the two screens work
It's not him

>Admitting any kind of fault in Starfox Zero
You're new at this, aren't you?

He's only pretending llike the slimy cuck he is.

The aesthetic to this game is TERRIBLE.

If you don't like the game's aesthetic you dont like Starfoxs aesthetic, honestly. Because it fucking nailed it after Adventure, Assault, and Command missed the mark on looking like starfox super fucking hard.

I'm you paranoid retard.

>It will come packaged with a second screen

Stopped reading there. Fuck you. I wouldn't even be made if they really announced a Star Fox Zero 2 because the first games stupid controls don't work on the Switch, so that means they would have to change to good controls finally. But this is clearly just bait and not real. Fuck you for getting my hopes up.

>spend millions of dollars on a game

>not one cent goes into making sure the game isn't objectively an unfun piece of shit

This is what happens when you fill your company with nothing but ass-kissing yes men.


>Development team that made Star Fox Zero usually releases a game on average after 2 years
>They mostly do vehicle games now that Wii Fit is dead
>Zero released in 2016
Odds of Cody being btfo soon?

>It's Star Fox 0 remade without the second screen
The tears would be delicious

>BTFO'd after Samus Returns
>Possibility of him getting BTFO'd next year if predictions are accurate judging by past development cycles
Two down (hopefully), one more to go

So Cody is a Sonygro trying to make Nintendofags look retarded?

>His Youtube channel
>His Disqus discussions
>His Metacritic review scores
>His history on Nsider
>His fucking Miiverse posts
He's a legit Nintendofag who Nintendo fans despise

It's not Star Fox Zero 2, it's called Star Fox Macro.

>Starfox 2 and Starfox 02 in the same series
Please no this is too retarded.

Didn't Hideki get moved up to a management position at Platinum where he oversees everyone else? I thought he wasn't a director anymore.