Was JC a manlet?

Was JC a manlet?

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Is 5'11 considered manlet?

Yes of course what kind of question is that?

Do you have a single fact to back that up?


im 5'11 and im a manlet


5'10 and '11 look fine next to 6' tall dudes
5'8-9 and under is total manlet speculation territory

That guy is 5'5", but yeah, 5'11" is manlet teritory because the official manlet cutoff is 6'0", but if you're 5'11.5" or whatever, you can get away with claiming you're 6'0" and no one would be able to tell.

Less talking about height and more quoting Deus Ex please. Thank you.

im 6'7'' but dont be jealous manlets

small dik

Thats fucking savage.

Stupid dumb hanzer scum

ok youtube.com/watch?v=n7AP0EIPp-I

Is this game proof that manlets are in fact the master race?

Take my pocket knife.

5'11" is almost identical to 6'0", but still manlet status. 5'10" is pushing it, but it depends on your build/frame. Some 5'10" guys can look like regular men from far away and some look like straight manlets. 5'10" is the "looking short" cutoff height imo. 5'11"-6'0" looks normal.

5'9" and below is 100% manlet height.

fuck this picture hurts to look at

No he was augmented

To be a manlet?

autism speaks

No, so he could wear sunglasses at night


I demand more Deus Ex quoting.

JC was grown in a lab. Whatever height he has is the perfect one for his job.

If you can't rest your chin on the top of your fridge you are a manlet.

t. 5'10"

Maybe you should try getting a job.

>everybody who calls me out for my autism is a manlet

nice cope you got there

t. manlet

I've never played DE, does GMDX ruin or make the first time playthrough?

I'm 6'1. I just love topics where people speak in Deus Ex quotes.

Ok, manlet.

I'm playing GMDX now having played vanilla a few years ago, nothing seems to stand out differernt to me apart from the mantling system which feels really nice, I'd recommend slapping on GMDX for a first time playthrough

>tfw crush tapped me on the head like I'm a dog
Women see manlets as subhuman, no better than animals.


>mom is 5'2"
>dad is 5'10"
>i end up exactly in the middle at 5'6"
>body is built like a dwarf so i can't even trap

i beat deus ex twice but i don't remember many lines to exactly quote ):

cant believe we made it this far without the bomb, though

>that webm
holy fuck

>mom is 5'6" / 168cm
>dad is 6'0.25" / 183.5cm
>end up 5'11.25" /181cm
>tfw you'll never be as tall or taller than your dad

I'm 195 cm (is it 6'5'?) and sitting in cars, buses, trams, trains or planes is fucking torture.

t. minibar user

6'0" - 6'2" is optimal height. Still, being very tall is orders of magnitude better than being a manlet. At least you're a man.

> constant chad and manlet threads
So this is the power of reddit

>everyone in family is under 6' on both sides
>somehow end up at 6'2"

what else can you post about if you dont play games and your only positive attribute is not being 5'4

>measuring quarters of an inch

cope harder

What is with the sudden influx of incel shit on Sup Forums?
>pic related makes these threads and wonder why he cant get laid


I think gunther was a manlet but he chopped off his legs and instead added cyber legs

I'm a yuropoor. I used a cm to ft and inches calculator online and I got those numbers.

I'm 5'5" in a country with one of the highest average heights in the entire world and I'm not even mad.

S-Should I hate her mother to get laid?

big if true

What if you hate fuck the mother? I'm sure she'd love that

Which is worse? Being manlet with big dick or tall guy with small dick?

I'm 5'9" and feel like a giant in Miami. Actually got action last night. There were plenty of hispanic manlets getting action as well. It's really all about the mindset and these images are likely made by a projecting manlet or likes to make others feel down.

these threads are all made by 5’4 indian incels who try to bring 90% of the male population down. crab-bucket mentality

>dad 6'4
>older brother 6'6
>tfw 6'3

Being a manlet sucks

if you got a small dick you're still a manlet

If you're really tall you've got a big dick

>tfw 6'4 with 7.5" dick

feels noice man

it is pretty funny, but I'm just letting other anons know that almost all these images are made by manlets.

>Dad is 6'2"
>Younger brother is 6'5"
>Only 6'0" if I stand up perfectly straight

Better start lifting or the scoliosis is going to carry me in to manlet territory

>Can't give him that useless knife I've been carrying around, only the pistol
I swear to god.

Don't. First plays are always vanilla, no exceptions. Makes you appreciate both the mod and vanilla better.

he finally went too far

>no exceptions
>even when there are game breaking glitches that cause you to lose progress (e.g. VtM:B)
That's something all players can go without experiencing

>fridge is 3m tall



I'm 1.67 should I just put myself to rest?

>mom is 4'10"
>dad is 5'7"
>I end up at 5'2"

dunno how to salvage this shit life

Fellas, can we be honest for a second? 6'3" is the official manlet cutoff.

If you live in the Netherlands sure if not then it's okay.
1.70m is the perfect height and tall women hit on me all the time, the whole height thing is a meme when it comes down to it women don't give a fuck

>Hang out with a bunch of guys who are all 6'4
>End up looking like a manlet

you must be either talking out of your ass, or standing right next to your Lamborghini when the women come over to you

I don't understand how any of these are exclusive to any other.

The idea is that all three is too good to be true. Don't be autistic user.

No i just happen to be charismatic and alpha, also handsome and athletic

"Was JC shorter than a guy pictured here?"

why can't you just view a picture of two males of differing height, and restrain your mind from wandering into thoughts of insecurity?

I have friends 2 years younger than me that are 1.90 and ripped

i hope you're a feminine dude
no way that's a men's height

>mom is 5'3"
>dad is 5'8"
>i end up at 6'0"

It's actually kind of annoying being the tallest person in my family. Everyone has to always fucking mention it. "You're so TALL!" Fuck off, leave me alone.

>tfw 5'11" but surround myself with people shorter than me to feel better


why are Americans so obsessed with height?

>Dad 6'2"
>Mom around 5'5"
>I turned out to be 6'2"
Can't complain
also vidya games i guess

why do americans measure their height while wearing shoes

At least I got a shitty beard and stache...... I'm off to kill myself see ya Sup Forumstards

>tfw 6'1''
>dating a 5'3'' qt

Same here and i'm still the leader of the bunch they know me well. Height doesn't mean shit (unless you're shorter than 1.70m in that case you might be too short), be dominant and strong

Tall men marrying womanlets is why insecure average height men exist.

Someone answer this, it's something I noticed as well.

Vtmb in general is something players can go without experiencing.

Can't believe I want to fap to that.

Ayy I'm six foot and can be nice to a mother. Where do I sign up for sex?

>back to the manlet pits

Someone needs to put Todd Howard’s face on the shortest one.

i'm 170cm

>he deserved to die, officers
>he pirated Skyrim

on to the more important question: how do you enable dithering on modern hardware?