Scruffy White Male Protagonist #35971

>Scruffy White Male Protagonist #35971
For what purpose?

Other urls found in this thread:


A character people would like to play as.

>he doesnt know

as a trans girl (male) this really bothered me too


the second one looks like a duvalle

have you considered suicide?

>chimp faced nigger thug #134875

For what purpose?

You rang?

Because it's mostly white guys who buy games.


whys that uruk wearing human armour

>White protag
>Fucking boring white male protag #whateverthefuck

>Black protag
>Fucking SJW pandering game what the fuck

What will it take to please these faggots?

wait, so you be tellin WE WUZ

you not giving them replies

The bigger question is, why don't SJWs make their own game?

A cute girl protag just like my animes

Because they're the ones who tend to get stuff done, maybe?

For my self insert and for my dick

Game companies have been pandering to childish white kids for years now. They introduce a manly and strong straight white male for them to look up to while ignoring women and minorities.
But god forbid we get a game with a black woman or trans girl.

You really think someone whose whole existence revolves around racial nitpicking and gender stereotypes is capable of any kind of productive behavior or pursuit?


honestly it's funny that i'm still able to recognize most of the characters showing in this pic

if only god actually did forbid it

They all look exactly the same.

no you cant

make'em a dad

As a black male, I actually would rather play as a white male. Or asian male because I hate being black

Problem solved.

Not the best, but I'll count it anyway.

I kinda giggled that they shoehorned in an interracial relationship.
Between a blue eye and blond hair white girl with a black guy with an afro.

never been that many black characters you inbred white supremacist

I just realised there are no blacks in middle earth. Wtf!!!!

>francis york morgan is in that pic
Fuck you

I love it.

Only progressive white people actually give a shit about putting black people in videogames, we never fucking cared whether we were in or not. I really hate this false flagging faggotry.

nobody says that about a white protagonist

Not him but....
I do every day.

Change the hairstyle and sure, why not.

You're kidding, right?


A well written protagonist is ignored, regardless of appearance.
A solid character creator with a plotline worth investing in.

Most games have neither. At the very least SoW has the Nemesis System.

I want to P U N C H blondie and dindu in the face every single time they're in a cutscene
I really wanted to let them die and be replaced by better characters

No, they really did. It's part of the main story.
They made him an uber beta male though.
"Y-you're not going to leave mordor.....o-okay.....I'll stay too bay be"

However, Baranor was the most likable character in the story in my opinion. I'd rather play as a beta male than a cardboard cut out.

I guarantee some white falseflagger made this thread...

>black people level
>pyramid music starts playing

no shit sherlock
95% of the posts on Sup Forums are false flags

anyone know how to turn off hints/tutorials?

>nobody says that about a white protagonist
Have you been living under a rock the last few years?

My waifu. Is she in the sequel?

The entire story is stupid, but Baranor at least had some personality. He was a cuck. Way more personality than WAAA DADDY ISSUES, and MUH WAIFU IS DEAD!!!.

Thinking about it now, a Celebrimbor and Baranor mixed game would have been more fun. At least Baranor's beta male tendency's would fit in better.

Its so irritating because 99% of these "white male" threads are made by cucks, flaseflaggers, faggots or pakis. Yet blacks get blamed every time.

it's 2017, user

She probably will be in the dlc.

Jason Brody, Sam Fisher, Fuck if I know, Alex Mason? probably not, Alan Wake, Booker Dewitt

That hackerman from that hacking game made by ubisoft, Nathan Drake, That guy who screams JASON in Heavy Rain, Cpt. Martin "I kill people to feel special" Walker, Probably that shit Denton from Deus Ex Invisible War, a 2 year old Jack

Frank Woody, that FBI agent that drinks coffe and pills from Heavy rain, Chris "George Clooney kicked my ass in the latest movie" redfield, Francis York MOrgan, right Zach?, fuck, I don't know, BJ Blastkowitz?, Joel

No clue, Isaac Clark, The protag of the shittiest game ever, Micheal "YOU SUCK MY COCK" Townley/De Santa, War Photographer Frank West, Don't know.

The Painkiller protag, Detective Tanner, who the fuck?, no idea, also no clue, Max PAYNE IN THE BUTT

no idea, that ded detective from Dead to Rights, no idea, Sebastian Castellanos, Daddy snake, John "We'll bang, OK?" Shepard

I'm actually surprised they made him look kinda cool in armor. He was such a cuck though. Whatever, I'd play as him in Celebrimbor, it'd be more interesting then. WAA MUH WAIFU IS DEAD! DEFEND GONDOR

He's like double her age too.

>pedophilia is OK when it's interracial (non-white male of course) according to SJWs

>in the first game, Talion basically looks like a carbon copy of Aragorn
>in the sequel he looks like a square-jawed football man
What the fuck happened?

>pedophilia is OK when it's interracial (non-white male of course) according to SJWs
You're a faggot. They are both age of consent. However, it was heavily implied that the chick had daddy issues so it makes sense.



seriously I don't even know why I come to this site anymore, it's entirely based around acting retarded to get attention

Who is that QT?

>What the fuck happened?
Easier to beat off to.


this is some bottom of the barrel bait, you might as well not attach anything to your hook

Baranor should have been Haradrim, the little white girl should have been a teenage boy and there should not have not been an intimate relationship between the two.


I tried to name all the characters while drunk

Lets be honest if he was a scruffy black protagonist the game would not sell these types of games are aimed at white guys all the people in my neighbourhood play shitty fighting games and GTA.

nazis need to gb2

Why aren't there more blonde and redhead protags?

problem isn't that he's white, problem is that he's generic as can be
guy has no face

they do, nobody buys them

>has a scratchy "i have an entire throat full of flem" voice
every TIME

Slay thineself

because whites are the most heroic race, you massive dipshit

Now I'm not exactly up to date with LotR lore but isn't there a reason that there's no black characters? Aren't they a race that are allied to Sauron or something or have I just made that up?

people dont complain about max payne because he has character
this dude? literally as generic as can fucking be
interesting that it's viewed as a race thing

My problem with him he is so fucking ugly Jesus Christ

Something about his face irks me wrong i dont know what it is

Essentially the reason is that it's set in a dark-age northern-western part of the world. There are blacks out there, but not in the parts of the world that are actually in LotR. Among the fighters of Mordor on the Pelennor Fields are "black men like half-trolls" from the distant south.

nobody gives a fuck what you think, tripfag, kill yourself

>Baranor should have been Haradrim, the little white girl should have been a teenage boy
I agreed with you up to this point.

White man with long non-brown hair makes the best protagonist. You cannot dispute this.

Still better than anything else I guess...

Francis York Morgan is mixed race.

name protagonists that fill this without resorting to jap games and also no raiden

circled ones actually have a personality
the others are retarded self-inserts for insecure


because 95% of lotr population are handsome males.
stay mad, Sup Forums

>all these qts
>make the main playable character the ugliest character in any game ever
what were they thinking exactly...

why? Need more details

>acquire superhuman powers
>eyes turn blue


Not really, bro. That dude is boring as fuck.

idk maybe they wanted him to be edgier or darker.
Is this guy a hero or an anti-hero?

Is it possible to completely take an outpost? I've got every single orc in it turned blue, and the commander is dead, or do I need to TAKE the commander?

They do, you get pissed at them.

>because I hate being black

Art after reality, cuckboi.

Okay, white guy.

> western fantasy
> sjwith at feminist frequency complains.

White men, and only white men, are part of wRPG hero's because these are stories written from ancient European folklore in the time of runes, greek phonics, and Latin tounges. In an age of oral tradition in languages long forgotten by time.

Nonwhites wouldn't understand that we'z wuz the real Kangz while niggaz and mestizo spics wuz in caves.