What's your opinion on Saints Row? What is your favorite Saints Row game? How many nut's did you bust to Johnny Gat?
Saints Row thread
I just started Saints Row 2. I beat 3 and 4 about a month ago. So far Im pretty disappointed with 2. I thought itd be a lot different based on what I read on Sup Forums and elsewhere but its super similar but just shittier looking. At leas so far. According to what I read 3 is a huge departure from 2, and ruined a lot of blah blah. But 2 is just boring so far but I will continue with it. Im only a little over an hour into it. I enjoyed 4 the most as the super powers were nice but the villain and the story was annoying.
id love a new saints game if you played as a new crew and johny gatt just stayed the fuck away
I dont know what to feel on Saints Row anymore. I loved 2 but 3 was a huge jump back and looking at the current state of Volition they dont know where to take the series anymore
I myself didn't really get far into SR2, but i heard that it get's better as you get deeper into it, the same as it was in 4. I myself started with SR4, mainly because i got it for free, and didn't even know about the series before hand, but it felt really weird to jump from a superhero powertrip down to a GTA like open world.
Yeah after what they did with 4 there isn't much left to do.
Loved the shit out of 2, and I hate 3 and 4 being called Saints Row. They're fun games, don't get me wrong, but I don't like them as Saints Row games.
that's a man's ass, devs don't even how to model a womens butt
There isn't a way to emulate the original Saints Row is there?
>tfw no butt/hips slider
Love the series
Shame we'll never see anything like that again from Volition
They became virtue signalling faggots and naturally their latest such game bombed
>Head customizer has a million sliders for every stupid thing
>body customizer is basic as fuck
Why bother? Half the people i wanted to model after had very specific hair, so in the end it still didn't look like them.
What happened? I got into the series just recently, so i don't really know the company.
Wow, really? What the fuck? What was the last game?
They started talking about how they wanted to have more feminism in their games. Not sure if it coincided with them being bought but what ever
Then they released Agents of Mayhem. A decidedly mediocre open world shooter where you're constantly barraged with lesbian relationships in your squad and strong independent women who only want to fight and fuck(no, literally. And she beats up an entire biker gang at their bar while stupid drunk) not to mention a line of missions with a man in love with an AI
I can usually ignore shit like this but this was way over the top. Every time you do missions, your squad members chat so there is no way to avoid it or ignore it. I couldn't believe this was the same company that released Saints Row
Can a game like this even be made this generation? SJW would literally go to war with the entire nation is this was to release with everything from past games plus more.
>a man in love with an AI
What's wrong with that?
Not sure how anyone older than 13 can enjoy this videogame.
>strong independent women who only want to fight and fuck
I mean if you made a female character in any saints row game, thats what they were. So its not really different. Same with the lesbian sex and SR4 iirc you could fuck the floaty robot.
Yes user we get it, you like the superior nippon waifu simulators, and only play the best of the best artistic games full of deep undertones, but some of us like having fun and blowing up shit. Also Saints Row is a series, its "These video games".
You could also have gay sex in SR4, but the whole feature was more of a joke than anything.
"Hey Kinzie, wanna fuck?"
SR2 is the best of them, I'd even go so far as to say SR2 is the best game in the genre. 3 is fun as fuck, 4 isn't very good.
2 is the best in the series however it feels dated and the pc version is pretty unreliable. 3 better than 2 in some aspects but falls short in humour and other departments, 4 is only fun to fuck about with the powers but feels like an asset flip of 3. Haven't played Gat. Would love a HD version of 1 and 2 but i doubt that's ever going to happen and if it does I'm sure they will fuck it up somehow.
What's not wrong with it?
Not even close. Find some vids of the heroes in AoM. You'll see
There is way more virtue signalling than what i described though
Seriously, check vids
And it wasn't rammed down your throat
As i said, i have no problem with these kind of things in games, usually, but here it's thrown in your face at every turn
Could you make a hijab wearing muslim ninja? Because they have one of those as a hero in agents of mayhem
>What's not wrong with it?
Are you a normie?
Played All 4 of them, I like the first and last ones the most and I like 2 the least. I just dislike the overall look of 2, not that the game is bad itself but something about it just hurts my goddamn eyes.
No, just not autistic enough to not think people loving a piece of software are insane
Yes? Im pretty sure you could make a darkskinned character and equip some similar clothes and a ninja dildo.
How is that remotely the same? Are you for real?
You could not make a hijab wearing ninja in any SR game
My favorite is still the first one. I liked the low-level hood rat setting and missions a lot more than what the series became (even by SR2 you were already driving around a truck shooting poop).
Pshh i just looked up that character, she looks cool, go fuck yourself.
i hope violation dies. since row 2 was there only good game and it wasnt even that good but soo much better than the things that came after that.
pls take gearbox and bioware with u fuckers
my favorite is 4 because it's the most fun to play and 2's port is trash
The first 2 were pretty cool and fun. But I fucking hate everything past that with a passion. The humor doesn't resonate with me. It tries so hard to be funny by throwing "le epic maymay at you" or "HEY GUYS LOOK AT THIS POP CULTURE REFERENCE HAHAHAHAAH SO FUNNY RIGHT!?", and then there's "OMG LOOK AT THIS OVER THE TOP THING FUNNY STUFF RIGHT SO ZANY AND LE WACKY XD XD!!" I tried to play Saints Row 3 for an hour or 2-3, I almost died from cringing at it.
Didn't play this series until SR2 came out for free on GOG.com but holy fuck I squeezed the everfucking love out of these games once the rest of the series came out. Got 100% completion, too bad that SRIV can't be modded as much as the Steam version.
Saint's Row is the only series that I dropped after 2 because the main character was such a cunt I had a hard time wanting to play as him anymore. Reboot when?
The first game was a decent GTA clone, Two captured the spirit of GTA's level of crazy while still being it's own thing. It was refreshing because GTA went full seriousness, but Violation went to far for the "wackiness" in 3 and that painted the corner for them to be stuck in for 4. 2 is the best. Gat was misplayed.
>Reboot when?
just play agents of mayhem. no character creator or multiplayer but the game is fun and they cut down on the lolsorandum sex jokes a lot.
GTA was always a seriously satire game, even since the first game. The mechanics were the only thing that got slightly more realistic but you can flip your car in GTAV so I dunno.
Boy you must have hated Mass Effect too. Next you're going to say ME was never good. Honestly bud you might be the autistic one here.
Saints Row 2 wackiness was good because of GTA IV's nofun. Their unending ramp up since then is just tiresome in this era of post-post-post-irony.
What I would have liked the most to see from them out of them after SR4 would have been a superhero game that followed the Golden Age style, maybe with a bit of their humor.
>He doesn't like playing as chad thundercock
Everything after 2 just doesn't exist.
I thought 2 had the right balance of tone but it's inferior to 3 in every other way. 4 is pretty much "What if Crackdown was good."
He mellows out in the later games so you might like those.
Saints Row 2 was great, especially during the time when GTA IV took on this gritty, serious tone, with a pretty limited world, when compared to San Andreas. I actually remember thinking at the time, "Wow GTA is fucked, Saints Row is about to take over as the best sandbox game."
That was completely shut down when Saints Row 3 came out and was a pretty weak outing, followed by GTA V reestablishing the franchise as one of the best sandbox games available.
inb4 GTA IV was much better than V. I liked both games very much, but IV was absolutely limited in so many ways compared to both its predecessor and its successor. It was a fun game, but most of the time was spent building the game's engine for future installments. Story notwithstanding, GTA V was better in every way. Saints Row is basically dead at this point.
SR2: Hurl shit at buildings to lower the neighbourhood's poperty value
SR3: Drive with a tiger in your car because it's zany, amirite guise
>it's inferior to 3 in every other wa
Teleporting into cars > breaking windshields all the time
The best SR is th 3rd it is also the only good SR
im confused. Are you implying that slinging shit on houses with a fat flambloyant gay man driving a shit truck isnt zany?
SR2 had a really good waifu builder, such a shame that the port is complete trash.
It's silly, but there's at least a demi-plausible reason for it
Tiger escort is zany, it's just dumb