This profile is private

>this profile is private

I don't want you gross dudes checking out my stuff just because I'm a girl

I only made the account to play videogames. Wanna stalk people? Use shitbook.

>beat some autist in a random game
>he digs up my personal information and either spread it or use it in retribution

People are just sore losers and would do terrible things in revenge when it's just a game.

Stop treating everything like facebook and this won't be an issue

who cares

And is that a problem?

I mean, it kinda means he or she dont want people from outside friend list to view their profile. Why shouldnt they? Steam social functions are highly optional after all.

There are some ways to dox people if account is open you could get a lot of info.

>girl (male)

>implying everyone wants to use shitty social media features
Fuck off normalfag

>internet up to the mid 00s
NEVER put your real name on the internet, never share pictures of yourself, never post your address or where you work
>mid 00s onwards
The exact opposite.

How did this happen?

>mfw my steam profile is so bugged that i have no nickname
Enjoy being stalked son.

>Profile has a bio

>posting personal info on steam public profile.

hmm, i (((wonder)))


Add me for animes

I bet you're the kind of fag who put's their life story on their Steam profile and bought a hundred emotes and backgrounds

>profile is in the Sup Forums group or any Sup Forums group

How so ?

>Steam profile has rules on ERP.

I'm just saying that's why you shouldn't put personal information out there. All it takes is one person to ruin your day because you beat him.

Idiots who can't use a powerful medium in an appropriate manner. After all it was only a matter of time before all went to shit.


>Profile has system specs
>Said profile doesn't even play games that would take advantage of it

I have it on private, what's so wrong about it?
I really don't care much about this since I just play games on steam.

So sad, you can't troll him OP.

I would put community avatar between not vidya and anime honestly

>2k hours in Dota2

>le kojima meme

>having a Steam account

>Plays nothing but fighting games.

Hello! My name is [1337RUSKLAN]saSha and I'm from russia welcome to my profile (Russian and Englisg) !!!
1. Scammers are not in my friend list
2. You need to have 30+ lvl on steam to dokazat I that you are worth of my steam friend add!
3. No "blyad" Russia
4. CSGO best game!!!