ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong.
ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
pedos who just jerk it to loli are ok
pedos who watch real kiddie porn or actually fuck kids deserve no remorse
>I should know
>supporting pedophilia
just like clockwork
>(((BBC))) Three
>It needs help, not condemnation
It needs both, kid fucker.
Not video games
Sup Forums was right again
Someone on Sup Forums has said pretty much everything before, it's fucking cheating.
Why do ""people"" (Americans) get triggered by the idea that not all pedophiles are rapists?
eehh? Suace
muh children
Is he still pulling the strings at the BBC?
but they were right
t. Ahmed Hussein (resident of the UK)
What if you're a pedo but hate kids?
>Both 65 years old
Clearly old ladies
Why are "people" (Europeans) bring up America out of nowhere?
lolicon is the purest form of love
What made you think it was ok to make a Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums?
You jerk it to drawings usually.
>be a pedo
>mention it to a therapist in hope for some help
>get Institutionalized and chemically castrated
Are we on phase 3 already?
Hmm, I wonder what was meant by this?
Sexual deviants like pedophiles and homosexuals should be locked away from the public to reduce their harm.
Because only Americans get triggered by pedophiles.
No sauce but have some more
Artist is Asanagi
Which country?
Of course they do, they're not accepting their daughters being raped by shitskin pedophile rings like Europeans do.
Video games!
>only usually
Slippery slope fallacy, they said.
Pedophiles are okay. Child molesters can fuck right off, though.
I love video games!
So Sup Forums and ODN bagholders on /biz/ were right after all
US is the world's biggest child porn exporter.
>pedophiles are okay
There are people who actually believe this.
Hang them all
>the (british taxpayer subsidized) propaganda rag that covered up jimmy saville being a rapist degenerate for literal decades is now promoting pedophilia
huh who could have seen this one coming?
What are some good games with gay coming of age stories?
You sure about that? Most cp comes from eastern europe, russia, or brown asian countries
Fucking liberal man
What about pedos who watch real kiddie porn but don't actually fuck children?
Ah, yes, the british.
Hang yourself.
do you have a single piece of evidence to back up those allegations or did you once read it on a Sup Forums post and believed it because HUR HUR NIGGERS
>the absolute state of western news media
It begins.
The normalization of pedoshits.
that's his son btw
Try using google next time before reinforcing that "all Americans are idiots" stereotype.
Berlin pre-Hitler
Well they're basically mentally unwell, usually because they were molested themselves. As long as they don't touch kids, it's fine. They probably should be kept away from such temptations, though!
>Hang them all
I LOVE that track:
>that look in his eye
you just know
Indeed it is
Just my own personal experience.
>come into thread about pedos
>there is a mlp faggot
wow what a fucking surprise to be honest.
Guilty by association because they're supporting a cottage industry that does hurt children.
Bad, you are getting pleasure from children being abused. Same reason way jacking off to snuff films is bad.
>Country becomes a caliphate
>Suddenly on board with pedo shit
It almost like the mainstream media trying to normalize pedosexuality because Hollywood being exposed.
>former party member betrays you
They just posted another article the other day that literally said vikings were black & muslims.
Kill them, they're advocating the demoralization and degradation of real children.
Loli is fine though, I fap to it sometimes
>I should know
What? Did a pedo write this article?
After it got criminalized during the 20th century.
About time I'd say.
I'm white but like seriously
fucking white people man
Because they think about what people are willing to do to feed the demand for a supply.
People out there the world over have no problem preying on kids for profit.
It's a massive fucking problem on a global level.
Burning a man for the payday in America is part and parcel with breathing. But kids are like some weird ass NOT HERE NIGGER; Tier of revulsion for Americans.
wtf was Naomi Watts thinking?
I think what people fail to understand is, pedophilia is in fact as much of a fetish as any other fetish out there. Some people are able to control it better, others not so much (and this is what we should be more careful about, because some of these people either don't realize or do their actual actions). People are really just more judgmental upon certain fetishes more than others due to their sense of morality and justice that has been cast upon them (sex without consent with children is wrong, porn of children is absolutely abhorrent and needs to be shut down) when to these people, they "love" children just as much as someone who presumably either has either a Japanese women fetish or overweight women fetish.
Now, I'm not saying CP is allowed in any way, fuck, I don't even like to bring that situation in the air, I want our children to feel safe out there in the streets, but to completely condemn these people without helping them is a bit of a hypocritical situation when several people with different fetishes are usually dealt with.
nice spoiler usage reddit faggot
I mean, it is true in a way. I remember reading article about one young pedophile who only watched porn but didn't actually act on it, but when he finally decided to go to psychiatrist about it, he was practically kicked out because nobody knew how to handle those matters.
That's assuming that they're purchasing the content.
they still get the gas
>State of this thread
I guess Lee is finally kill then.
What would you rather? Pedophiles who keep it to themselves and never tell a soul and bottle that shit up until they snap, or pedophiles who put it out to the world as a warning and ask for mental help?
>top 10 anime betrayals
>I should know
Stay jealous americuck ;^)
i miss hitler
Nah. Gas the pedos that act out their degenerate behavior. If they loved children like you claim they would leave them alone.
>pirate game/movie
>pirate cp
>pedophilia is ok
>uses pedophilia as a tool to slander political oponents
what did the mean by this?
press F(ucking kill yourself barneyfag degenerate) to pay respect
>Liev Schreiber
You read through this fucking thread, and the ponies are the bit that caught your attention?
I suppose, but you're still propagating its popularity in some way, just like how pirates who downloaded GoT contributed to a significant chunk of its popularity and hype.
I hate kids. They're all annoying.