How are you enjoying sebastian's game?

How are you enjoying sebastian's game?

Other urls found in this thread:

>sebastian acting oblivious even tho he should be used to this
>monsters are not scary at all
>picking up item is a cutscene
>flashlight turns off
>muh daughter
>throw bottle to distract enemies
>what the hell is this? x 999344
>enemy attack is a cutscene
>flashlight turns off
>10/10 reviews

Is that american Noctis?

It better be getting 10/10 reviews.

Yea, it really feels like TLOU + RE.

I wish i didnt spoil myself. I feel like ive already played the first few chapters. Still, enjoying it so far. Also i only have a ps4 amateur and the graphics seem pretty good

Not enjoying it at all. It is worse than first game in every possible way, one would think is impossible but it is.

Game doesn't have Pro support anyways so it doesn't really matter.

Piss poor performance. Can't get stable 60fps with everything on low
No exclusive fullscreen mode
Voice acting is absolutely terrible
The story starts rushed and just gets you inside STEM as fast as possible for that "sweet sweet" open world gameplay that fits this game as well as adding stealth mechanincs in a mario game
The spooks and psychological horror are completely gone

What a massive disapointment, good lord

Playing on Nightmare and finding a few bursts of fun and tension but I'm wishing the overworld/hub design wasn't around. I liked TEW because it felt like running the fucking gauntlet and that feeling is completely absent in TEW2.

>Playing on Nightmare and finding a few bursts of fun and tension but I'm wishing the overworld/hub design wasn't around
Just wait until you get to pic related and the game literally turns into TLOU, complete with glorified cutscenes where you follow someone around as they talk to you.

The only thing anyone could possibly take seriously here is not liking the open world gameplay. The rest is whiny pc babby shit. Just play on console if your precious castrol gtx cant run the game at 137 fps

Played the first one today for 20 minutes, it's a fucking walking simulator.

>The only thing anyone could possibly take seriously here is not liking the open world gameplay.
And not the lack of horror and terrible voice acting, really?

Also anyone on PC can just lock teh game to 30, no need to get it on console taht's just retarded

>New enemy type is revealed in a cutscene.
>You can just run away and wait for the enemy to leash, then shoot at it from outside its aggro radius while it stands there stupidly until dead.

>create perfect character designs for a game
>change them and ruin then for no reason in the sequel

>Consolefags have shit standards and eat up everything
Yes user, we know.

>Hire celebrity voice actors for your first game.
>Can't afford to hire them again for the sequel.

>sebastian acting oblivious even tho he should be used to this
>muh daughter
>what the hell is this? x 999344
is this silent hill 1

any shitty stealth parts like the first?

Why the fuck does this game look worse than its prequel?

Yep, game is trash. What a fucking disappointment after that amazing announcement trailer.

pretty good for a free game

It doesn't.
People forget just how awful the first game looked.
That said, it definitely runs almost as poorly, I ran pic related on an HD 7870 and I'm .

>eating up poorly optimised games


I'm replaying the first one right now and it doesn't look like your screenshot at all. Not baiting here, I don't know what happened but that's the case.

Oh my god

>That said, it definitely runs almost as poorly, I ran pic related on an HD 7870
are you perhaps implying that the game should run fine on your shitty 5 year old gpu?

>and it doesn't look like your screenshot at all.
It does, the first game looked terrible even in 2014.
I'm running an R9 Fury now m8, and performance is a bit better than the first one was on my old 7870.

The GPU was 1-2 years old when the first game released

Oh you're just a shitposter, nevermind then.

Great rebuttal faggot.

i'd rather enjoy his tight little asshole

I want to fuck Hoffman


>turn everything to low
>still achieve barely 25fps
>telling others which games look good and which don't

Fuck off.

You dumb nigger, I ran the original maxed out and run the new game maxed out too, they both run like trash, and the original ran like absolute shit even on consoles.
This isn't up for debate.


>buying AMD GPU's
your fault nigger

The first game ran worse on Nvidia, and the 2nd game runs about the same on both.


I haven't played past the first hour yet as I'm still waiting for my new CPU to ship before I can play it. Performance has been ass.

>meanwhile I'm playing the first one no problemo with 60fps right now and without it being a jaggied mess like your screenshots

Enjoy posting your 3 years old screenshots though, would be even better if they still included the black bars.

You're probably running a more modern GPU than I was 3 years ago, but sure, go ahead and post your screenshots and show us all how great your game looks.

Here's the issue

The game being extremely light on CPU resources?
I mean, the game doesn't even fully tax any GPUs, usage hovers around 60% for the most part, which is a pretty tell-tale sign of poor optimization.

Is Ruvik in or at least mentioned in the sequel?

I've gone over about five hours of footage from about fifteen to twenty people. Performance issues seem common on PCs but almost nonexistant on consoles, though you're looking at a much lower res with a 30 FPS lock. Among other things.

Gameplay is fine but that's not surprising. Shotgun sounds great. The crafting is really fucking stupid and doesn't excite the way it should at all. I've seen people collect nine or so crafting resources and that's within the first third of the game or less. Enemy AI seems completely braindead when you're "sneaking" and arguably decent for when you're in an arena. The dialogue choices are fucking idiotic and have no purpose in a game like this.

Visually it looks fine but i'm not too much of a whore for things looking shiny. Performance issues are a different story; that's rough. Nowhere near as interesting as the first, which is funny seeing how the first's were just horror game setpieces (some taken almost bit for bit from RE) that moved into a spoopy bloody room.

I'm gonna buy it when I can find it on a decent sale or whatever DLC they release gets looked at.

Up to chapter 9. Loving it so far.
Stefano was cool. I want to fuck Yumiko. I'm relying on the shotgun more than seemingly anything else

You end up with a pretty insane amount of shotgun ammo honestly, so if you don't use it enough you'll just end up passing up tons of random ammo.

More like
>try to throw bottle to distract enemies
>can't in the Marrow or similar places since it hits the ceiling 2 meters in thanks to the arc
>actually land the bottle and 2 out of 3 enemies in the AoE don't care about it

>Throw bottle at enemy's head
>Sometimes causes them to flip out, leaving them open to an insta-kill melee
>Other times does absolutely nothing

>Spend 12k on the Predator sneak attack or whatever.
>Have only gotten the prompt like once despite always approaching from the back, and the one time I did use it I just ran through and aggroed the enemy despite pressing the A prompt immediately.

>Shoot enemy in the head with pistol, 60% crit
>Sometimes one hit and it pops, sometimes two
>Sometimes one hit and the enemy stumbles, but needs two more hits to kill
>Sometimes you just miss
>Sometimes the enemy doesn't stumble and just rushes you
>Sometimes four hits to pop, and the enemy never once even flinches

When you see a red ^ you're in range just mash the cover button

>Performance issues seem common on PCs but almost nonexistant on consoles,
The console itself is a perfomance issue. The game runs "fine" on any PC as long as it's locked to 30. The issues arrise when you want to play at least as locked 60 which is extremely difficult

>The alarm room in Marrow: Operations on Nightmare.
>First time through waste ammo popping the "dead" guys on the ground, expecting an ambush.
>Alarm goes off, out of ammo to take care of the six+ guys.

>Second time through painstakingly slash and then run around sneak killing everyone.
>Stun bolt the first few, then shotgun to kill most of the ones that come running.
>Forced to retreat.
>Run right into one of those fucking knife bitches.

Is my game bugged, I tried to get to the second save area in chapter 3 but the glowing boxes on the wall but I can't interact with them.

I have a GTX960, AMD FX8350. So not top of the line, still solid 60fps, no microstutter.
Couple of things:
Enable LoD.
NONE of the visual effects have any difference between medium and high/ultra. And since they're mostly pearls before swine, you could just disable then; the game itself is just not very pretty.

>So not top of the line, still solid 60fps, no microstutter.
I'm assuming this is at 720p.


No. Try using a shock bolt.

Sounds like bullshit to me.

Look at this guy. The graphic quality barely make a difference on a 1080

>>sebastian acting oblivious even tho he should be used to this

this made me laugh, why does he say "What the hell is going on" having survived the events of the first game

I saw some videos that were laggy as shit, I had zero problems in the 13 hours it took to beat the game.

>2560x1080 (ultrawide)
Doesn't say anything about drivers either. And he's "asking for his friend"? I'm gonna go ahead and guess he pirated it.

Youre bullshitting me, will try.

I mean, you haven't provided any proof, so it sounds like bullshit.

You can also open shortcuts in some places that way, but it's never worth it.

>you don't spend 30 minutes recording something for a random person on the internet so you're lying

Nigger, all you need is a screenshot of a main area with a performance overlay, until then you're full of shit.

Just to spite you, no

>Doesn't say anything about drivers either
Drivers don't make a difference. I tred the game with 3 different ones. Also, let's assume the game's pirated. Why would that matter?

been playing on Nightmare.
Chapter 4 utterly raped my ammo stores and I haven't been able to recover since.
Banshee bitches suck, they have speed, busted pathfinding, high damage, are bullet sponges, ignore shock bolt AOE and only care if you hit them directly, and have tiny fucking hitboxes. Two headshots from the sniper rifle seem to be enough to kill them but good fucking luck landing either one if she knows you're there.
Other than that it's been a lot of fun.
>Stefano failed as an artist post-war because he pissed off feminists
It doesn't get more real than that

Kek, about what I expected.

>Chapter 4 utterly raped my ammo stores and I haven't been able to recover since.
I honestly don't know how some anons use so much ammo in this game.
Especially once you get the corner stealth kill and can utterly destroy the stupid AI.

>Attempt to loot some ammo from a fallen security guard.
>Fall through the world for a few minutes until I wind up here.

10/10 game.

Whenever someone complains about the game not being scary I roll my fucking eyes. How much of a complete faggot are these people? Are they trying to tell me they actually get scared by videogame monsters? I play horror games for the aesthetics and general design philosophy found therein. In other words, COOL MONSTERS as opposed to HOLY SHIT I'M ACTUALLY SCARED RIGHT NOW because the latter isn't reasonable to expect from almost any game unless you're 15.

Chapter 4 has you sift through waves of enemies that you can't sneak up on. Only the handful already strewn about the map (except for one that you can't reach with melee) can be killed without using ammo of some kind even though it's really time consuming
The best way to save ammo during that section is to knock two enemies over with one shotgun shell and stomp both, but that isn't always reliable
Immediately following that is a boss fight, if the environmental traps weren't there it would be completely ridiculous

Holy shit you sound like a complete faggot, which is an accomplishment on Sup Forums.

Stealth absolutely dominates the AI in this. I'm on chapter 7 on Nightmare and am sitting on 400 gunpowder.

I sound like a faggot as opposed to people complaining that they aren't pissing themselves over a videogame? Sorry, but if this is a complaint you have I'd like to know what the last game that scared you was and how old you were when you were playing it. And I mean scared, I don't mean the tension of being chased by something.

You sound like a fucking mongoloid yourself. Like a literal fucking retard. Which is probably the case, seeing as this is Sup Forums.

>I play horror games for the aesthetics and general design philosophy found therein.

Well it's a shame the aesthetics and general design philosophy of this game are both trash (save for a few of Stefano's creations).