Why do people hate MOBAs so much? Is it because they suck at them? Maybe they never felt the rush of victory? Are they incapable of understanding basic camaraderie?
Why do people hate MOBAs so much? Is it because they suck at them? Maybe they never felt the rush of victory...
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Cuz they're gay bro
Repetitive, and often require alot of money or time before you can play every character.
A type of game that is made entirely out of exploits that existed in another game.
because the matches take too long without fucking anything happening and the players are toxic cucks.
Because they are dumbed down RTS for third worlders
it's cool to fit in and hate on all the popular stuff
That's like saying city builders are a dumbed down RTS.
There are a few reasons,
As with many online games, players on both teams are toxic af.
Not everyone is able to follow the META and doesnt like being a meta slave. This is most noticeable in league where meta is always designed to have some champions stronger than others for the sake of fun (jesus christ...) and to make gameplay less repetitive( other champions get played if they are strong).
Its not something you can play for fun. Sute its fun playing it sometimes but it takes a lot of attention and time away from you.
They're shit games. I can feel comraderie and the "rush of victory" while also playing a game that doesn't blow ass.
real question is why people play league over dota
20 minute games and 0 second queue times vs potentially 60 minute games and 3 minute queue times.
Because most of Sup Forums are extremely shit at video games and can't handle anything with even the most minor degree of time investment or hardship.
That is why you don't see as many fighting game, mobas or rts threads but there's a million about flavor of the month, smash and overwatch, every month, even worse if they have waifus.
This is also why the board embraced and pushed dark souls into everyone's faces circle jerking themselves for finally playing a "hard" game.
These people also give shit to games like dota for "killing" rts but don't realize they're one of the major reasons the genre died because they did nothing but play meme games on wc3 bnet instead of the actual game that was already a simplified rts.
Never forget, majority of Sup Forums is utter shit at video games and will always refuse to accept it.
It runs better on toasters with integrated graphics third worlders play on
For me its because you're "always on" when playing. The match has started and you gotta be focused and concentrate to perform well.
When i play games i prefer to be able to relax when playing, thats why i like rpgs, mmos and shit like that where i dont have to perform every second and when i stop performing i lose.
>games are automatically better if they require more time investment
dota is like 95% third worlders are you kidding me
>Maybe they never felt the rush of victory? Are they incapable of understanding basic camaraderie?
both are better exemplified on other games
it actually has updates and work behind it and it's not a hat displaying simulator with the only updates being hats
>patch every 8 months
>hero every 2 years
fuck that, literally tf2 downfall all over again
t. former dotard
Playing mobas is somewhat like two groups of five people sitting at two different tables competitively jerking their meat and winner is whichever team manages to fill a cup with semen faster than the others. After that you guys either shit on each other for jerking not hard enough or compliment each other for cumming so fast. Playing mobas just feels like a trip to the local gaybar where you proceed to blow off every person available
Because no one wants to play an interactive board game.
>not a fighting game
sounds fun, downloading dota and LoL right now. which should i play first?
>Why do people hate MOBAs so much?
If you need to ask you don't belong on Sup Forums frankly.
No genre appeals to everyone, but I think a significant amount of the criticism raised against the genre as a whole mainly applies to LoL and not to all of them.
Bad experiences are also going to happen, especially in team-based online games in which you get matched with random people, and people tend to be fixated on those rather than on the good moments.
There are several reasons. A main one, is that LoL got there first. Yeah sure, Dota is much older than LoL, but LoL had a standalone version out much earlier than Dota did, which means that for new players and for older players wishing to transition to something else, this was the obvious choice (lol HoN).
Another important reason is that the transition from LoL to Dota is pretty difficult : very little from what you learned in LoL helps you in Dota (and a fair amount of it is actively harmful to your performance), your friends may not switch over, and things like turn rate or slower attack animations make Dota feel awkward when you're used to playing LoL (it's not because those elements are bad, and the converse is true : if you're used to Dota's controls, LoL feels extremely awkward to play)
Dota also has this undeserved reputation as being a really difficult game to learn that only gets fun one thousand hours in. That certainly scares people away despite not being true.
Don't ever post this shit pictures outside of /trash/.
I got tired of playing the same shit over and over again.
I played 2k hours of leauge, and 5k of dota and once I returned from a deployment I couldn't fucking touch the genre anymore, it was just too boring and samey.
Any game filled with people that are more critical of their teammate's behavior instead of their own, or worse yet, get angry at you for simply choosing a certain character they don't like, is a shit game. There are no exceptions.
Leagueplebs and Dotards! The teachings of Smite are the way to preserve European culture, heritage and future!
1. All board games are interactive.
2. If by 'interactive' you actually meant 'online multiplayer' that would describe turn based games like civilization
3. There are people who want to play 'interactive' board games online and they do
4. You are retarded
Smite only becomes tolerable when they have those modes in which there are no creeps, infinite gold and level 20 starts and even then I wonder why I'm not playing a better game instead.
The games aren't bad themselves, it's the inevitable backseat gaming that you'll come across from annoying teammates.
That's every game. That's life, dude. You're all complaining about the behavior of at least half of humanity.
no, it's really just concentrated to mobas
they're home to some of the worst playerbases in existence
LoL has an insanely lower skil entry barrier, but also an insanely lower skill cieling.
t. hates both
The same behavior appears in business and party politics. It's everywhere.
Becuase no matter how good you are or how perfect you play your character; it only takes on idiot to ruin the whole game and at any given time you have 4 potential idiots on your team. Most people here grew up playing games where you could single handedly win entire matches when you got good enough. Its jarring to play something with such a low skill ceiling and more jarring to see casuals take to it so well simply because its free.
>a really difficult game to learn that only gets fun one thousand hours in
Yeah, it doesn't get fun no matter how many hours you put in.
they are
Moba is the genre for shitters who couldn't handle the heat of RTS to hide in and falsely believe they are good at video games.
>it's really just concentrated to mobas
Yeah no, it really isn't. It happens in every single game in which your teammates' performance impacts your chance of winning (i.e. every single team-based game) in which you can pick a character. It doesn't even have to be a PvP game, it can be a coop game like Killing Floor.
ziiiiing, my man
that doesn't stop the mentality from infesting mobas primarily and other games to a substantially lower degree
the point of video games is entertainment and escapism
I don't want to subject myself to that kind of behavior when I don't have to, and especially not when I'm trying to unwind.
This. 40 min matches are hell when you aren't a kid or neet.
Also the same map every single fucking moba gets old. Why not have a huge variety of maps and save the single map per game mode for tournaments or some bullshit.
As someone else said, they're generally very repetitive. League for example, besides fun outplays, it's repetitive to have to farm minions so much with how the game plays. It's also annoying in a game that for 20-50 minutes, you cannot get up and use the restroom or get up if anything happens in your life. Also, it's a game more dependant on your teammates than most, so if some guy is afking, feeding, purposely being an idiot, it'll drag down your chances of winning immensly. It'd probably be alot different if I had 4 good friends from irl I could play with an consistently always play with them, but I don't, and most people don't either.
Also, the game balancers have been retards for years, by taking forever to rework and old character that is outdated in its animations and gameplay or to finally nerf a character that's been in God tier forever or buff a character that's been in bottom tier forever.
Also, it's not immersive in any way or beautiful like other games, not just being a graphics whore, but there's only one decently small map you play on..... There's Howling Abyss but I dislike ARAM.
I'll grant you this: if your goal is to unwind, league of legends is the last game you should be playing.
>have friend who swears by his MOBA
>Every single night he is bitching to me about how retarded his team is
>Yet he keeps playing and insisting its fun
I don't understand it. Is it because he has so many hours in that he cant bring himself to admit the genre is shit? Is it social pressure from the e-sports community?
I dont understand
Some people like competition. What's so hard to understand about that?
i love playing mobas because shitty GAMER GRILL bitches play them and I love to shit on them while they use their precious skins and cosmetics and shit and I just wreck them and from arrogant bmers they go full damage control hahahaha this is WHAT I FUCKING LIVE FOR
>Diablo is a dumbed down RTS
Meanwhile, LoL still has a forced lane meta and dota doesn't
Dota almost doesn't even have a laning stage anymore. Double roamer is the new meta.
Because no life losers play mobas and treat it like it's real competition even though it's a video game. That's like being a competitive anime viewer or competitive incel. Just surrogate success for people who aren't good at anything else.
No matter how much you shitpost about it, assfaggots still have absolutely nothing to do with RTS beyond the engine history
>thread your post
hello new
Sure it does, that's exactly what happened in the dota 1 days.
>tfw bad at everything and also mobas
Because I usually don't play multiplayer games and the ones I do aren't infested with the shit MOBAs are infested with.
Is that the supreme gentleman?
>tfw train every day for the anime world championship
>Shounen, Shoujo, horror , Sci-fi, I watch it all
>Room quickly gets filled with piss and shit bottles
>Body goes to shit as I train daily
>finally ready
>easily win against most people until I ge to the final round
>the only person left is a tall, fit, intelligent, handsome, athletic guy
>I smirk to myself, he has not gone through the trials I have
>He gets every question right and beats me easily
>realize that while I was watching anime to fill a void in my life by valuing competition
>I stop watching anime and go play video games
Moba players are a bunch of crybabies thats why.
>hero every 2 years
>implying that's bad
All that happens when new heroes are released often is fuck with the game's balance and make it harder to keep every hero relevant.
Why is he attributed to r9k when no social life and gf is because of vidya?
Whatever let's you sleep at night, don't cry in a couple years when the game is even more drought of content because valve abandoned you, just like tf2 people that didn't listen
There is 0% chance that guy has not taken many a fat floppy dong in his face and ass
TF2's problem isn't really a lack of content (because it relies heavily on maps to provide its gameplay variety, which is the smartest way for a developer to design a game with longevity in mind, since the community can easily take over and curate content), its issue is the metric ton of poorly thought out content Valve has introduced in it over time.
Dota 2 has a problem because it's based on a single map which needs to be complex enough to allow for hundreds if not thousands of hours of gameplay, and I'm not sure such a thing is possible (which means that instead, the developer has to add content and fuck with the game rules in order to keep it fresh). In my opinion that's why, unless the genre manages to break away from this inane single-map philosophy, it's doomed to be stuck in a perpetual update cycle since otherwise player fatigue will set in within a year. That cycle is bad because it means the game has to change for the sake of it, and at any given time there's only one "variant" of the game to play (unlike TF2 in which goldrush, 2fort, dustbowl, gravelpit, hydro and fastlane all coexist)
It is ok, but playing day in and out with Russians only kill everything.
I'm not an extremely autistic 14 year old
Then why not play a 1v1 genre where you don't have to deal with shit teammates? Because you fear competition where you have no one to blame but yourself.
They are not specialized in strategy like a RTS
They are not specialized in quick thinking / reaction times like an FPS
So it's basically trying to do both things by dumbing them down
Stick to RTS and FPS games instead, only Brazilians and autists play these shit games
Because they're boring and easy.
I don't hate mobas, I hate the people who make them an awful experience.
>associated with dumbed down cancer for casuals and twich camwhores made by shilling chinks like LoL and every derivative of that
>RTS elitists foreverially butthurt about their dying genre
>matchmaking and elo are absolute dog shit so even people who love the games have a love-hate relationship with them
That's an absurd categorization that does not hold under any kind of serious scrutiny.
Is the RTS meme ever going to fucking die? How can people still pretend that every RTS is Starcraft, and pretend that Starcraft is good?
How so?
The strategy element in MOBAs is much more simple compared to a real RTS
Reaction times and quick thinking requirements are much higher in FPS games
It's a mongrelization of the elements in these genres
There are RTS games that aren't starcraft
I don't like the top down view.
Plus I played so much DOTA on WC3 I'm still sick of the genre.
Mobas require both you and your team to both be good and be able to work together to compensate for each characters overly simple playstyle. Most of the time you are going to get stuck with shitters and it is impossible to get any enjoyment in a match when you aren't getting that payoff of feeling like a badass when you and your team goes on a spree or putting up a good opposition.
This is why I never have fun playing competitive overwatch with friends because all it takes is those couple of randoms to become a massive burden or because nobody wants to call out that one friend for not playing the game in the very restricted way hes supposed to with his character so it just ends up becoming a frustrating experience
Thanks, but no thanks
never played dota but here's my opinon on lol
>games consist of 99% farming and only 1% actual fights
>gameplay consists of literally pressing a single button at the right moment
>you HAVE to play like a pussy to win, in other games you might have the high risk high reward option but no, the optimal move is to always run if you're low and to not chase the opponents but keep farming instead
>games are often longer than 40 minutes
>french people
>it would take a f2p player years to be able to get all the champions without spending money
How can you compare all of this to an fps or a fighting game for example, where you're constantly challenged in a direct duel with your opponent based on skill in actual fighting/shooting, rather than who can lasthit the most minions
Friendly reminder that playing MOBA games without friends is fucking pointless. Can you imagine trying to play MOBA for solo que experience? Fuck that shit, I'd rather stack with semi reliable players that I know than gamble with some randoms.
who is this? it fucking looks like elliott rodger
A story for the ages
>>it would take a f2p player years to be able to get all the champions without spending money
Almost none of that applies to dota, except match length and retarded foreigners. All the heroes are free with no unlocking required. Most skills and item active abilities aren't spammable and have high impact, and most heroes are walking around with 4+ buttons that do something from skills and items combined. Fights and ganks happen all the time, or should happen all the time, and the matches can be huge bloodbaths compared to league.
You basically described large parts of why LoL is casual garbage compared to Dota.
More like why the fuck is every MOBA just a rehash of Dota or LoL?
I swear the FPS, RPG, fighting, platforming, rhythm and most other genres in existence have had more variance in them within the first 2-4 years of the genre coming out than MOBAs have in 8+ years.
>why do people hate a casuallized version of warcraft III with some spray paint
If someone wanted a full roster, he'd have to save up in game currency for a long ass time
so, you flunked out of dota cause it was too hard eh?
What makes you say that?
It's a bastardization of RTS born from Warcraft 3 and it's hero bullshit. It's literally for babies who could not handle multi unit micro and strategy so they just gave them a single unit to micro. The games are pure cancer and have spawned an entire movement of thin skinned sperg lords and total brats.
You can always tell when a moba player has left it's containment zone as it tries to order everyone else around to what they think should be happening, they are entirely obsessed with being some focal point of winning even when they're shit.
I always tell them to go back to fucking LOL or overwatch and go be a spastic faggot with their own kind.
Stay in your god damn containment zones fucking faggots.
but WC3 is easier than DotA because you can just deathball attackmove to win
Did Eliot not die and this is him living in a remote location? Or this just a photo I haven't seen yet?