I wish there was a phone that was like the vita

I wish there was a phone that was like the vita

Without games?


Convenient and with physical buttons

What's with all the Ebina posting recently?

Umaru S2 started.

This. Hamster posting will reach critical levels for the next 12 weeks.

With buttons, I think it's what OP wants to say.
You needs to be very idiot to think people wants to buy problems and not solutions.

The main problem of smartphone games is:
1, It does not have physical buttons.
It makes you having to make the game more automatic and dumb. Also multi touch does not works for gaming. It's like we are back to the time of ATARI with the controllers.

2, your hand is not transparent. No matter how big the screen is, the enemy will be behind your hand to snipe you.
Specially if you are playing shooters.

Wasn't there a playstation phone? I feel like with people being so disinterested in Apple today someone could make a decent "gaming phone"

Blackberry Keyone

All the worthwhile apps are exclusively Japanese?
Dismantled for parts and re-purposed into a TV addon that doesn't even have Netflix?

It's a loli doujin, not a trap doujin.

There is one made by Sony, I don't remember what it's called though.

>not slide-out

why even make a phone


Found it

They did but it was flimsy and unwieldy when open


>slides vertically instead of horizontally

actually managed to be worse than the non slide out version

holy fuck

tanabe kyou is the artist, he's really good

Slab with keyboard has been their "brand" since day 1.

They made a slide-out but for some incomprehensible reason they made it portrait instead of landscape: That and their attempt to switch over to Android both failed miserably so now they are reduced to rebadging shitty Alcatel phones


Actually I've read that they Keyone is getting pretty consistently great reviews

Most every Blackberry has consistently good reviews, but still no one buys them.

>tanabe kyou
Still the only loli artist I can get into

>tfw no Kyocera Echo DS phone