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God, white people are just the worst.
Wait, what? How can a man get sexually harassed? Did they rape him or something?
Good for him
Christ all the pieces of this Jenga tower are being pulled at once
But was he sexually harassed by a man or a woman? This is very important.
>guy freaks out and has a mental breakdown in the office
>starts saying someone raped him
>wonders why he got fired
why is everything about sony homosexual hahaha
what a fucking fag
He must really regret not taking the money.
It's all tumbling down huh.
It's like that time when it turned out that everyone in the british entertainment industry was a paedophile.
If a man sexually harassed him, then I honestly feel sorry for the guy. If it was a woman then he's a fucking faggot.
Men can't be sexually harrassed by a woman or gay man, he should check his privilege, consider that in modern society women and gays have their sexuality suppressed while straight men are constantly expressing theirs and sexualizing women. His superior had a rougher life experiences by their sexual repression and only sought to gain assert their own dignity as a person by expressing their sexual desires that would normally be shunned.
How the fuck does a man get sexually harassed?
>If it was a woman then he's a fucking faggot.
I didn't know every woman was a hottie and that uggo hambeasts never try to come onto people
>actress sucks Hollywood producer dick
>everyone jumps to her defense
>man gets sexually harrassed at his work place
>everyone tells him to suck it up
Every time.
no noes it couldnt be drukmann
Well duh
Most people with power over others use that power for evil. The question is, are evil people attracted to power or does it turn men evil?
Was it Druckmann?
whats so bad about that?
I think sociopaths or otherwise damaged people will be more inclined to climb to a position of power to be able to abuse it.
>Le men can be sexually harassed/raped meme
Take your MRA shit back to
>I just finished designing Nathan's daughter
>Thats a sexy little girl, David
back to >>>/tumblr/ roastie landwhale
Off topic butReminds me of the misaka network with its /return
>you will never ever be raped and turned into the office slut
Imagine being this stupid.
open those buttcheeks because I'm going in dry boi
Well user,we all need to defend the maiden's honor maybe one day she will thank us
Alright guys looks like another videogames industry person has been caught in a sexual scandal, remember we need to start a hashtag then spam rape and death threats at the Sony employee, attach ourselves to any right wing lunatic, make them look like the victim, we've gotten people out of situations like this before, we can do it again.
>People think sexual harassment works like in pornos
No wonder they call you Sup Forumsirgins
Imagine being this beta.
it's days like this i wish i had a twitter so i could send him a picture of a doll and tell him to point to where he was touched
somebody do that
I really hope its duckman, he might have to back to iran and get beheaded for being a homosexual
>we've gotten people out of situations like this before, we can do it again.
GG was a mistake
>tfw you'll never have free and frequent sex while also getting gifts ans bonusses from the boss
Life is unfair bros
>implying those supposed threats aren't made by themselves on sockpuppet accounts or just straight up never existed in the first place
Their only tactic is playing the victim. I wonder for how much longer people will believe their crocodile tears.
everyone knows it's impossible to sexually harrass, rape, be racist against, threaten, and murder, a white man
Make an account and do it yourself, you lazy faggot.
>using a platform that allows 140 characters per post
>"hehehe, let me tell some longer story I could've posted in my Facebook or literally any other website here xD"
Explain further
Why are Americans so overly dramatic and hysterical?
Twitter has a large base, everyone uses twitter, and the guy wanted people to know about the shit Sony and ND pulled
Is it important?
If he were harassed by a man, the company would silence him and cover it up because they fear that acting against the gay man would be interpreted as anti-gay discrimination. If he were harassed by a woman, the company would silence him and cover it up because acknowledging sexual harassment of men by women goes against the social justice narrative.
It does not matter whether the harassment came from a man or a woman. What matters is that a man was the victim, and for that reason, his victimhood was not acknowledged by our modern feminist (or feminist-fearing) society.
Get with the times grandpa. No one cares about Facebook anymore.
not vidya
They don't work like they do in pornos.
If he was a woman, his inbox would be full of empathetic posts, interview invitations and donations.
Seriously, it's fucking pathetic how many teenagers and permavirgins there actually are on Sup Forums, I wanna shitpost about gaymen but it's nothing but SJW boogeyman hunting on here.
So how do they work?
>he thinks the threats were real
We exposed them for the false flagging liars they were.
Maybe he was harassed by a faggot, Lain.
>or literally any other website
nice reading skills, kiddo
>company pushing hard SJW agenda is full of gay rapists
Like clockwork.
Why do people post this fucking shit on Twitter? Do they not realize how unprofessional and absolutely awful it looks to write something that isn't even half a page in 7 fucking tweets?
Some people have all the luck
Anita pls.
Posting shit on Twitter is the best way to reach the public
what are you going to do
submit a news article to Kotaku?
I hope the women that did it was hot
Because they're attention whores and that's what twitter is for.
ahahaha virgin
Not him, but before he replies to you why don't you think about it and come to realize the differences on your own? They're extremely obvious.
t. faggot
By getting his neghole pozzed
what a fag
I worry about the future if this is the type of person that is leading the technology sphere.
Twitter would have given the man the most traffic user. Short of maybe telling some big news site.
Someone calls you a fag, you go into hysterics because you're an SJW nut looking for a chance to the victim, you threaten to sue the company for sexual harassment and they fire you.
I'm not following you here.
If a woman sexually harassed me, even if she was ugly as fuck, I'd take it as a fucking complement and appreciate the attention.
Then again, I'm a 30 year old virgin so my view point's probably skewed
It was a woman (male) most likely
Taking a screenshot of it written out and posting that along with a caption saying what it is would be preferred to this or linking to a blog or some shit. But he just wants those easy hearts and shares
What if it was a woman?
How can you be so weak you cannot even stop a fat old woman from touching you
Media brainwashing them into thinking life is supposed to be dramatic every waking moment.
Does he have proof?
I'll hold him to the same standard I hold women.
Proof and that's terrible have some support.
No Proof and lying for sympathy, get out fagget.
>Say or do anything remotely offensive to a women
>95% chance you will get fired
You're absolutely right, and that's what stupid.
I guarantee you if any guys claimed they were raped and molested as kids, people would just laugh at them or tell them to deal with it. Women on the other hand? Oh, how awful! You're so strong! I believe in you! TIME TO START A WITCH HUNT AND RUIN THAT GUY'S LIFE!
Think about the differences between sexual harassment in porn and sexual harassment in real life, and see if you can notice the differences without someone else explaining what's obvious to you.
the best type
>tfw all of 2018 will just be everyone posting on twitter about how they were harassed/raped by random people with no proof
fucking neil cuckman, he just couldnt resist uh?
Did he say it's a woman?
It's never hot women that do the sexual assault. It's the 4/10 and under hambeasts.
>years later and they're still mad
>Someone you don't want to fuck makes sexual advances towards you or something else disturbing of sexual nature
>You show em you're not interested and that you want them to stop
>They continue
>You tell HR, preferable with some sort of evidence such as other employees seeing it
>Said employee fix their behavior or gets fired since the employer is legally responsible for workers to not feel like shit when working
This isn't rocket science. Surely you don't want every woman around you to lust for you and act unprofessional. I had to work with a case like this because some mad woman almost ruined a man's marriage.
>Person holds a higher level of power over you professionally
>If you try and fight back or stop it they make sure you lose your job or at the very least make it hell on Earth
I don't know user
If he was harassed by a woman, then this guy is a flaming faggot. If it was harassed by a man this guys is a beta max faggot, punch the guy in the face and beat the living shit out of him, you fucking fag.
>it's open season on harassment allegations
This is hilarious
People are inherently evil but are kept in line by fear of reprisal. Power takes away this fear.
It was probably some 6'10" 500lbs disgusting bitch that could lift him upside down and shove his entire head into her asshole
I'm pretty sure most of those threats either does not exist or are made by themselves. Remember Anita trying to get relevant again by posting a screencap of some random acount created 5 minutes ago with only two tweets, both insult toward her ? Remember Zoe who tried to fuck with some random woman who was trying to release an anti-bullying website by sending her hundred of threats daily with sockpuppet accounts ?
>>Said employee fix their behavior or gets fired since the employer is legally responsible for workers to not feel like shit when working
>He thinks this would happen when the potential harasser is the lead of one of the studio's projects and the person getting harassed is a nobody within the company
>Shitting on roast beef
Fuck you vegan fart Nazi! Meat is awesome!
>Some whore facing blowback for sucking off five different men for favorable review scores on her shitty depression sim is somehow comparable to sexual harassment
NeoGaf pls leave