Why does everyone praise nu-doom? Yes...

Why does everyone praise nu-doom? Yes, it's marginally better than the generic Ubisoft-style open world shooters and Doom 3, but it's not that great. It doesn't even come close to the quality of the originals. And snapmap fucking sucks. The cover for the game is even the generic "brooding man with gun looking down" that every aaa shooter has these days.

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I forgot to mention, glory kills completely break the game.

it is the halo game we wanted but never got

>quality of the originals
What exactly was the quality of the originals besides "I grew up with them"?
>strafing while aiming in the general direction of enemies with the rocket launcher/super shotgun is quality gameplay

Maybe so, but I wanted a doom game. Halo isn't even that great, it introduced the two weapon limit that almost every fps has now.

Whats snapmap?

its simple and straight forward. i'm sick of the super packed fluff bullshit in games. personally i believe base building, resource managing clash of clans tier shit is a waste of resources. but i guess people like that stuff which is why its in every game.

It's actually challenging beyond making enemies simply do more damage.


because making wads is just too hard for the brainlets that love nu-doom

Little Fluff and satisfying gunplay user.

why was the doom slayer entombed with uac armor if he never worked for uac

Because it's a fantastic shooter with lots of satisfying weapons, fun and quick movement, great enemies
Because it's basically Painkiller + the good stuff from DOOM 3 - the shit from DOOM 3 + a lot of verticality
Because it's fun as hell

>but it's not as good as original DOOM
Who cares, just play the original again. This is a different game.

i understand. i guess times change, its a bummer. however i still enjoyed the game, but i may not be as hardcore of a fan

It's fun. And a lot of people had fun playing it

>And snapmap fucking sucks
I think that's the only downside of it

I have no idea why people keep saying this. The glory kill system is a great example of using gameplay mechanics used for character building. Doomguy never said a word, but by golly you could just feel the anger pouring out of him.

It takes control away from the player

Doom is not a good game. At the time it was but not now

>yfw you destroy a gore nest and this starts playing


>t. american teenager with no taste

enjoy your graphics and high definition sound, the only things you likely care about.

9/10 b8

Probably because marginally better is a lot to ask for in the current year

Games are better than ever, unless you only play mainstream shit

He's specifically referring to mainstream shit so I just assumed he only played AAA.
That being said while 2017 has been great for vidya, not a lot of good fps's have come out so far.

I like classic, too, but it does precisely that though, later enemies don't really do anything different than the first grunts

Especially bosses like spider mastermind are really just bulletsponges with hitscan weapons, there is nothing fun or fair about that

New Doom has shields on shotgun soldiers, really fast Imps climbing walls all the time, knights and barons actually chasing you instead of slowly walking around and chugging an equally slow fireball every now and then, seriously did you play Doom 1 and 2 recently, aside from Doom guy who is admittedly insanely fast, the enemies are all really slow and not dangerous at all which is even more trivialized with the insane amounts of autoaiming that you can't turn off completely without mods, while in New Doom the enemies are fast and always in motion, the fucking Imps are running all over the place, Revenants have a lot of vertical and aerial moves, the game has a very fun and engaging verticality to it in general

He's not

How, you can always just not use glory kills if you want, and the animations are really fast and there is a talent to unlock that makes them even faster

>Glory kills last a whomping .5 seconds with an even faster time if improved
>Its main use is to regen health, so literally killing things to stay alive (so no wasting time looking for health packs or waiting to regen health)
>Hurr durr, takes away control, it's like I'm not even playing the game!!!

Finally get a good fast pace FPS and ya'll still shit on it

Glory kills will get your ass killed on harder difficulties. The fully upgraded Super Shotgun and the Gauss Cannon in general are far bigger gamebreakers.


just play it faggot.

What the FUCK was her problem?

>If you hate it so much, just dont use this important mechanic in the game

You remind me of those Hitman Absolution fucks that kept telling me to not use instinct even though it was a shit mechanic but the game is built around it so you are forced to use it.

I'm 30. Unreal Quake Wolfenstein Duke Nukem were all better games that superseded it. Doom isn't a hard game you just have to strafe and shoot.

>snapmap fucking sucks

Well that's because you're not doing it correctly.

The idea of Snapmap is not to create you own levels, the idea of Snapmap is to play the levels others have created. There are some fucking good levels if you know whom to look for.

Anything by Anmu, Voidrunner, Busyman123, BatmanXboxHero & Pigdog are fucking godlike.

>wolfenstein superseded doom

wolfenstein 3d release date: May 5, 1992

doom release date: December 10, 1993

>"there's a thread about doom? time to make a columbine reference!"
>"fucking godlike"

I meant return to castle

>Triggering 1 second melee animations upon meeting predetermined conditions that isn't mandatory is now considered "taking control away from the player"

That's like complaining Castlevania takes control away from he player when they decide to jump and change their mind mid-air.

Original DOOM is utter garbage and outdated

Stop spreading this meme. Glory kills make you invincible.


She's a Satan worshiping edgelord that looks like an ayy

They do, except there's a second after you finish where you can't move and you're very not invincible. It's killed me on nightmare pretty frequently, I tend to avoid the glory kills now.

Wasn't an issue at all for me. I could dodge projectiles as soon as I exited a cutscene kill.

it's honestly just a fun game
running around, using the gauss cannon on siege mode, blasting the fuck out of demons
good wholesome fun

>glory kills
Try playing the game next time


good point
I can remember the exact point in the original where I began to only sprint through a level
2016 doom makes me work to position the super shotgun right next to the target

Personally, i like doom 1 and 2 better than nu doom. Hell, i still do a run of doom from time to time just to kill time, vanilla and brutal.
Any opinions on brutal doom 64? I never played the original but is it a good way to play it for the first time?

Just play it in its original form.

This year we got Prey and... yeah, thats it. Does the new wolfestein come out this year too?

>that upgrade that gives you infinite ammo at 25+ armor
>the upgrade that makes equipment items more effective
>glory killing demons drops armor

I played and finished Ultimate Doom for the first time last week with GZDoom and keyboard only, it's incredibly charming and the level design godlike, really cannot find many flaws.

Bought DOOM yesterday and so far it's fun, only 1h in but i imagine it gets better, still i feel like the movement is bland, but maybe that's because i played mostly UT and double jumping and side jumps plus insane speed and tricks made it fun as hell. At least it's nice to see a shooter which doesn't take itself too seriously

the game has mouse support and always did, why would you play it with keyboard only?

i guess because i heard when it came out it was keyboard only, tried it that way, got used to it and never though about it again until now, it took me some time to learn how to strafe and move seamlessly though

It was played by most people keyboard-only. But as long as you're not looking up and down, you're good.

Shills and newfags that have never even played a toptier FPS

The great, intricate and complex map design, with the game mechanics (such as the high movement speed) allowing the smooth and comfortable exploration of said map while also giving it a purpose (gaining ammo, health, armor, even weapons and items). The combat being properly intertwined with the exploration, and the enemy design. The well done artstyle and atmosphere (unlike the visually painful, sadistic mess that is new Doom).

Btw I did not grow up with Doom.

You guys know you're allowed to like both the old thing and the new thing, right? And you can even consider the old thing better than the new thing without blinding hating on the new thing, right?