What could have gone better?
What could have gone better?
Other urls found in this thread:
more dungeons
more intelligent enemy variety
Without making sacrifices to other areas, like "more dungeons" and "more enemies" would require?
Better balanced systems. The game becomes too easy to exploit.
With that said it's still my goty
No half assed puzzle rooms, like they managed to do a huge spralling dungeon for hyrule castle, why couldn't they for the rest of the game?
make it half as big.
i love it, but feel like i zone out just running to places with actual things happening.
Is there any word on what the second DLC is going to be? I'm itching to do a hard mode permadeath playtrough but I don't know if I should buy the pass
I agree with this
would also love something more to do with climbing. I LOVE climbing, but I found myself staring at rock/grass/ice the entire time. Gathering was fun, as well as leaps of faith with 1tic stamina left. Perhaps some more of that.
they could have not made it open world
holy shit this
I think around my 30~40th shrine, i started getting fatigued and dreaded solving the puzzles because of the repetitive music/loading/reward cutscene.
play with a loaded gun
>reward cutscene.
why do people bitch about this so much?
you can literally skip all of them
add long shot
remove half the shrines, add more dungeons
more enemy variety
more sheika slate powers
its kaysen and george
Remove the weapon durability system, or overhaul it completely. Only reason I can't be bothered to play through Hard mode.
unique rewards for exploration rather than knowing that theres just another shrine waiting for you.
maybe some kind of pacing, tho I realize it was an intentional decision to have everything accessible right from the start, it might have benefited from making certain things inaccessible due to reasons other than inferior equipment/health.
but those are just my opinions
are all dungeons just as small and the elephant one? took me like 10 minutes
Make the Gerudo's even taller.
i did
They could make it like some of the MMOs I played. Where certain weapons take reduced damage from enemies. For example: A sword weapon might take 85% less damage against a goblin. So you'd want to use a polearm. However the polearm could have a flaw too. Perhaps this is a challenge, but it would encourage you to switch out, without breaking them.
>Make it so you can store shit in your house
>Have some puzzles incorporated into the terrain
>Give actual reasons to explore the range above the Zora's Domain, and the entire north-eastern part of the map
>There's only 4 tests of strength, definitely could use some more
>More unique shrines like Evantide Isle and the pitch black island to the west of Death Mountain
>More music
>Get rid of the story entirely since it's so fucking vague and full of amnesia
>Call it anything but Zelda because this isn't a Zelda game
Or at least giving me an idea what the durability is besides good and FUCKED
Make the weapons have more variety and not just reskins exclusive to certain enemies/regions.
Also put in blacksmiths that can make and repair weapons for you with certain materials.
remove korok seeds. i dread 100% this game
>unique rewards for exploration rather than knowing that theres just another shrine waiting for you.
This. Doing quests, clearing out bokoblins and exploring for chests felt pointless because the reward was garbage half the the time, and even if you got a decent weapon out of it, thanks to the durability system it was still always "big whoop it's just going to break in two encounters tops".
Also too much of it was Ubi-style copypasted mini-events.
>Also put in blacksmiths that can make and repair weapons for you with certain materials.
I mean they kinda had that, but only for specific weapons,a blacksmith in various locations all over the world to enhance your gear so it has more durability would have been a great addition
>or just no breakage at all
yea the whole reason I got into Cemu emulation was to see if the game was any better if you just took durability out altogether
that and to make webms
They said winter 2017. So im guessing around Xmas. Definitely not early Dec as they have Xenoblade coming on 12/1
>more enemies would require sacrifices
Poor Nintendo, 6 years of dev time and infinite budget and they couldn't even make as many enemies as OoT had
That actually sounds like a really good idea user.
The main thing that really bugs me is that even weapons like the Champion weapons and the Master Sword break. You might find a cool weapon that you really like but you know your time with it is limited, it would be good if you could repair even just basic weapons at stables or towns and they weren't completely destroyed/removed from your inventory when broken, you could take them to a smith and fix them for a fee or something. It was obviously an intentional design decision from the dev team and I respect that but it's a major frustration for me with the game (don't get me wrong, I adored this game so much.)
Maybe something like monster hunter, where the weapons slowly get less and less effective.
change the weapon system and make slipping area exclusive (for challenges etc.) Its just fucking annoying, nothing more nothing less.
Yeah you're right but they shouldn't have stopped with Robbie's tech lab and the Champion weapons. Especially since all the weapons that you can get handmade like the Ancient weapons are just reskins of the guardian weapons or the champion weapons are actually worse than the Royal weapons unless you count Daruk's weapon being a little better than the Royal claymore.
Exactly what I'm talking about. If they sacrificed the complexity of BotW's main enemies and made them as simple as OoT's enemies, they could have just as many. You're probably taking for granted the fact that the 4 main enemy types have significantly more advanced AI and out-of-combat behavior than anything in OoT, and have movesets for 4 weapon types.
OoT, as a whole, had a good deal less content than BotW, as well as less detail and less in-depth systems. BotW was already about as big as a game can feasibly get. I don't think it's realistic for us to expect MOAR STUFF in one area without accepting sacrifices to another area.
Personally, although I enjoyed exploring the huge world, I felt it would be fine if they diverted resources away from that and towards other things. The world is large enough that you can easily spend 130+ hours exploring all of it, but the game's systems don't really hold up for that long (specifically combat), and the dungeon-like content is stretched too thin.
Because 99% of the content in Hyrule Castle is skipable, they need to have stuff that you're actually forced to do.
Remove level scaling. All it manages to do is make the top tier of weapons lose their luster because you're suddenly tripping over them everywhere you go.
Remove the "Hearty" effect, or confine it to some obscure recipe.
Add some more interesting sidequest rewards. Maybe make elixirs stronger (give them the hearty effect?) but have them require an empty bottle and then have bottles as rewards. Or give the player a way to control the weather, or let the player add the silver/gold enhancements to gear of their choice. Maybe optional utility runes. Like when you finish Blue Flame you get the ability to light stuff right next to you on fire on command or something.
Make it so if the game thinks you're in combat, like when the combat music plays, that you can't teleport.
Could have used a little more enemy variety. There could be a flying enemy that's at a threat level somewhere in the HUGE gap between keese and flying guardians for instance. and everyone wants to see Darknuts return, they're a perfect fit for the game given the whole beat enemies up and take their weapon thing.
There could have been more music tracks for the different regions, especially considering how ok they where with using remixes of old zelda tunes.
Should have had some proper dungeons just hidden out in the world. It gets old fast when you realize there's literally nothing but shitty shrines everywhere.
Something like three or four buildings like Hyrule castle in scale but with more puzzles.
When I played around launch. As beautiful and polished and LARGE in scale the game is.
These things made me realize that BotW is just an amazing Beta test for future Zeldas.
That's basically what the lost woods is.
I also like the labyrinths, but they don't seem to popular with other people
Um, it has music though?
The labyrinths weren't great because there was no eloquence to their structure. They were just bland, flat structures that had nothing to do with their surrounding environment. They may as well have been shrines. The only difference is the ground is brown instead of blue.
They were also pretty quick to deal with.
The framerate.
Less shrines, more dungeons and enemies please. I still didn't like the weapons being destroyed so less of that as well.
They could have made the world much smaller. There was too much empty space.
Level design, dungeons, items, memorable npcs and/or sidequests, combat hasn't changed an iota since OoT
A lot of things, OP, this game is extremely mediocre.
>structures that had nothing to do with their surrounding environment.
So... like normal man made structures then?
And two out of three of their locations make sense. A labyrinth is suppose to protect whatever is in it, so putting one out on a solitary island and another at the top of a cliff in the frigid cold makes sense.
And their structure is pretty cool, having the ground level as a mismatch compared to the top level with just enough secret passages was nice, there's also a nice spread of treasure and enemy ambushes in them.
It's just too bad that you can just climb up to the top of them. The only way I would change them would be to add a roof.
PCfags say hello.
Or just more Purah. More Purah fixes everything.
If the durability system had at least one (1) weapon that didn't break it would have been fine. The fact that the master sword gets too tired to fight after a few swings is the icing on the shit cake. If it had been permanent and other weapons were limited but useful (various elemental attacks or special attacks) it would have worked fine and no one would complain.
sonic pls go
Make a more interesting villain like Zant, Girahim or the Skull Kid.
Have more variety in the dungeon/ shrine aesthetic perhaps linked to the region you discover them in.
Show the story, don't just tell about events that have passed, let me play and experience these rather then watch a cutscene where I'm told this character had this relationship with Link.
Add some kind clothing with a rain proof ability like suction cups or a set bonus ability with the zora armor.
More meaningful sidequests that have worthwhile rewards.
A recipe book for food and elixers.
Perhaps let you photograph a korok and then use the slate sensor to find them.
Have more brilliant unexpected places like the forgotten temple, but make them grander and have something more interesting at the end of them like a unique clothing piece.
was it better without weapon breaking?
That would've been great, but I don't think we could've gotten that without sacrifices in other areas, or another year of dev time.
by not making it open world. game is fun but the world is boring as fuck.
kingdoms of amalur is better than this shit, and its literally a single player mmo
>OoT, as a whole, had a good deal less content than BotW
more enemies
more dungeons
more items
more bosses
Too much shit to fit in one post. Basically they needed to prioritize quality over quantity. A smaller world with more meaningful content in it, proper dungeons instead of shrines, memorable NPCs with interesting stories, etc.
>Be excited when i encounter my first lynel, hinox and talus and expect more world bosses
>those are the only ones
fix this
Having koizumi over the games rather than aonuma
more dungeons, less koroks, better story.
You'll be pleasantly surprised when you run into a Molduga.
But I agree, there could be more regional based ones then there are. Maybe Manhandla in the Faron region?
Less sidequests
Less weapons
Less armor
Less dialog
Less wildlife
Way less graphical detail
No Shrines
No cooking
Vastly lower level of environmental interaction
World is maybe 3% the size of BotW's
And like I said in that post, BotW's enemies are much more complex than OoT's.
But really, I'm not trying to focus on comparing BotW to OoT tit-for-tat. My point is that BotW already has as much stuff as you can realistically expect in a game; if you want more stuff, it'll probably come at the cost of other stuff. Though there are exceptions, like asset reuse, and better tools allowing devs to be more efficient.
In order to fix Botw, you have to get rid of the open world side of things. You can't have open world and a game at the same time. Open world is an anti thesis to gameplay. It's impossible for any dev to make a true open world game, and what you guys should be asking for is a more open ended linear experience, aka what Ocarina and LttP was essentially was.
This is genuinely bad music
>wandering through the plains
>keep occasionally hearing the windows startup sound played with one hand
>rest of the music is mostly a toddler playing a piano with one finger
That minimalist piano music made me always put something on in the background while playing.
>Locations like the towns and divine beats all have great music
>These locations make up like 5% of the total play area
>Of the entire rest 95% of the play area, snowy locations have a track, Death Mountain has a track, and EVERYWHERE else has a kinda crappy track.
Have the game world be smaller but have more interiors. Maybe optimize the game better so that there isn't so much fucking pop in.
a more handcrafted experience rather than the do anything in any order meme.
Less Shrines, and re-purpose the puzzles used in the missing shrines to make a few full dungeons along with bosses and new (optional) items.
I thought the story and character motives were weak.
Actually making the game hard.
It's already the hardest, as in most likely to actually kill the player, Zelda game since Zelda 2
Literally everything, aside from the mechanics.
This game was a big step forward for open world mechanics, but a huge step backward for open world atmosphere, design and immersion.
Can you mod lewd NPCs n PC version yet?
model swaps are already a thing, yes. best look at loverslab if they have something going.
A recipe list
A bar to show weapon durability instead of just a pop up when its about to break
You can run.
because ROLLING
I would have made the flying guardian patrols more intense.
>more dungeons
This is a big one. The divine beasts and Hyrule Castle are really fun and it'd be a lot better if they were bigger or if there was more of them.
Loot boxes
combat was fucking atrocious...what were they thinking with the lock on/targeting system
I love this game but here's my hot take:
>Make combat more varied and not shitty
>MORE enemy types including fan favorites, no excuse for the pitiful number in the game
>Actual traditional dungeons
>More ruins, points of interest, and rewards across the beautiful map besides just YAHAHA or the shrines
a better emphasis on character development. a little more fleshed out story. greater enemy variety,dungeons,better sidequests beyond fetch quests or gather a certain number of X, harder difficulty besides lol biggger hp n moar dmg. i mean improve enemy ai , change or limit the food system and matrix slo-mo cheese. a much harder final boss. even the most cum gazzling fanboy has to admit the final boss's form and mechanics were a disgrace.
Smaller overworld
More enemy variety
More weapon durability
Actual things to discover and not just 6 puzzles for seeds
Less fetch quests
More side stories out in the world
>wah wah not like OOT so not Zelda!!!
Fuck off, grandpa. Stop clinging to OOT and outgrown your nostalgia. BOTW is in every essence, a Zelda game, a just a modern one at that.
There's one more coming in the DLC.
>harder puzzles
I've caught myself overthinking puzzles a lot. thinking I'd have to switch my runes quickly for succession and what not when it was not the case
>remove weapon durability or lower it significantly
my favorite part is on the way to the fish people city I had to opt to run pass a lot of the enemies just because they rarely had weapons for me to pick up. no reason to waste my time fighting them since I don't get anything out of it.
>rescale damage
even at 6 hearts I can get one shot by regular enemies sometimes. it seems inconsistent.
>rework currency system
>more enemy types
>improve combat
it just doesn't feel very good. no roll?
Better soundtrack
No DLC and an expansion pack only if sales took off
>only if sales took off
They did tho?
There was a point in time when more copies of BotW for Switch were sold than actual Switch consoles.
Not the point. The "Season Pass" was announced BEFORE the game was released.
Too much focus on technological elements. Doesn't feel as magical as prior Zeldas. In my opinion.
Actual dungeons
An actual main quest
More than like 4 good side quests
Rewards being more than seeds, stones or more breakable weapons 90% of the time
Shrines having more diverse interiors
Weapon durability being a little less unforgiving - I don't mind that it's there but maybe double the durability and halve the weapon placements?
More tools to be acquired, this is why the Great Plateau was the best part of the game
Backstory not locked entirely behind optional collectibles
More enemy types
MUCH less abundant resources
Having to use consumables in real time instead of in the safety of a pause screen (something Skyward Sword actually did right)
More sword techniques, replace flurry rush with refinements on TP's combat base
And I think that'll do for now.
I honestly wish there were 4 full length dungeons, that had no impact on the story even. Maybe they could have been giant shrines. But just some dungeons you stumble upon that were more in line with standard dungeons. I really hope they give this game the Majora's Mask treatment and give it a sequel using and adding onto the assets already established.
You know, instead of locking Link's memories behind bullshit picture matching they could've just let the player seek out dungeons where the reward is piecing his memories back together again. I'd take that because I really don't need much of an excuse to play a good dungeon.
should've had each region have its own aesthetic for the Shrines
Shrines > Dungeons
People might think I'm trolling, but while I had fun with this game, it honestly made me long for the more detailed open worlds of games like Elder Scrolls or GTA. Sure, those games don't have as good mechanics, but BotW doesn't doesn't offer any interest in going around the world and I never really felt immersed in the world. It felt like just using neat mechanics for the sake of it, but didn't give me those satisfying feelings of immersion that I get from other open worlds.
more dungeons.
rethink tablet powers so its not just an infinite bomb machine.
make horses not useless and make copy paste stables into small towns instead.
weapons have more durability/blacksmiths in towns to repair items. blacksmiths also sell basic equip.
they could have done more story in towns i guess. its weird how story was sorta optional.
botw feels like they laid down the groundwork for a really really good zelda engine but sorta halfassed everything.