So the Amnesia collection is one of the ps+ games for October. Am I about to get very spooked?

So the Amnesia collection is one of the ps+ games for October. Am I about to get very spooked?


Not by Dark Descent. That game is trash because it relies purely on the physical horror of the monsters plus some Lovecraftian trash.

A Machine for Pigs is great though if you have a sense for psychological horror.

This opinion is not the same as mine.

Now this is being a contrarian

t. actual retard

let me guess, AMFP is retardedly deep and nobody but you and your crew of autists "got" how deep it was, so its now better than TDD?

This is the dumbest thing I've ever read on Sup Forums.
Congratulations, your opinion is dogshit.

>defending lovecraftian shit

nobody is this retarded, everyone stop replying to the terrible bait

The Dark Descent has better gameplay and atmosphere, also, the VA is a joy to listen to.

A Machine for Pigs actually has a great story, but the fact that it's a pseudo-walking simulator ruins it. Some of the writing is 10/10 though.



machine for pigs has a garbage story but it does have some segments of good writing

Fuck off. A machine for pig is a walking simulator, it ruined Amnesia. Fuck the chinese room, i'm happy that they burned, they created this walking simulator genre that i always hated because videogame became lazier to make.
It also has a garbage story.


The atmosphere is secondary to the jumpscares, unfortunately. The idea of not being able to fight at all, and the shitty controls, is generally just lame.

confirmed for having absolutely no clue about the topic

> ahahah look mom i posted it again i'm meming so well

I actually haven't played AMFPigs.. is it really that bad?

Why are you asking if the game is "that bad" when I'm saying that it's good?

Lol this guy, thinks he knows psychological horror.

A Machine for Pigs is the better one, but they're both pretty good. The ominous narration in AMfP makes it more interesting to me than Dark Descent. Not a popular opinion, but it's the one that takes some thought to arrive at and so that's not surprising it isn't popular.

>games with no gameplay
play alien isolation or good old silent hill

It removes most of what Amnesia so great. It removed most of the challenge. No physic puzzle in this game using the engine. Terrible, useless monsters in this game so you never actually try to be stealthy and hide and try to go past it because it does pathetic damage (and some fags even made mods so it don't do any)


There was zero challenge in the first Amnesia, the AI was always hella gameable and the sanity mechanic was never a problem.

This is more like Bruno than Fedora... but I'll take it. A Machine for Pigs is really good.

Because its obviously bait you fucking retard.